
Welcome to Common Passion’s One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance

Produced by Joseph Giove, Executive Director, CommonPassion.org

This is intended to be a daily meditation throughout the rest of the year and beyond.



In the spirit of "ANTI-DIVISION" we are sharing our One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance again.
This is intended to be a daily meditation throughout the rest of the year and beyond.

The Shared Intention for the One Heart Worldwide Wave Concordance
I AM the One Heart, and in this Heart, there is no division—only the truth that we are each other.
I AM unity. I AM the space where division dissolves, for in my Heart, there is no separation between myself and others. I AM the understanding that we are all one, connected by love, compassion, and wisdom. My Heart does not take sides, for it recognize the illusion of duality. I AM the truth that transcends labels of religion, culture, ideas, and politics. I see through the lens of fairness and compassion, embracing both the personal and the collective in harmony.
I AM the universal Heartbeat, the eternal Spirit that unites all beings. I AM infinite awareness, infinite love, and in that knowing, I AM whole. I recognize the Oneness of all life, and in that recognition, I move from a place of connection and peace. I AM not separate from the world; I AM the world, the Light and Expression of Love that unites all things.
All the best,
Joseph Giove and the Common Passion Core Team

Transcript of Meditation:

Let us begin by closing our eyes, taking a few slow deep sighing breaths as we share in the intention that this wave of harmony and love flow gracefully into the hearts and minds of all life open and willing to receive it:

I AM the One Heart, and in this Heart, there is no division—only the truth that we are each other.

I AM the universal Heartbeat, the eternal Spirit that unites all beings. I AM infinite awareness, infinite love, and in that knowing, I AM whole.

Bringing attention to our physical hearts, allow each deep inhale to fill the Heart with feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the majesty of Life and the fulfillment of our intention.

Allowing each exhale to be a relaxing release of what no longer serves us.

In, Heart expands with love, gratitude, oneness.

Out, I release what no longer serves me.

In, the love in my heart flows up and around my shoulders, neck, arms, solar plexus…

Out, I sink down into the loving embrace of Mother Earth.

In, the glow of my heart expands to encompass my head, pelvis, legs, and feet…

Out, all distortion, anger, separation, grief, sadness, blame, judgement drains into the earth to be transmuted into love and acceptance.

In, the Light, Love, and Awareness of my highest being shines from my heart through my spine, out the Crown of my head and into the Central Sun, a ray of love and harmonious power anchoring me into the Light of the One.

Out, the Light, Love, and Awareness of my highest being shines from my heart through the base of my spine and down into the center of Mother Earth, grounding me into Prime Reality of unity and harmony with all Life.

Breath in…and out feeling tethered in the light of higher awareness between the Sun and the Mother.




Feeling as the Heart energy expands….now expanding in all directions, a radiating wave of love, higher awareness, harmony, acceptance flowing out into your community….

In… … flowing out hundreds of miles above, below, out to the sides, a torus shaped field of love and acceptance touching everything it flows through and around.

In… … flowing out thousands of miles now encompassing the entire earth with our heart energy of love, light, awareness, harmony, gratitude.

Feeling lines of force like lightening from our hearts connecting to the hearts of everyone in the world now who are sharing this space of light and love…

A worldwide web of heart-centered interconnectivity and power flowing like a wave through all life, touching, moving, loving, healing, accepting…

Feel the pulse of the One Heartbeat…throbbing with love, acceptance, higher awareness, compassion, calm, inner peace…



In this peaceful space of Light and Love, feeling gratitude in our Hearts now for the fulfillment of our shared intention…

I AM the One Heart, and in this Heart, there is no division—only the truth that we are each other.

I AM unity.

I AM the space where division dissolves, for in my Heart, there is no separation between myself and others.

I AM the understanding that we are all one, connected by love, compassion, and wisdom.

My Heart does not take sides, for it recognize the illusion of duality.


I see through the lens of fairness and compassion, embracing both the personal and the collective in harmony.

I AM the Universal Heartbeat, the Eternal Spirit that unites all beings.

I AM infinite Awareness, infinite Love, and in that knowing, I AM whole.

I recognize the Oneness of all life, and in that recognition, I move from a place of connection and peace.

I AM not separate from the world; I AM the world, the Light and Expression of Love that unites all things.

I AM the One Heart.

I AM Unity.

I AM the Truth that transcends.

I AM the Universal Heartbeat, the Eternal Spirit that unites all beings.

I AM Infinite Awareness, Infinite love.

I AM Whole.

I AM the Oneness of all Life.




I AM Whole.

In that Wholeness, I gently and slowly return to a waking awareness…

In that waking consciousness, I remain tethered to the Light of higher awareness and to the grounding of Mother Earth.

In my waking consciousness, I remain connected to my fellow hearts and the One Heart.

I AM the Universal Heartbeat, the Eternal Spirit that unites all beings.

I AM Infinite Awareness, Infinite love.

I AM Oneness of all Life.

I AM Whole.

As we all begin with waking breaths…

Now…breathing full and deep into the lungs.

Another waking breath full and deep…

Starting to feel the body becoming lighter…moving out the arms and legs.

Another waking breath… really full, as full as you can…

Waking that restful and peaceful body.

Opening the yes, feeling gratitude and love for your heart, your body, your life, and the One Heart.

Video LInk: High Heart Calibration - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhKa6EurCyg



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