Ok so How do I Heal This One?

Normally I would never divugle this kind of stuff to anyone.

Not even my closest of friends. I think they're a little too

immature to understand the nature of the severity of this.

I'm not trying to be harsh on them that's just what I feel.


I'm taking advantage of anonymity on the internets lol.

It's been brought up again and has been haunting me

the past week. I've gone over it a million times and

can't understand it.  I normally have to bury it very

deep to get on with my life, pretend it never

happened. However I think that's making it worse.


I've had a close male friend from school since

year 8 (2004). He's part of a group of close friends

who we all met at that time, we're so different

yet so close it makes me wonder if we were

friends in another life time.


I've actually developed a strong 'love' feeling

towards him since after the second year

of knowing him and it's stayed with me since.

Even to this day. It's not your typical teenage

fling crap, which has been pretty much all

my other failed partnerships.


I never told any of my friends, knowing they'd

just tell the whole world anyway. I don't think

they'd understand how different this feeling is

to their normal experience of 'love'.


The thing that I can't seem to understand is,

alot of other girls who knew him seemed to

experience this same feeling towards him.

I'm wondering  maybe if it's just some kind

of different energy he has about him, and

i'm misinterperting that energy.


I mean alot of them became almost obsessed

with him. He has a long term partner now anyway,

but it hurts like hell. I've never really knew what

people were talking about using your heart

instead of your head until just recently

when the issue was brought up again.


Holy crap it's a strong feeling. He obviously

dosen't have any of those feelings towards

me and I'm trying to find some sort of way

to resolve or dissolve these feelings.

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  • The way I look at it, it's never a good idea deny/repress/bury feelings. It just makes them stick around longer - it's like the saying "what you resist persists". I suggest that you ALLOW yourself to fully FEEL these feelings, and actually revel in them. Feelings have a habit of passing when you do this.

    This year I've met a few people who I've developed very strong feelings for. Despite the strength of the attraction, it usually passes quite quickly LOL! I think this is because I ALLOW it, and enjoy it.

    Feelings are energy and energy is always changing, but the energy gets stuck if you resist.

    Be like the ocean as the waves pass through.... ALLOW
  • BEEN THERE. And it's hard. The thing is... we are here on this earth. What if none of us had faces? What if we were blind? Love is love for everything and towards everything, it's forgiveness and acceptance and respect. To yourself as well. Love as a teenager is the worst kind because it's so off track usually. I believe you feel genuine love for him and perhaps you have been together in other lifetime(s).
    You know love cannot be measured or seen... only expressed. I've been through so much jealousy in my life that it has vanished. My ex found a new and I'm actually happy for him. I don't like her, there's something about her personality, but that's OK because they love each other right now. At least what they measure as love.

    I've met people whos lost their husband or wife of brother or dad, and the connection of love still remains. it always will. We're just here until we die physically. During that time, REAL love can't die or happen - it just is. You're so in tune with this guy, there's no wonder your teenage heart (I'm sorry, are you a teenage? - I keep referring to you as one... my bad if you're not :) is a bit thrown off by all the energies and emotions around you. If you love him, you love him. You don't need to have him. You can't have anyone. No one can even though it looks like it. It's a lost cause.

    I can't answer what love is to you, but we're all gonna die from this physical reality sooner or later. I believe real love is there besides this physical world as well, mostly we love someone because we need to experience something. I've grown from all my relationships and I don't love them anymore. My ex who I do love, I love unconditionally, I love him regardless. It's not a normal thing to love someone like that, you know.. travelling the world for years and returning back. Looking in his eyes and feel as if time hasn't passed by at all. Looking at that girl beside him, thinking "Why is he with her?" ;)

    The trick of living here as humans - is to not want to have it like a belonging. You're gonna have to be fine with him even marrying someone else because you already have him. Don't be upset. Just.. take a new perspective. The bond you share with him - and he may not even be aware of it, that's fine - he will be aware sooner or later on a soul-perspective, but the bond is eternal and always. It's whats REAL. I guess that's the scary part huh.. :) wish you all the luck!
  • You know if you know and if you dont know if you know then you just dont know but you know , i will let you know how do you know if you just dont know? When you know how you know then you will know and now you know , but do you know what i mean? You can look at symbols like for here instance, here is a paragrah from the bible the book of revealations which is full of symbols about twin flames,the symbol outside of you is a symbol of something inside you and there are symbols hidden everywhere ,the Alpha and Omega , Shiva and Shakti,and others but its a symbol of the outer marriage where everyone comes to a wedding and everyone is happy for some strange reason as they celebrate a wedding for some strange reason,lol humans are funny,they dont even know why they are celebrating a wedding,but here is the verse from the bible>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Revelation 21
    The New Jerusalem
    1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." <<<<<< The New Jerusalem,Jer-USA-lem , is a symbol of a new state of consciousness that you awaken to as you connect thee Alpha and Omega Polarity within you and they come together to marry and unite and then thee inner symbol manifests outside of you in the form of? Take a guess! Did you say twin flame? Now you Know!
  • Aha!! Eiskel.....this is a really cool topic.

    A few years ago while single I decided to change the situation and find a girlfriend. So,early on after making this decision I was putting myself out there,getting out and about spending some time at the local bar,which was nice little joint to chill for a few hours. Now,there was this girl that would go there with her friends that I noticed often,she would be sitting there at their table and I could tell that she was single,cos she was always there lol but I found myself not really compelled to go up to her and talk. Just "something"...I couldnt put my finger on it at the time. So...I got talking to a few other people,I approached a few ladies there,and got knocked back a few times lol but kept on trying. Anyways...I found myself continually attracted to girls who already had partners. And it got to me after a while. I was thinking "Ahh what the heck? Why is that I keep going for the ones who arent single?" There is something about peoples energy who are comfortable with themselves and not looking for anything that makes other people comfortable enough to like them. I realised that I was giving off desperate signals,neediness,clinginess etc. So i did the inner work to change that. Said to myself Ok...I just gotta be comfortable with myself,and love myself more and have that energy.
    Further to this....theres something about people who are in a lets call it a 'hot; relationship,that seems to charge their auras up with all this "love' energy. It simply radiaties from them and others feel it and pick up on it subconciously or conciously if they are aware of it. Its this subtle energy. Its like they have a sign on them that says " I am a Loved Being! I am worthy of your attention etc " Yet energy is really contagious and doesnt seem to care who it goes to. It sems really backwards,its like its not fair! Those who have,more shall be given. That phrase kept getting into my mind. You will see it in action in heaps of ways in relation to people.

    Sorry if this gets long but its worth it.
    I never actually spoke to that girl who sat there alone,even though I knew she was lonely and probably would have appreciated the attention. Right, so I got to work in loving myself,being completely at ease with whatever I was doing and changed my energy. People started coming up to me :) I had that nice energy that others wanted to be around. So I kept this up and found myself in a relationship with this most lovely partner. We were both using that same net forum before we met. She is a full orbed clairvoyant and was doing readings n stuff and posting on the forum and is quite popular.

    One time while driving to her place,I was thinking 'who is zooming who here?' Am I manifesting her into my life or is she manifesting me into hers? And Im driving along and realised that she makes everyone feel the same way! Everyone loves her to bits. Absolutely everyone she meets or comesinto contact with just goes ga ga over her, All her ex's have a real hard time letting go. Everyone that talks to her online feels EXACTLY the same! Im sure of it.

    Some people simply have this Irresistable Energy. I reckon this dude your are talking about has the same kind of thing going on. You say you are not the only one who feels that way about him. I imagine that he is a very confident and self assured dude who is comletely comfortable with himself and he is probably really comfortable with other people too and it makes them feel good!

    I suppose they call it 'Charm'. He's got it. Rockstars have it. Popular people have it. And it contagious!

    Cool Topic! Me likey :)
    • okay Captin Plushy , were you trying to say something about twin flames or are we all supposed to hop in this car you were driving in with your wonderful friend, and play patty cake patty cake bake me a cake as fast as you can? Nice comment though!
      • No Catpain Sayzarzillion,I was trying to keep away from the twinflame aspect actually. I responded to the original post without reading any of the responses.

        I know I got sidetracked there,but didnt want to encapsulate it in a cliched phrase. I wanted to convey to Eiskel about this little phenomenon that I had noticed...that was all.

        You know how some people seem to attract trouble everywhere they go. Doesnt matter who it is,friends,family,co workers,people on the street. Everywhere they go there is drama,and other people who always seem to have it sweet. The essence of it is something to do with the energy we put out.
        What she said seemed to parallel something I had experienced and figured a grounded example of it might help her to understand it a little more.

        As to what you are supposed to do is your business. Who am I to tell you what to do?
        • I must have mistaked you for GOD ? Sorry!
  • well you might want to try the twin flame path as there are many paths but the twin flame path takes you back to the beginning of all relationships in the white fire core from which you both came out of.Some might try to tell you there is no twin flame, but who invented the word twin flame in the first place and why? Did Santa Claus invent twin flames? No i dont think so,I think someone named God invented twin flames and who this God is i have no clue and why he/she IT would invent such a silly word as twin flame is beyond me unless of course this is a true word? Maybe Einstien knew something about love? No i think he was too busy with the light bulb,maybe that famous basket ball player named Wilt Chamber knew something about love cause afterall he said he had 10 000 lovers as if one was not enough?No he lived in his lower chakra.Maybe Elvis Presely knew something about love cause he had quite a few lovers himself?No, he died a sad unhappy person unfortuantely. Maybe King Solomon with his 700 wives knew something about love? No he could never figure out what he was doing with so many wives in the first place ,its a good thing they didnt have pre nuptual agreements back then cause King Solomon would have not been very rich afterall. .Maybe Don Juan knew something about love? No he was trapped in the illusion .Maybe some rock n roll stars know about love since they have lots of girlfriends? No they always sing the wrong love song! Maybe Jesus knows something about love? No i dont think he had a girlfriend? Hold on a second i might be wrong about Jesus, Jesus is sending me an email from the Andromeda Galaxy right now , let me see what it says, it says>>Captin you are wrong, When i was on Earth I use to go transcending cosmic Kisses with my twin flame Mary and there is nothing like transcending cosmic kisses ,God first invented kissing and when God kissed ITS /he/her his twin flame < God said oh wow oh wow oh wow! i love this , i will reserve this divine secret only for those who seek out their twin flame.Okay Jesus thanks for that email ,enjoy your stay in thee Andromeda Galaxy! well golly geepers , there we have it one explanation for love.But of course another explanation for love could be karma cause when you meet someone your attracted to they can stir up your emotional body and you can call it falling in love or falling into karma and then you can meet someone you are attracted to and have no emotions(energies in motion) for at all.You never know everyone has their own opinion so whos right and who is wrong? Why dont you ask Santa Claus and if you dont believe in Santa then ask God and if you dont believe in God then send Jesus an email and see what he has to say?Each to their own but the heart chakra where the twin flame dwells is probably tour best bet.Good luck!
  • Love... is a powerful energy :)

    I would say that if you are feeling love for this person you "act" on it. Become his friend, and get closer to him. Anytime you think that you can have something special, never pass it up~ :)


    That's my advice, love isn't something you can heal, it's something that you should act on! :-)
    • lol, being "in love," doesn't make me feel powerless...

      Don't hate the word-- hate the people who can't get it right, lol. It's not the word, "love," that's tricking anybody. "Love" still means the same thing. It is our perspective and personal experiences that add flavor and emotional responses to words.

      How about instead of banning the word from your vocabulary, you just change the way the word affects you, lol?
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