
  • New and free energy sources have been available for some time. The power elite has everyone imprisoned , as well as impoverished from the cost of fuels, mistakes, and spills. Why would they want to clean it up. It is another excuse to drive the prices up again. It does not matter who it affects. Our poor sea creatures and mammals are in danger. They don't have any time left. They don't care. They are service to selves and have their own agenda. We have been conditioned to think that loss of life where aborted babies, senseless killing of animals at shelters, hunting, killing of animals for food, and loss of life in our seas, beaches, and other wildlife does not matter. It does matter and it is not ok. Wake up and start caring. Be a voice. Be a solution! Stand up for what is right. The Earth is crying! The children are crying>>

    The children are crying!
    Can you hear the sound?
    No laughter or joking.
    Only fear all around.
    The questions they're asking,
    Is what went wrong;
    No one can give them an answer
    Only silence abounds!

    We won't walk into the darkness,
    We won't walk from the light,
    We will walk into forever,
    Forever into the light...

  • The oil spill did not have to happen. Our Creator is not happy. We are suppose to care of the beautiful creatures on our living plant. So long has the Earth and her beautiful living souls had to suffer the greed, and unconcerned neglect from the power elite! No more will can I stand the heinous crimes. It is time to take a stand. We are all connected in the universe. We have to take care of one another. We have fight the injustice and walk in the Truth. I challenge each and everyone of you to take a stand and fight for what is right and just!

    Dolphin comments and graphics
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RandyFirstContact commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Light Ship Revealing Itself?
"You could probably ask for a physical contact Alternate Earth if you felt ready for something like that. It doesn't guarantee they would teleport you or land, they would have to assess whether you were ready to meet non-humans face to face.

And I…"
6 minutes ago
ET Hugger commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Light Ship Revealing Itself?
"I think it’s your bear buddies again. Does your family also see these ships and what is their reaction?"
1 hour ago
AlternateEarth posted a blog post
This guy has been monitoring the magnetic pole shift for years. Apparently there a remote electronic devices at the north pole.
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Jon-he could get a ride on this Light Ship if he wanted."
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth posted a blog post
1/15/25-Caught this a couple of hours ago- after about a minute the light goes out and you can see a ship!
4 hours ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"On a totally unrelated subject, let me state, as I've stated to my missionary friends before lol That when and if Jesus comes back, it's gonna be on a UFO lol I mean HOW ELSE HE GONNA COME BACK. Floating down from space, on a cloud lol"
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Justin-I would bet that the Martians don't want 'the'-it is said that the most terrifying, intense energies is Pluto at the spirit levels -send them there."
4 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
"Good start here as Red Dye 3 is set to be banned soon. I expect RFK Jr. to get more unhealthy ingredients banned when he officially gets in."
5 hours ago