I know it sounds off, and I know what I experienced today wasn't real true oneness, which apparently is bliss beyond our imagination. I know alot of people talk about it and ooo oneness, we are one...and it's true I'm sure, but I doubt most of us have any real inkling of what that experience is like. And well I had my own little glimpse of oneness today....I think lol
I was thinking all day about division, and how everyone is kind of doing their own thing in life. You know, everyone has their own little lives that they're living, their own experience, that is not me. Apparently lol Like you are you, and I am me, and I am not you. We are separate selves. Right? So I started to think about..well what would oneness be like then. What would it feel like if everything was me and I was everything and everybody. What is it like to be God?
And I suddenly was thrust into a oneness like state...I don't think fully, but enough to get a taste of it. I was watching this Queen video of Freddie Mercury on the piano singing the first part of "We are the champions", you know....I've paid my dues...time after time....etc. It was a beautiful moment, and I suddenly started to perceive, and feel..like everything was me. I mean really, like Freddie was actually me, the stage was me, the crowd, everything. And everything in my room was me, and everything in life was me. Like there was no separation, no other person, or other thing..it was all me. I was all that existed.
And at first, it was beautiful, I felt like, wow..this is all me, and Freddie was me, just sort of separate, but still me...and I realized most of us view the separation first, and maybe the oneness secondary....but I was experiencing the oneness first, and separation secondary at best. I can't even call it separation, it was all me. And I felt a love like I never really felt before. It must be how God feels. Like this is part of me, it is me. It wasn't some huge overwhelming thing, I think I only had a slight glimpse of it, but I glimpsed it. And it's a beautiful thing.
But, soon after..I started to feel very alone. Like...I am the ONLY thing in all of existence, nothing exists outside of me, everything is me. There is no one else, no other people...just me and that's it. And..it was a lonesome thing. I guess I'm just so used to being in division, and having other people who I know are other selves separate from myself...that the idea of being the only self, the only being in all of existence and having every being, every thing, part of my being...just makes me feel alone.
I know God can't feel that way. Or maybe he does. Maybe that's why God created life, a whole creation, and separated himself into infinite numbers of little mini selves, each with their own free will and sense of self...because God felt lonely? lol
I know that's not it. I mean apparently, God is infinite power and love and bliss beyond our imagination, God is just total fulfillment, how can he feel alone. So yea lol It was an interesting thing I experienced though, I don't really know what to make of it.
What do you guys think? And have you had any oneness type experiences of your own? What was it like?
This is an interesting read, if you feel like looking at it.
A link to a site which contains The Book of Lies.
Well, we all apparently get it, just express the phenomena from our own angles, experiences, depth of experience.
My first experiences were meditating on acid, decades ago. experiencing pure consciousness without form.
I've had brief glimpses of that feeling , in nature when I surrendered to love.
Anyway thanx for sharing... lots of folks benefited from the query.
This is why communication is hilarious to me.
Well...here's a poem.
"I am Kokopelli,
All are Kokopelli.
There is nothing that is not Kokopelli.
I as Kokopelli am myself, in search of Kokopelli.
When Kokopelli meets Kokopelli,
Kokopelli is pleased.
All who know the mystery of Kokopelli's play,
Sense the future that is on it's way.
Listen for the simple beauty of the flute,
It hearkens the truth and enlightens the route.
Go Kokopelli!
hehe okee dokee then
if you are trying to explain this concept to a christian using the word god will detract from your lesson because they will be imagining the biblical god in their heads. using the correct nomenclature is extremely important,
you mean content NOT contempt, contempt is like disgust
Couldn't of said that any better Prometheus lol
Bless the Nite,
LoL, That is a scary thought Kelly,
Bless the Nite,
Well apparently, I am God lol And so are you. And we aren't separate from God, from ourselves, we just have the illusion that we are, so I view you as Kelly, and you view me as John, when really, we are the same one person, living apparently separate existences lol But we are still God.
And that's what I meant by feeling that oneness, where everything in the universe was me. I don't think it's true full blown oneness, obviously, from what others have said about experiencing true oneness, it's an amazingly expansive, beautiful, blissful thing. But I just had some little version of oneness, which probably isn't the true oneness...and I felt like sharing it with you guys. But you guys don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say, or are sharing your own oneness experiences. Have you had any oneness like experiences, and what was it like for you?
Jancar, to me it sounds like you were just feeling sorry for yourself some, because you were a lone for a while in thoughts. I mean you really have a hard time with this, with the idea of being in your thoughts for a day, or even two days. It sounds like you were just sitting there, trying to make excuses around in your mind about what it would be like to be one with each other, and still have your own identity.
No one else seems to be having issues like this, because clearly they think for themselves yet, but you just keep on rambling on and on about things like this, like it is suppose to go away magically or something.
Like we are all suppose to just stop thinking more. I mean clearly not everyone in this world Jancar, views things the same way you do in life. I think that is something maybe you were starting to think over as well. The idea that we are all separate yet with our own minds, because that is what we started to from. Being US, and coming to terms with the idea of Oneness.
Sometimes I just don't get what rolls around in that brain of your at times, because you seem to be having the same kind of fears and thoughts of the same pattern line of thinking
IT's okay to be alone. We are meant to be alone, we are meant to see for ourselves what is going on with us, and the world, We are allowed to be in our own thoughts, and we don't have to be more left brain or right brain to be doing things like, being alone with ourselves.
Not everyone has these issues
Bless the Nite,