Many New Dawn readers will know of British writer Christopher Knight from his first book The Hiram Key, which he co-authored with Robert Lomas and published in 1996.Quickly becoming a best seller, The Hiram Key was acclaimed a classic in the field of alternative history, going on to influence a generation of researchers among them The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown.In the last ten years Knight has written six books, four with Robert Lomas and two, including his latest Who Built the Moon?, with Alan Butler. In Who Built the Moon?, Knight and Butler raise some fascinating and challenging questions, foremost.Many New Dawn readers will know of British writer Christopher Knight from his first book The Hiram Key, which he co-authored with Robert Lomas and published in 1996.Quickly becoming a best seller, The Hiram Key was acclaimed a classic in the field of alternative history, going on to influence a generation of researchers among them The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown.In the last ten years Knight has written six books, four with Robert Lomas and two, including his latest Who Built the Moon?, with Alan Butler. In Who Built the Moon?, Knight and Butler raise some fascinating and challenging questions, foremost:Could it be that the Moon is artificial? Could it even be hollow? And does the Moon really exist through some happy accident, or is a blueprint apparent – and if so, who was the architect?New Dawn recently spoke with Christopher Knight about his controversial new book and his astonishing conclusions:NEW DAWN: All of mankind’s visits to the Moon have not answered some of the most basic questions about its origin and importance. Your new book Who Built the Moon? (co-authored with Alan Butler) brings to light some extraordinary facts about the Moon, and comes to a mind-blowing conclusion about its origin.Could you briefly outline some of these little known and ignored facts?CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: The Moon sits very close to the Earth yet it is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known universe. It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to, who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft.The material the Moon is made from came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky – which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse.Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer.There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth.ND: What led you to write Who Built the Moon? And does this latest book relate to your earlier research when writing Civilization One and Uriel’s Machine?CK: All of the six books I have had published over the last ten years are part of a continued single piece of research. I came to write Who Built the Moon?with Alan Butler after we had finished Civilization One, because our research led us to study the Moon very closely.We had found that the superbly advanced measuring system in use over 5,000 years ago was based on the mass, dimensions and movements of the Earth.However, for thoroughness we checked every planet and moon in the solar system to see if there was any pattern. Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every aspect of the Moon but did not apply at all to any other known body – except the Sun.It was as though we had found a blueprint where the Moon had been ‘manufactured’ using very specific units taken from Earth’s relationship with the Sun. The more we looked, everything fitted – and fitted perfectly in every conceivable way.ND: Most astoundingly, you found that an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age works perfectly on the Moon. What exactly is this system and how could the ancients have attained this knowledge?CK: It is not possible to describe the greatness of this ancient system of geometry and measurement without repeating the content of Civilization One.The work of Alexander Thom, a brilliant professor of engineering from Oxford University, was our starting point. He identified the existence of what he called the Megalithic Yard.This was a precise unit of measurement that was the basis of late Stone Age structures across Western Europe – such as Stonehenge. Most archaeologists have written his work off as a mistake but when one looks coldly at their objections they are baseless.Alan and I were able to show how they made these highly precise linear units based on the rotation of the Earth and how they were also the basis of all time, capacity and weight units in use today. Once again these are exact – not approximations or close fits.Where the ancients got such knowledge is quite baffling. All we can be certain of is that they were way ahead of us today! It’s easy to check out by anyone with a calculator.ND: Your conclusion is there are more than enough anomalies about the Moon to suggest it is not a naturally occurring body and was quite possibly engineered to sustain life on Earth. How did you reach this conclusion?CK: Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life.If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.ND: If the Moon is an artificial construct, what are your theories on who or what built it, and why?CK: In Who Built the Moon? we explain that we could not come to any other conclusion than the Moon is artificial. Because it is certain that it is 4.6 billion years old that raises some interesting points. Another factor was the obvious message that has been built into the Moon to tell us it’s artificial.The language of the message is base ten arithmetic so it looks as though it is directed to a ten digit species that is living on Earth right now – which seems to mean humans.The question of why the Moon had to be built is easy to answer: To produce all life, especially humans. As to who did it – well that’s a lot tougher! We give the three possibilities we can think of, namely: God, aliens or humans.The only one of these that is 100% scientifically possible is the last one. Time travel is universally accepted as being physically possible and a number of scientists are close to sending matter back in time.We can envisage that machines could be built in the future that could be sent back to remove matter from the young Earth to construct the Moon – probably using mini black hole technology.©Copyright New Dawn Magazine, If you appreciated this article, please consider a digital subscription to New Dawn.

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  • Rocket propulsion is old technology, similar to wind sails on ocean ships.  M.I.T. proved that objects can defy gravity by certain sound vibrations impelled on the object. Try to think of potential concepts "outside the box."  UFOS that hover above the Earth are not using rocket propulsion to defy gravity.


    The origin of the Moon is one of the most complicated problems of cosmogony. So far there have been basically three hypotheses under discussion.
    HYPOTHESIS I: The Moon was once a part of the Earth and broke away from it.
    This has now been refuted by the evidence.

    HYPOTHESIS II: The Moon was formed independently from the same cloud of dust and gas as the Earth, and immediately became the Earth’s natural satellite.

    But then why is there such a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grams per cubic centimeter) and that of the Earth (5.5 gr.)? Furthermore, according to the latest information (analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts) lunar rock is not of the same composition as the Earth’s.

    HYPOTHESIS III: The Moon came into being separately, and, moreover, far from the Earth (perhaps even outside the Solar system).

    This would mean that the moon would not have to be fashioned from the same "clay" as our own planet. Sailing through the Universe, the Moon came into Earth’s proximity, and by a complex interplay of forces of gravity was brought within a geocentric orbit, very close to circular. But a catch of this kind is virtually impossible.

    In fact, scientists studying the origin of the Universe today have no acceptable theory to explain how the Earth-Moon system came into being.

    OUR HYPOTHESIS: The Moon is an artificial Earth satellite put into orbit around the Earth by some intelligent beings unknown to ourselves.
    We refuse to engage in speculation about who exactly staged this unique experiment, which only a highly developed civilization was capable of.

    Read more @
  • The moon is a balloon. 

  • Yes, the moon is hollow and it is an artificial satellite.  That's why it doesn't rotate like a normal satellite. 

    Long ago, I heard that it was the Sirians that built the moon and was going to use it in defense of earth against the anunnaki.  They were told (by whom?) not to do so, but they did it anyways to try to save us.  

    In another video by a government insider, he said the US was told "not to come back" to the moon.  The same video showed structures, buildings, water towers, canals and even a opening for spacecraft to go in and out of the moon (and showed the distinction between an opening and a moon crater).

    Sorry I don't have any links to the info. 


  • Moon Fans please check out :
    The Project Avalon Community Forum
    Project Avalon Community Forum
  • David Ickes Moon Matrix Theory Explained :

    David Icke believes that the moon is an interdimensional, interdensity portal for entities and energies from other dimensions. He believes that aliens use the moon as a home base for hijacking signals from the universe so that our bodily forms that are experiencing this virtual reality on Earth, can’t fully experience what our creator meant for it to be.
    These aliens are the same reptilian shape-shifters that Icke claims are responsible for much of the suffering on our planet. Reptilians want to filter anything beyond our five senses so that it manipulates what kind of world we can experience.

    The reptilians keep us locked into these five states because it is a much lower density experience.
    Low frequency experiences include division, conflict, and emotional trauma, all of which are created by capitalistic, war hungry, religious zealot nations. The higher frequencies of experience are ones of harmony and understanding how we are all connected (similar to a life energy force of Ch’i, freely flowing).
    This higher state of consciousness is what the ancient cultures understood in the supposed Golden Ages of time and this is when the various mysteries were created. These megaliths such as the Great Pyramids of Giza, or the Puma Punku stones are all expressions of what our ancient cultures wanted us to be aware of.

    Icke claims that Einstein's theory of light being the fastest anything can travel is false; it is simply the speed limit the reptilian firewall imposes on us. Icke says when you break this speed barrier you leave the matrix.
    This is how the UFOs and reptilians travel interdimensionally. This is why weird things appear to happen to us as we approach the speed of light (it is actually perceived by the observer since we can't comprehend these things, thanks to the aforementioned firewall)....READ MORE @
  • As the Moon is artificial not natural ...why do some people worship an artificially created Moon
    SUBJECT: Moon Sightings FILE: UFO50
    I'm not to sure of this as i dont have the book to
    hand (Above Top Secret), but wasn't there a report that the crew
    of the eagle (Armstrong et al), when they left the module,
    turned round and found themselves looking at alien craft at the
    top of a crater?
    (The following file was posted on InfoNet London

    Alien Moon Base
    by UFO Joe, InfoNet

    Is there an "Alien Base" on the Moon. More and more people
    are coming forward with stories of an Alien presence on the
    Moon. Rumors are that their "Moon Base" is on the dark side
    of the moon, the side we never see from Earth.

    Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why
    have we not tried to build a Moon Base. It seems a better and
    easier idea than a floating space station?

    According to Neil Armstrong the Aliens have a base on the
    Moon and wanted us to get off and stay off the Moon! Milton
    Cooper a Naval Intellegence Officer tell us that the
    Intellegence community calls the Alien Base "Luna":

    LUNA: The Alien base on the far side of the Moon. It
    was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining
    operation using very large machines, and the very large alien
    craft described in sighting reports as MOTHER SHIPS exist there.
    - Milton Cooper

    * * *

    Did Apollo 11 Encounter UFOs on the Moon?
    from the Book "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good

    According to hitherto unconfirmed reports, both Neil
    Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that
    historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. I
    remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in
    or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by
    a request from mission control for further information. Nothing
    more was heard.

    According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed
    radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed
    NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:

    NASA: Whats there?
    Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

    Apollo11: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous!
    OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it!
    I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there,
    Lined up on the far side of the crater edge!
    They're on the Moon watching us!

    In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA
    Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed
    reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. "The encounter
    was common knowledge in NASA," he revealed, "but nobody has
    talked about it until now."

    Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm
    the incident. "According to our information, the encounter
    was reported immediately after the landing of the module," said
    Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of
    Mathematics at Moscow University. "Neil Armstrong relayed the
    message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects
    were watching them after having landed near the moon module.
    But his message was never heard by the public - because NASA
    censored it. "According to another Soviet scientist, Dr.
    Aleksandr Kazantsev, Buss Aldrin took color movie film of the
    UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after
    he and Armstrong went outside. Dr. Azhazha claims that the
    UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts came out on to the
    lunar surface.

    Maurice Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11's
    radio transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in
    order to hide the news from the public. Before dismissing
    Chatelain's sensational claims, it is worth noting his
    impressive background in the aerospace industry and space
    program. His first job after moving from France was as an
    electronics engineer with Convair, specializing in
    telecommunications, telemetry and radar. In 1959 he was in
    charge of an electromagnetic research group, developing new
    radar and telecommunications systems for Ryan. One of his
    eleven patents was an automatic radar landing system that
    ignited retro rockets at a given altitude, used in the
    Ranger and Surveyor flights to the Moon. Later, at North
    American Aviation, Chatelain was offered the job of designing
    and building the Apollo communications and data-processing

    Chatelain claims that "all Apollo and Gemini flights
    were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite
    closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying
    saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name.
    Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission
    Control, who then ordered absolute silence." He goes on to

    "I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the
    first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus'
    to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space
    capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the
    general public. It was a little different when James Lovell
    on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the
    moon and said for everybody to hear: 'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT
    THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.' Even though this happened on
    Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those

    Rumors persist. NASA may well be a civilian agency, but
    many of its programs are funded by the defence budget and most
    of the astronauts are subject to military security regulations.
    Apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens
    all films and probably radio communications as well. We have the
    statements by Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice
    Chatelain that the astronauts were under strict orders not to
    discuss their sightings. And Gordon Cooper has testified to a
    United Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually
    witnessed a UFO on the ground. If there is no secrecy, why has
    this sighting not been made public?

    A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was
    engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA
    Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?

    Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always
    known there was a possibility, the fact is,
    we were warned off!(by the Aliens). There was
    never any question then of a space station or a
    moon city.

    Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?

    Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that
    their ships were far superior to ours both in
    size and technology - Boy, were they
    big!...and menacing!
    No, there is no question of a space station.
    Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

    Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time,
    and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really
    was a quick scoop and back again.

    Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to
    go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind
    the cover-up.

    MORE @
  • WHO BUILT THE MOON ...The Moon Is Not A Natural Planet

    This appears to be a quite ludicrous statement. How could we know the Moon is not a natural planet?  The answer is that we know because it is too big, yet too light in mass; it is in the strangest position imaginable relative to the Sun and the Earth and it behaves in the most incredible way every month. What is more, it carries a whole series of quite specific messages that tell us it is an 'engineered' object.

    It's an odds on certainty (for a whole host of reasons) that if it were not for the Moon I could not be writing these words or you reading them - simply because none of us would be here. 

    The Moon is as old as the Earth and it has definitely been orbiting the Earth almost right from the start, so it can't be a captured asteroid but although it's made of the same 'stuff' as the Earth, it only contains carefully selected bits of that stuff.

    The Moon's surface is covered with gravitational anomalies that can't be easily explained and it could well be hollow at the centre (which all scientists who know about these things say should be impossible.)

    The Moon is a deliberately created scale model of the Sun and it presently stands at a distance from the Sun and from the Earth which is totally outrageous in terms of the mathematical and physical results. 

    In fact there is very little about the Moon that isn't odd and which doesn't seem wrong for something that came into existence by chance. 

    I don't expect you to believe what I say just because I am saying it. I want to prove to you that the Moon was deliberately and extremely carefully engineered to do a host of jobs for the Earth.

    A lot of the proofs are mathematically based. Some of you will want to see the figures and test them yourselves. Unfortunately there isn't room in this website to show all the mathematical proofs. To see those you will have to get our book 'Who Built the Moon' from the library (or better still buy it!)

    But I can explain the outline facts so let's begin at the beginning. What is a Moon and why is ours different from all the other moons we know about?
    Read much more @
  • Size may be irrelevant regarding transport.  For all we know, the Moon may have been brought here from another dimension in time and space; there are rocks on the Moon that are older than the Earth.

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