


One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell  -  Light Warriors--You Are Bringing the Light to the World!


One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell.


These messages were given during our Thursday night opening session during our August Advance in Christopher Creek, AZ on August 9, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)



 One Who Serves


My dear friends, it is wonderful to be with you.  To be able to have and continue to have these experiences where we can connect.  Where we can communicate with you.  We so long for those times where we can sit across from you and, yes, as we have said many times, break bread or other things, it does not have to be bread.  Why is it always bread?  Why is it always bread, and we can break bread.  What if we don’t want to break bread?  What if we want to have a meal of some type?  What if we want to have a little wine?  What’s wrong with that?  Right? 


Can you have some wine with us?  Yes!  There are many of us that do that, you know. 




We like to party.  We like to party a lot! 


Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to party whenever you want to and not have to worry about the hangover the next day!  Can you imagine?  You can drink if you want, but you don’t have to worry about that.  No more sickness! 


It’s been so long, we can’t even remember what that was like back then.  But there were times, of course, when we had those experiences.  We drank a little bit too much.  But we survived it! 


We are here, and you are here.  And you have survived it.  You have survived the energies.  The energies that continue to come into the planet.  Many of you, you are not only surviving it, but you are thriving with those energies.  Do you understand the difference here?  You are thriving with the energies.  The energies are changing you.  They are changing your DNA.  They are changing your pineal gland.  They are opening up your heart center.  They are raising your consciousness to levels that you have not seen or experienced in, many of you, thousands of years! 


But you have arrived.  You have arrived at these moments, these times.  And these are the times that you all have been waiting for. 


We bring you together like this in these group sessions both here in person, what James likes to call “live and in person.” 


And those of you that are on the phone which is almost the same as being here, if you allow it to be.  Because if you allow it, there is no difference here.  There is no time and space.  You can be here just as those that are here are here, if you believe it.  And as always, if you believe it, you will see it. 


And if you believe it, people, and this is not only for these here that are here directly, but for those of you on the phone, if you believe it -- for the end of this weekend, we cannot tell you exactly when or how -- but if you believe it, YOU WILL SEE IT! 


You will see something which you would consider miraculous.  Some of you have already seen some things on the way here, as we are finding it.  You see those ships that you have taken pictures of and some wonder, “Well is this real?  Or is this not real?” 


Yes!  It is real!  You are seeing those things, but did you see anyone else looking out the window and seeing them in your planes?  Did anyone else say, “Look!  Look at that!  A ship!” 

No!  Only you did!  You who took the pictures.  You who saw it.  Because you have the eyes to see!  But NOW? 


Get that again, now, but NOW!  You are going to see so much more, if you allow it.  If you believe it!  The skies are going to open up to you.   Not only with ships, but with Light!  Many different kinds of Light you are going to begin to see. 


It may start in your dream state.  It may move into your, what you call, daydreaming state.  Your visions.  But one of these days, not far off, you will look up into the skies, and the clouds will part, and you will see Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun.  Light that others may not see.  Others may look directly up there and see much of nothing.  But you will see what is really there.  The reality!   Because you are moving into a new reality. 


Or you can even look at it as an old reality for yourselves.  Because when you were in Lemuria, when you were in Atlantis, and when we say “you,” we are talking to everybody here.  Everybody that is in this room, everybody that is on the phone, there is not a one of you that has not had these experiences from long ago.  Otherwise you would not be here!  You would not be a part of this group--a part of Ancient Awakenings--because you have been called. 


We heard this earlier when you were speaking here.  About you were being guided here.  You were being called.  Yes!  You were!  We were calling you!  Your guides were calling you.  The Archangels were calling you. 


You were called a long time ago.  You answered the call.  You volunteered to be a part of this expression. 


Of course, not knowing what you are getting into then--but you did anyway.  And you came.  And you experienced.  And you raised the consciousness of a planet.  Do you realize what you have done?   Do you realize that you are raising the consciousness of a planet? 


When we are saying you, we are not just talking now about the “Collective YOU.”  We are talking about the “Collective YOU” of this group!  Please understand that.  Understand your POWER now.  This is not an ego statement.  We are not trying to relate to your egos.  Far from it that we would want to do that. 


But we are relating to your remembrances.  Remember the POWER that you once had.  We said earlier that one was a star, and remembered that that one was a star.  What power does a star have?  Think about that for a moment. 


The Power of a star?  And here you are as a human being here on this planet.  And you think you have no Power?  You have the Power of a STAR within you!


Each of you do. 


That Power Center within each of you, is the Power of a Star.  Think about that.  An atom that is in your bodies, all of you, the Power Center that created your body--that Power Center can power an entire city, an entire country, an entire planet. Can you imagine if those here on the planet would understand this?  And they could utilize that Power Center within even just one individual--there would be enough power to power the planet for centuries. 


The Matrix was not that far off.  You see.  The movie? He even said to Neo, “We are power cells. We are batteries.” 


If you could utilize that Power Center, but forget about that.  Think about the Power that is within you and how you can utilize that Power.  You wondered earlier, how those who could build the pyramids, raise those rocks, they knew the Power within them.  You see?  They utilized that Power.  They did it with their minds.  And you also can do that, when you have created the “Heart-Mind Connection.” 


And this is what the Lion’s Gate, the energies are all about now--connecting the Heart and Mind.  The High Heart with the Third Eye, and opening that center again, which you have now done. 


But it will only stay open if you keep it open, and you must do that yourselves.  You must keep that center open.  Keep utilizing it. Keep visualizing.  And those of you that have trouble visualizing, just think--think and know--think and know--and it is so. 


You feel the Power coming through here?  Do you feel this? 


This is the energies that are here at this time.  Here with all of you here in this room, as well as all of you on the phones.  You are creating tremendous energies. 


And tomorrow, and tomorrow evening, and moving on and through the weekend, there are going to be many here with you.  Many of us.  Sananda, Ashtar will be here, the Archangels will be here, Aramda will be here, etcetera, Saint Germain certainly.


Saint Germain is always where the party is! 




He is a partier, that one! 


We may even get a command performance from you-know-who here.  He has not been with you for a little while here.  He has been saving it up, He says! 


So He waits for the right time, and who knows?  He may come in and go for it with you a little bit. 


But we always have to caution him, as you know, most of you know, he tends to say things that he is not supposed to say yet.  So we always have to bring him back from it.  Pull him back sometimes! 




He does not want to give up too easily.  He likes the stage. 


Very good.  We are finished here. 


We can take questions if there are any questions--but as we understand it, with your system here, it may be difficult to ask your questions here in the room. 


So we can try it, if you want.  And if it works, great!  If not, we can take questions from those on the phone.  Or we can just forget it for tonight, as many of you are tired. 


I don’t know why you would be tired though, the energies are so strong here!  You should be flying by now!  You should be lifting up off of your chairs! 


Anyone out there lifting up off of their chairs? 


Audience:     I am! 


Yes?  Good!  Somebody said, “I am.”


Yes, you are! 


How about out there in the phone area?  Phone land.  Anybody lifting up off of their chairs? 


Hello, anyone out there?  Oh, oh.  Oh, oh.  Have we been talking to nobody out there? Are you muted?  Anyone out here.


Phoneland:   We’re here! 


Yes, we’re here! 


Hello, can you hear us?


OWS:   Anyone lifting up off of their chairs out there? 


Phoneland:   Oh yeah! 


We cannot feel our body right now!


OWS:   Good!  Good!


Can you imagine what it would be like when you don’t have to feel your body anymore? You can have your body, but you don’t have to feel it.  It means you don’t have to feel the aches and pains that come along with it.  You see?  It will be like floating.  Some of you will float. 


Phoneland:   Looking forward to that! 


I’m floating right now! 


Believing is seeing.


I actually feel my body is much lighter ever since I joined the group! 


OWS:   There you go!


Phoneland:   I’ve been floating all my life!


OWS:   Well, we have to ask you then, what were you on? 




You’ve been on something!  Or are you just floating on life?   Life energy. 


Life energy, people, is wonderful!  The feeling of being alive.  Think about it.  There are souls upon souls upon souls that would give anything to be here in your bodies at this time to witness, to experience, that which is going to be here.  You have a front row seat!


And not only a front row seat…you’re the participants in this!   You are the players on the field!


The fans are in the ships.  The fans are in the ships up there watching this spectacle below them. 


Phoneland:   And you’re our cheerleaders. 


That’s why we all volunteered to be here now. 


OWS:   And boy do we laugh a lot! 


Phoneland:   Of course, they do. 


You’re our cheerleaders.


OWS:   Yes, we ARE your cheerleaders.  We are your cheerleaders, and in some ways, we are your coaches as well.  But you are the players! 


You are the ones that are carrying the ball.  You are the ones that must make the touchdown or the field goal or whatever you want to call it.   We are taking these images from the James here.  He likes sports, so we can use this. 


And you are the ones that either make it or break it.  But you are the ones that are carrying the Light!  You are not only anchoring the Light now, you are now carrying the Light!  You are not only the Lightworkers now, you are the Light Carriers!   The Light Warriors, as we like to say. 


You are the Warriors of Light!  And you are bringing the Light to the world.  You, this group, and many other groups that are out there. 


And this meditation, this mass meditation that is coming on the Saturday here, the one that has been called for, you are going to participate in that meditation. It will be the evening session here and we will be conducting it and bringing you to the space where you can feel the energies coming from the Galactic Central Sun.


Now please understand, we are not saying see them, or visualize them, we are saying “feel the energy.”  That is a difference here.  That is what is hoped for Saturday night as part of what is going to be expressed here. 


Get ready!  Because the energies are coming.  The STORM is approaching.  And we are preparing a great celebration!  We have been preparing a great celebration for a long time now.  And just waiting for those of you, all of the invitees to accept your invitation to the party. 


Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the One. 




Channeled by James McConnell 



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

"Believing is seeing!"


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