Schneider - World Hero Speaking Up to Protect Everyone From Vaccine KillersRob Schneider speaks out about State Farm ad pulled due to his stance on childhood vaccines."The ‘Saturday Night Live’ alum won’t budge on his beliefs even if he feels State Farm’s decision was a cheap shot. ‘Thanks to all my supporters who believe ... that parents should decide what’s in the best interests of their child.’ "USO TourThe Elite behind the Vaccine Industry would have the country (and world) believe that vaccines prevent diseases and that Rob Schneider is a jerk for saying people should have a choice. A choice.Yeah, what a jerk. People should allow the government to inject ANYTHING into them whenever the CDC, which works for the CIA, which works for the Rockefellers says so. at how great vaccines are at preventing diseases.1918 20 - 50 million people died from vaccines, and aspirin. The pharmaceutical Industry blamed it on a virus that didn't exist.Vaccines were deadly."If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued doggedly. .... [Emphasis added.]"20,000,000 died of that flu epidemic, worldwide, and it seemed to be almost universal or as far away as the vaccinations reached. Greece and a few other countries which did not accept the vaccines were the only ones which were not hit by the flu. [Emphasis in the original.]And aspirin finished people off. who did well during 1918 did not take vaccines."At home (in the U.S.) the situation was the same; the only ones who escaped the influenza were those who had refused the vaccinations. My family and I were among the few who persisted in refusing the high pressure sales propaganda ,and none of us had the flu not even a sniffle, in spite of the fact that it was all around us, and in the bitter cold of winter. Everyone seemed to have it. The whole town was down sick and dying. The hospitals were closed because the doctors and nurses were down with the flu. Everything was closed, schools, businesses, post office everything. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. There were no doctors to care for the sick, so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to help the stricken in any way they could. They spent all day and part of the night for weeks, in the sick rooms, and came home only to eat and sleep. If germs or viruses, bacteria, or any other little organisms were the cause of that disease, they had plenty of opportunity to latch onto my parents and “lay them low” with the disease which had prostrated the world. But germs were not the cause of that or any other disease, so they didnt “catch” it. I have talked to a few other people since that time, who said they escaped the 1918 flu, so I asked if they had the shots, and in every case, they said they had never believed in shots and had never had any of them." still the CDC continues with the Myth of a 1918 Virus, because it is essential to sell vaccines. the CDC certainly can't say that the homeopathy was a stunning success in 1918, saving the lives of almost everyone treated naturally, or that the Rockefellers controlled the pharmaceutical industry - an off-shoot of the oil companies - got rid of homeopathy hospitals and began to control all medical schools and research institutions, and to promote drugs and vaccines that had just murdered tens of millions. the CDC which is run by the CIA which is run by the Rockefellers certainly can't say that after the German pharmaceutical industry's vaccines and aspirin caused the greatest medical catastrophe in human history, and only 25 years later that industry (now called IG Farben which the Rockefellers had half interest in) caused WWII, put Hitler into office, ran the concentration camps and death camps, experimented on people with vaccines, and killed millions 50-70 million more people, just because they wanted to. Hard sell for their products to label them "Nazi-Made, Death-Insured."Mid 1950s Polio vaccines caused polio.The Rockefellers are behind them and every thing to do with them, possibly eve causing outbreaks with DDT.After their double success after WWI and during WWII in murdering between 70 to 120 million people, the Rockefellers and the now 20 times larger Nazi pharmaceutical industry which the Rockefellers had half interest in, immediately after the Holocaust took control of the WHO.Then the Rockefellers became the driving force behind the polio vaccine which came out in the mid 50s.But Vitamin C had already been proved a CURE for polio in 1949., Rockefeller, Rockefeller and the polio vaccine"The year 1952 marked the worst polio epidemic in the United States – ever. Thousands of children and adults contracted paralytic polio that year. Many died. America demanded swift answers. In response to the outcry, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (NFIP) and March of Dimes launched a major public relations campaign. The answer was a vaccine. There was a problem with the approach, though. The vaccine was touted as the only answer to the “childhood crippler." [Emphasis added.]Vitamin C had cured all cases of polio in 2 days in 1949."Where’s the connection between the Rockefeller Family, Federal Reserve Bank, and the polio vaccine? As I noted above, the common thread of this concept is financial influence through Rockefeller coffers. This influence directly extends to the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis."In 1955 Time Magazine wrote of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis blowing the danger of polio out of proportion. But why would anyone blow out of proportion something as serious as polio? Here is a snippet from that article:“All week the air was full of brickbats for Secretary Hobby and her department, although President Eisenhower defended her (see NATIONAL AFFAIRS). In retrospect, a good deal of the blame for the vaccine snafu also went to the National foundation (for Infantile Paralysis), which, with years of publicity, had built up the danger of polio out of all proportion to its actual incidence, and had rushed into vaccinations this year with patently insufficient preparation.” emphasis addedMedicine: Vaccine Snafu. Monday, May 30, 1955,9171,866421-2,00.html#ixzz0lwMucUsMAs a researcher I had to force myself to rethink the implications. I asked myself the question, “If the Rockefellers helped create the Federal Reserve Bank and now manipulate our wealth, are they doing the same through vaccines in order to manipulate our health?”Delicious PoisonIt’s a plausible question. In retrospect many health problems have been attributed to the polio vaccine. For example, the cancer-causing Simian Virus 40 (SV40), made in part from ground up monkey kidneys, contaminated the original polio vaccine. Moreover, the polio vaccine manufactured by Cutter Laboratories and Wyeth was actually causing paralysis!Even the original cause of polio has been questioned. Documented evidence shows neurotoxic pesticides, such as DDT, sprayed on crops and livestock as a more likely cause of the polio epidemic. Even the vaccine literature states many things that could cause symptoms indistinguishable from polio. So where does knowing this information leave us? [Emphasis added.]"Henry Kumm worked at the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation for Medical Research in 1928. During the Second World War, Kumm experimented with larvicides containing DDT, a known neurotoxin often related to polio-like symptoms, to control the spread of malaria in Italy. [21] The pesticide DDT is often implicated as a likely cause of the polio epidemic in the 1950s.""As touched upon in the article, livestock and crops were heavily sprayed with DDT in the 1950s."According to the Medical Archives at John Hopkins, “In 1951, he resigned from the Rockefeller Foundation to accept a position as assistant director of research at the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. He conducted field trials in the study of gamma globulin and the Salk vaccine and became the director of research in 1954. Rejoining the Rockefeller Foundation in 1959, Kumm retired as an associate professor in 1964.”Absolutely everything connected with polio has got Rockefeller fingerprints all over it. And Salk, disgustingly, tested his unnecessary vaccine (a cure already existed) on on crippled and deformed children at the D.T. Watson Home for Crippled ChildrenThe Rockefellers have suppressed patents on renewable energy to protect their oil interests, have forced the country into debt through the Federal Reserve Bank, have caused genocide through their interest in IG Farben, so what are they doing with vaccines? It's a trick question since only disease is worth money."The marketplace for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body – but only for as long as the body hosts diseases. Thus, maintaining and expanding diseases is a precondition for the growth of the pharmaceutical industry. - Tulane University along with the CIA, run by the Rockefellers, weaponized the polio vaccine."Haslam believes the top secret experiments Sherman, Ferrie and Baker conducted in 1963 involved irradiating SV-40 virus with a linear accelerator, with the intention of a creating a biological warfare agent. Their hope was to create a mutated virus that would cause a “galloping cancer” that would kill its victim within weeks. It was Ferrie’s job to sacrifice the mice, dissect the tumors and identify and extract viruses that seemed the most virulent."1972 - WHO (Rockefellers) intentionally caused AIDS in AFRICA with vaccines and killed millions." .... a 1972 report (Bulletin #47) issued by the World Health Organization [Rockefellers] referred to an immune virus requested which would selectively destroy the Human T Cell System, to be distributed in conjunction with a Nationwide vaccination program "to observe the results". This coincided precisely with the extensive Small Pox vaccination program in central Africa - shortly preceding the outbreak of Aids in Africa, America & elsewhere. The determining factor most common in Aids victims is the breakdown of the T Cell System in the body." [Emphasis added.]Memo 1: 2: - Kissinger (who works for the Rockefellers) urged sterilizing vaccines, an idea that came straight out of Auschwitz experiments.. Security Council Document 20506: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests -This 1974 memorandum drafted by Henry Kissinger led directly to the unleashing of experimental vaccines on the unsuspecting public. It sighted countries as targets for "initial population reduction experimentation to be implemented around the year 2000". They identified India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia & Columbia for study. 3 million Filipinos ages 12-48 were given a test vaccine that ruined their health. North American Black & Native American Women were each given the same vaccine resulting in sterility rates of 25% & 35% respectively. The directive came from the WHO and was directly tied to Kissinger's report. - CDC, after one death of unknown source, promoted Swine Flu vaccines which killed 500 and maimed thousands before a lawyer filed suit and the vaccines were stopped.A video by 60 minutes. - Swine flu vaccine deaths following massive CDC lies about incidence of swine flu and after CDC put pregnant women first in line (CDC works for the CIA which works for the Rockefellers).700% increase in fetal deaths.,000 time more mercury in vaccines that allow in drinking water. Bill Gates causes widespread polio and deaths in Asia.Bill Gates paralyzed 47,500 children in India in only one year with his polio vaccine which is twice as deadly as wild polio. There is no tally on how many were paralyzed and killed in Pakistan but the numbers of children's deaths and crippling was high enough the government wanted to stop the vaccine campaign (the WHO threatened the country with "saturation" vaccination, and it turned out that the CIA was part of the vaccine teams.Gates along with the Rockefellers controls the WHO which filed all those polio cases under "non-polio" paralysis and declared Gates causing polio all over India a giant success toward eradicating polio. Trolls on line claim it wasn't polio but "non-polio" flaccid paralysis as the WHO does. They ignore the cases all happened right after Gates' vaccines, in the same area as Gates' vaccines were given, and the more given, the more paralysis. But who cares what name you give it? Gates caused 47,500 cases of paralysis by a new name with his VACCINE.Bill Gates and 47,500 Cases of Paralysis In India Polio Shots in Pakistan Scientific American article "How the CIA’s Fake Vaccination Campaign Endangers Us All" admitted the CIA was involed but it left off that Gates' polio vaccines were crippling and killing kids. The article said people in Pakistan and Nigeria had taken to killing vaccine teams that attempted to touch their children. It left off how people across Asia and Africa see vaccines are paralyzing their children, sterilizing their women and that the WHO intentionally infected Africa with AIDS using vaccines and the ebola epidemic was caused by vaccines. Rob Schneider is a dangerous for wanting people to be able to choose whether their kids are crippled or killed by Gates and the Rockefellers or not?Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, the WHO, the CDC,corporate media and insurance companies,say families should NOT be able to choosewhether to risk their children being crippled or killed by vaccinesRob Schneider saysparents have the right to say no.And all the while they are pushing a vaccine that is maiming and killing in huge numbers each year in Asia and Africa, the Rockefellers and Gates and their agent the WHO continue suppressing that vitamin C was curing all cases of polio in 2 days in 1949 andvitamin C is a cure for ALL VIRUSES, including ebola. WHO's approach to disease -Leave kids malnourished and thus more susceptible to disease andfill them with vaccines that cause diseases-- An unpublished study by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on a "measles susceptible" (malnourished) group of children showed that the group who hadn't been vaccinated contracted measles at the normal contract rate of 2.4%.Of the group who had received the measles vaccine (MMR),33.5% contracted measles. Hidden UK government documents vaccines are a dangerous medical hoax, showing that!. Vaccines don't work2. Vaccines cause the very diseases they are said to prevent3. Vaccines contain dangerous toxins4. The UK government and the (redacted) vaccine companies colluded to hide these facts from the public and5 The UK government and the (redacted) companies worked to block safety studies. HPV vaccine has killed over 171 girls. The healthiest girls are most at risk.Physical Activity as a Risk Factor for an Adverse Vaccine Reaction"We observed that children who appeared to be very healthy prior to receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and were the most physically active following the vaccination (participated in sports, cheerleading, dancing, biking, skating, or other physical activity), suffered the most severe debilitating symptoms, possibly due to the increased distribution of the vaccine throughout their body due to increased circulation from exercise."And the HPV vaccine causes sterility."More bad news for young girls who have already received the Gardasil HPV vaccine: It has now been confirmed in a peer-reviewed and published Abstract appearing in the prestigious BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL that the HPV vaccine can result in infertility and loss of menses, years AFTER you received the HPV vaccine. [Emphasis in the original.]In this particular case, the 16 year old girl received the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and had her whole life ahead of her:"A more recent peer reviewed and published study of 3 more teenage girls suffering extremely early onset menopause because of the Gardasil HPV vaccine was published on July 31,2013, confirming that both Gardasil and Cervarix HPV vaccines have resulted in "Primary Ovarian Failure:" [Emphasis in the original.] - CDC coverup of MRR vaccine data exposed. Rockefellers have achieved a potent racist vaccine. The MMR vaccine causes autism at a 340% higher rate for little black boys.But top of that, there are endless CDC lies to push the MMR Vaccine the CDC is not just lying about the MMR but ALL vaccines."OMG! What would happen if we couldn't get all our scheduled vaccinations, and only got about a dozen vaccines like JAPAN, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, or ICELAND????" 2009 Autism 2011 Vaccinations before age 52009 Deaths per 1000 under 5 yrs old, 2009 Autism Rate in 2011 Lifespan Ranking2009 Lifespan Ranking2011Iceland 11 3.9 1 in 1,1000 1 3Sweden 11 4.0 1 in 862 2 8Japan 11 4.2 1 in 475 4 1Norway 13 4.4 1 in 2,000 5 13Denmark 12 5.8 1 in 2,200 18 36United States 36 7.8 1 in 91 ­ 34 39 ¯South Korea 36 n/a 1 in 38 - -Americans would be HEALTHIER and LIVE LONGERBill Gates and the Rockefellers are MASS KILLERSRob Schneider is aWORLD HERORob Schneider - World HeroSpeaking Up to Protect Everyone From Vaccine Killers

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  • I am in the medical field and refuse to get ANY vaccines.  They said I HAD to get one in order to work.  I got a natural doctor to SAY that I was allergic to eggs and couldn't take them.

    • Just make sure noone gets to see you eat an egg ever again. If they do, you'll end up in jail if they go squeel to your employer. ;)

      Also, if you one day accidentally infect a patient with something you've refused vaccination on due to this little lie of egg intolerace, you'd be charged with terrorism and would probably be executed, if not by the govt, then definitely by thousands of pissed off people in that town, or by one of the millions of people that will hate you through reading about the scandal in their newspapers.

      • Acute Observer:  You are funny.

        (Yes, must make sure I eat no eggs in front of them).

        Actually, those with the flu shot can end up getting the flu anyway - I think it's a bunch of BUNK.

        • "Acute Observer:  You are funny."

          Thank you, it's my "job". :)

          "I think it's a bunch of BUNK."

          Yes, the swine-flu-situation in its entirety, certainly smelled like fish from Day 1. ;)

  • The Ebola outbreak Vaccine the elite create will do you more damage then cure
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