Remind yourself continually that, no matter what situation you find yourself in, you always have a choice. Often, it is the fact that you do not recognise this which causes you to see no way out of an undesirable life situation, to see no way to change it. As soon as you recognise and acknowledge that you have choices, and affirm this, you become able to see the choices which are before you.
The available options will not always be acceptable to you. Some, or maybe all, may appear to lead to outcomes which are completely unacceptable to you, so you feel you must remain in the present limiting situation. Regardless of that, you must still recognise that alternative pathways are available… and you, yourself, have decided that they are not paths you wish to take.
That is where your power lies. That is where your freedom lies.
Apply this whenever you find yourself in a life situation that is unsatisfying to you, a situation that causes you frustration or distress, a situation that engenders feelings of helplessness or longing for change. Even the most subtle of these situations is easily recognisable if you pay attention to the words you express when discussing yourself or your life with others.
When you see that you have begun to refer to a situation with negative talk, stop and be present. Review the situation honestly, objectively, and without the input of fear. Ask yourself: “what are my alternative options in this case?”
When the options are evident, make a choice. Is there a preferable alternative to pursue? Or do you find that your current situation is the best option for you at this time? Once you have made a choice, you have exercised your freedom.
If you have chosen to remain in the present situation, release all your negative perceptions of it. Begin to see its many beautiful aspects, the ways it nourishes and inspires you, the ways that it blesses your life. Release all need to feel dis-empowered by focusing on the ‘less perfect’ aspects of the situation. Recognise that you have made a choice.
If you are unable to identify any rewarding aspects, it is likely that you have made a choice based on fear, rather than truth, and that another alternative will be more nourishing to your being. As you review your options, set aside your fears as much as possible. Assume, for the time of review at least, that there are no limits or obstacles, and that there is nothing to fear. Try to believe that you truly are free and are not bound by any of the things you may fear. This will allow you to come closer to the true witness of this situation.
Try to make every situation one that you have chosen, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant. If you find any situation in your life which you have not chosen. Review it. Then choose it or change it.
There you find your freedom.
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All of this message resonates with me, and it especially reminds me that we sometimes disempower ourselves by pretending that we have no choices, and this creates feelings of frustration. By owning the choices that we make, this helps us to feel more in control of our situation, even if the choices available to us are not ideal. For me, I sometimes get anxious when I feel like I am trapped by my circumstances, but I have found that this anxiety can be alleviated by identifying the choices available to me, even if they are not ideal. This helps me to feel more in control, and this, for me, is an antidote to anxiety.