
  • did you not know that cnn the most trusted parrot in news is owned by the military industrial network since way back in the 60's or whenever they first opened the news corporation, they are the illuminati's in disguise.

    i knew they were, and they will deviate anyone out the truth even if they have to kill them to silence their stories...
    • Obama is still sending people to war. The Nobel Prize in Peace? Are you kidding me?

      ha ha ha
  • I LOVED that Anderson was all over that guy! I don’t care if Obama was born on Mars -- he’s the best thing to happen to this country since JFK. Is he perfect? No. Is he extremely limited by those who surround him and the powers that be? Yes, and this has been the case for every president who comes into office. Obama was handed one big bag of shit to deal with and there has been no other world leader who has championed peoples’ rights like he has. And if you look at what Anderson does, it’s easy to see that this guy is another shining light in our world.
    • "he's the best thing to happen to this country since JFK "
      wow ... there are still people brain washed and oterly clueless as it comes to obama...
      "and if you look at what Anderson does, it’s easy to see that this guy is another shining light in our world "
      unbeleivable...well there's a very good example of how effective brainwashing is
      LAF m8 WAKE UP!!!!! and educate yourself a bit...
      if you did youd know obama has spent more $ than all the other presidents b4 him...he ruined the country
      LAF your not very bright to say things like that
      • LOL! Jean, you think everyone is evil. Get over your pompous self. And that's all the energy that I'll give to you.
        • well why do you say these ridiculous statements???
          you promote people who lie to us and say they are supposed to sit there while you try to
          brainwash people quite like "1984" Orwell..

          heres a little article about your "greatest thing since jfk"
          From The Times
          June 5, 2010
          Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75 countries across world
          Tim Reid and Michael Evans, Washington


          Recommend? (30)

          President Obama has secretly sanctioned a huge increase in the number of US special forces carrying out search-and-destroy missions against al-Qaeda around the world, with American troops now operating in 75 countries.

          The dramatic expansion in the use of special forces, which in their global span go far beyond the covert missions authorised by George W. Bush, reflects how aggressively the President is pursuing al-Qaeda behind his public rhetoric of global engagement and diplomacy.

          When Mr Obama took office US special forces were operating in fewer than 60 countries. In the past 18 months he has ordered a big expansion in Yemen and the Horn of Africa — known areas of strong al-Qaeda activity — and elsewhere in the Middle East, central Asia and Africa.

          According to The Washington Post, Mr Obama has also approved pre-emptive special forces strikes to disrupt terror plots, and has given the units powers and authority that was not granted by Mr Bush when he occupied the White House.

          It also emerged yesterday that Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, has ordered the Pentagon to find savings of more than $100 billion (£68 billion) over the next five years to redistribute more funds for combat forces — including special operations units. Mr Gates has called on all departments to come up with proposals by July 31, and is initially demanding $7 billion in cuts and efficiencies for the 2012 fiscal year, and further cuts each year up to 2016.

          The effort to provide more money for combat forces in Afghanistan and Iraq — including special operations units — is likely to lead to a clash with Congress, and also with the defence industry if favoured equipment programmes are scrapped.

          The aggressive secret war against al-Qaeda and other radical groups has coincided with a surge in the number of US drone attacks in the lawless border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, an al-Qaeda and Taleban haven, since Mr Obama took office.

          Just weeks after he entered the White House, the number of missile strikes from the CIA-operated unmanned drones significantly increased, and the pattern has remained. In Iraq, US forces have killed 34 out of the top 42 al-Qaeda operatives in the past 90 days alone.

          General Ray Odierno, the US commander in Baghdad, disclosed yesterday that special forces had penetrated the al-Qaeda headquarters in Mosul in northern Iraq, which had helped them to target key figures involved in financing and recruiting .

          Mr Obama has asked for a 5.7 per cent increase in the Special Operations budget for the 2011 fiscal year — a total of $6.3 billion — on top of an additional $3.5 billion he requested this year.

          Of about 13,000 US special forces deployed overseas, about 9,000 are evenly divided between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their use, and the increase in drone attacks, is a strategy that has been strongly advocated by Joe Biden, the Vice-President, but criticised by the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Hundreds of civilians have died in special operations A report last week revealed that the top US commander in the Middle East had signed an order last September authorising a big expansion of clandestine military missions in the region, and also in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Somalia.

          General David Petraeus signed the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Executive Order on September 30. In the three months that followed there was a surge of special operations troops into Yemen, where US operatives are now training local forces.

          Since then, US military specialists working with Yemeni armed forces are said to have killed six out of 15 leaders of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The raids followed reports linking the group to the murder of 13 Americans at Fort Hood, Texas, and the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Northwest Airlines jet.

          The order also allowed for US special forces to enter Iran to gather intelligence for a possible future military strike if tensions over its alleged nuclear weapons programme escalate dramatically.

          The seven-page document states that the surge is designed to build networks that could “penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy” al-Qaeda and other militant groups, and to “prepare the environment” for future military strikes by US and local forces.

          • President Obama is reported to have chosen a US intelligence veteran, retired General James Clapper, as his new Director of National Intelligence. General Clapper, whose nomination comes at a time of mounting domestic terror threats, would replace Dennis Blair, who stepped down last month amid heavy criticism over a string of security lapses.

          i can pull out another 100 of these articles you refuse to read or agnoledge
          this is why i attack you...your being fooled..making you a .... ?
      • "Is he extremely limited by those who surround him and the powers that be?"what a joke
        he appointed and surrounded himself with banksters and wall street people...his choice..
        name one thing he did that was good
        and dont say obamacare..if you do, it will show me how much you know...
  • Anderson Cooper interviewed Lt Col Lakin on CNN on May 7th, and completely tried to incriminate him even further! I am disqusted with CNN and I personally wrote Anderson Cooper and told him so and that I would no longer even tune into their network.

    Instead of Obama releasing proof of a legit birth certificate, he unleashed Army lawyers! Here's the full story, very, very, sad indeed. We need to pull together folks and raise our voices PLEASE! I hope that some of you will also write to Anderson Cooper at CNN!
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