Open letter to all chemtrail pilots

Open letter to all chemtrail pilotsAdama of Telos through Evelyn Kümmerle15th June 2009Adama, did I get this right? A message to all chemtrail pilots?Bingo!I'll be here for transcribing this afternoon.Can hardly wait to see you, dear.…..(later)Adama, can we go ahead?Welcome, beloved. So, this is an open letter to all chemtrail pilots. Although it's unlikely that any chemtrail pilot will ever come here to read this, this letter will be transmitted energetically to all chemtrail pilots who are souled beings. Yes, there may be some who do not carry a soul, being of artificial intelligence, (robotoids, E.) but midwayers will select the ones with a father fragment. This message is either turned to those beings giving order to fly and spray, to the ones filling the chemistry into the chem-depots and to the ones who turned to believe th there is nothing wrong in spraying chemistry into the atmosphere. So, to all needing to hear about.Folks, you are living on a beautiful planet, on a blue jewel in space. This planet was created by God, who loves his creation. You have been created by him, too. You came here to be intelligent beings and unfortunately you got stuck inside a matrix of illusion. You are standing there upon mother earth and looking up to the sky – what do you feel?Are you still able to feel?There goes a phrase saying that above the clouds freedom would be limitless. Now, you guys might have had the whish to fly. You were intelligent and couraged enough to become trained to be pilots of aircraft. There is not so many occasion in this branch to choose – you can either join the military carreer or civil air traffic – or become a private pilot for a top manager, e.g. But anyway you have settled to gain a licence to fly. And now, what are you doing with it?The atmosphere of earth is necessary for life on the planet. For decades your surface dwellers have been polluting it by industrial waste gas and else. Our silver fleet vessels have been very busy in clearing the atmosphere again and again, to give you one chance after the other to go on, hoping that you would change your mind, as civilization. And now here come some wolves dressed in sheep-suits and they hire you guys, telling you: JUST FLY AND SPRAY. And you claim, you would need that job, it was just a job like any other, you would need your income or even that you simply would not know or not care about what you are doing there! You sit inside your aircraft, you start up and press the button to start spraying your chemtrails.THIS MAKES YOU TO BE THE PARASITES OF THE SKY AND YOU ARE PAID FOR POISONING THE ATMOSPHERE, MOTHER EARTH AND HUMANITY.Filling any chemistry depot, delivering chemical supplies for that intention or setting your feet and your backside into the cockpit of a spraying aircraft makes you become assistants in a big project of mass-murder.HOW LOW CAN A HUMAN BEING FALL TO PARTICIPATE IN DESTROYING THE OWN LIVING SPACE.WHO DID MAKE THAT TASTY FOR YOU?It does not matter whether you use anonymous aircraft or not. The dirty work you perform is outing you by any means. You hurt creation and as you hurt creation you hurt yourself as your body was originally intended to be temple of God. You misuse the freedom that should dwell over the clouds. You misuse the free will that was given to you by the creator. To tell that you just did not know what you were doing is nothing but a poor try to escape the responsibility. If you are intelligent enough to fly such a plane or to steer a remote controlled spraying craft you should be most likely intelligent enough to question WHAT you are really doing there. It's never too late to stop, so I URGENTLY ADVISE YOU TO EARN YOUR MONEY BY A JOB WHICH DOES NOT HARM A COMPLETE PLANET AND CIVILIZATION. AND IF YOU KEEP SPRAYING YOU WILL HAVE TO SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES.The blue sky, clean and radiating the love of the creator, is meant to be unharmed and hands off, untouchable.COSMIC LAW WILL ELIMINATE THE PARASITES FROM THE SKY, SO BETTER STOP BEFORE YOU ARE STOPPED BY HIGHER ORDER. ALWAYS YOUR CHOICE, BUT DON'T TELL THEN YOU HAD NOT BEEN WARNED, IF YOU THEN WILL STILL BE IN THE POSITION TO TELL.You will fail to pass your exam, folks. STOP IT AND STOP IT NOW! TIME OUT.YOUR SPRAYING CRAFTS WILL TURN OUT TO BREAK IN BITS AND PIECES.And I assure you, this is not "revenge" of God in any kind. It's nothing else than what you have created for yourselves by breaking the cosmic law. This is your last chance, folks. It's me, Adama of Telos, speaking also on behalf of mother earth, who deserves heartfelt thanks for nurturing her children, instead of being hit straight in her face. If you stop out of your free will you will be blessed. If not, just wait and see. Thanks to the midwayers transmitting and delivering this message to the persons in question. And should you, dear readers, know anybody who is a FLY AND SPRAY PILOT, then please copy this message and pass it on to the person in question. With deep thanks for your support and best whishes for insight to the Chemtrail pilots...(Get well, soon!) this is your eternal friend Adama of Telos.

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  • I only know, from galactic origin I probably came
    from Arcturus in past. Much more than that I dont know as yet.
    And I cant wait to see earth become a galactic society :)

    About Ashtar some people have said hes good and some
    said hes bad, just like they do with Obama, so I will just wait
    and see what the future brings.
  • Yes I have read about the incident over Billy Meiers house,
    but I did not know who attacked him until now. I once read the
    DAL Universe is a parallel Universe to ours, much more I dont know yet.

    How things look like we will soon meet our cosmic friends,
    preparations are underway for this:)
  • then I am not -elite- because I have galactic origins hehe

    but that part I did not know yet that exactly, although I thought it
    might be that way

    I am a hardliner -elite- opposer
  • Napa, you misunderstand something here,
    the people I actually meant was exactly those, the -elite-
    or do you really think I would want them to win, I am glad when the ETs
    come here :)

    To explain bit better, the rebell group of Annunaki on earth, were the
    puppet masters of the -elite- which did not want to honor the galactic
    peace treaty, but only really the rebel group on earth.

    And dont think because I am german I like what german gov is doing, I know
    well that they are also part of the -elite- idiots,
  • yes me too and now is the time for them to manifest :)

    get prepared, as they are now really manifesting, GAME OVER for the Illuminati

    what happened, I put in below what I got in email yesterday >>

    What follows is a consolidated report on the clearings that took place on the afternoon of June 15, 2009. What you will read in succession are (1) Mark's prefacing remarks, (2) Beth Trutwin's report, (3) Mark's report, (4) Kauwila's report, and (5) Terrence Staton's report.

    Please note the significance of Beth's comment that the day's activities were about "cleaning out anything dark and arresting those who will be shipped to The Hague for trial." What you are reading is a phase of the accountability round-up that we have all been waiting for.

    (1) Mark’s Prefacing Remarks

    What a night! Huge thanks to Terrence Staton, Kauwila, Elizabeth Trutwin and Rama Berkowitz for their great inputs and accomplishments.

    Thousands of arrests taken to The Hague . This will make the other steps much easier.

    Ashtar may now or soon decide to turn the dial on the bridge and erect the firmament. Terrence explained the strategy behind the different aspects of the mission tonight.

    Together we are victorious. Resistance is futile. Love will prevail.


    (2) Beth’s Report

    Hello, everyone.

    Tonight we were going into certain areas of government to help with cleaning out anything dark and arresting those who will be shipped to The Hague for trial. When the group would enter each new industry, building, or location, we would flood them with love. This would have the dark ones on the run.

    Angels helped gather these dark ones up. They were taken in large groups to Lord Ashtar and he sent them all away. Their time here is done. As soon as the dark ones were gone, the arrests of those left behind started. Anyone who willingly put people in harm’s way, tortured people, unfairly jailed people, or otherwise caused irrefutable harm, was arrested, rounded up and sent to The Hague .

    When we went to each new group, we sent tremendous amounts of love and it touched every part of this group in all areas of the world. If it was a National Organization, every office, every subsidiary was cleared. If it was a world-wide organization, it was cleaned out at every level.

    If it affected another industry, that too was cleared. There were thousands of arrests tonight.

    We went to the following groups:


    All Drug Companies


    Homeland Security

    Federal Reserve



    Health Insurance Companies



    Air Controllers


    City Police

    County Police

    State Police

    All Jails


    Diamond Mining Industry

    Thank you everyone who helped tonight. There again, were millions of ships in Earth's atmosphere standing by and helping us.

    (3) Mark’s Report

    Yippeee! I formed a heart-shaped beam with each of us holding a position anchoring and focusing the beam of unconditional love. I placed Mr T [SB: I believe, Tom the Paschat] at the center of the beam...for fine focusing. There appeared to be 'collateral love splashing' that I took to be the passive co-conspirators or active supporters.

    Rama went up to the Fortress of Solitude at the North Pole. The Octahedron crystal rose from the floor and had some controls for magnification or diminishing the display.

    As the image came up he saw a huge triangle over the pole. He recycled the screen several times with the same results. Then he asked if this Wingmaker ship was supporting the Op? Yes was the answer.

    Next he panned out to see the whole planet. Red-Orange lights almost covered the east-coast and then clusters of that same image repeated across the planet. The East Coast looked like a forest fire of transmutation. Fire was flaming everywhere.

    As he was there a black helicopter-- Shark Antigravity stealth craft (Mark)?--flew over his position. He put his hand up and sent the message: You can't see me, I'm invisible. It was detecting some energies but could not localize his position.

    Before he left he saw a Sirian blonde in meditation inside the Fortress there. He didn't disturb the adept. Just watched and then came back to his body.

    So much joy is going to come from these ones getting suffused with love. Glad that there will be so many going to the Hague .

    This was truly a huge step forward. Fireballs (dragons?) were exploding out of warrens and being scooped up by Ashtar and removed to beyond the void. Their time is over!

    The intentional contamination of our food supply and people is over.

    This will have to be integrated to appreciate the scope and detail of this.

    Mahalo to Gaia, Ashtar, KOS , Tom, and the Team and all support forces and to our own leader, Elizabeth.


    (4) Kauwila’s Report

    To the rocks at the ocean at 4:30PM. Sat on a rock, feet in ocean pool, water occasionally could reach my body. About 30 feet from the heiau [Hawaiian temple]. Grounded Self to the Galactic core (NOT the Earth's, as I used to do). As I reached the heiau, a Hawaiian spiritual warrior family was there to greet me. I formed a holon of ascension (space ship) and a holon of balance (octahedron) before beginning.

    Went first to the Midwest... St. Louis . Monsanto...saw caves leading out from there all over the world.

    Specifically I was drawn towards Pacific region, including Japan , China , also Hawaii , always conscious of Midwest .

    As the caves were very dark, nothing could be seen at first. My sight turned to the ocean and the waves. I began to see dragons, long ones, at least 50-100 feet, some of them HAD 50-100 feet.

    As I saw or heard the word "Monsanto", this large wave set came in. Over the ocean these 50-100 footers [dragons] came. Into the vortex at the heiau, I was directing them. I was not directly hit by any waves, but the waves made a wash (rush) of water which before was at my ankle level, and now was up as far as my chest. I held my ground (I was sitting down, but the rush of the water can tend to knock one over), and stayed upright. The waves got bigger and bigger and then subsided. As did the dragons. All of the dragons were black.

    Next I saw a flurry of gray beings, like rats or big gerbils; may be bats, but gray. They appeared to be minions, or assistants. I sent them love and peace and showed them options of going into the vortex for complete removal from the Earth or going into the waves for forgiveness, release, and transformation into their new roles. Most chose the latter. I saw no "black" ones.

    Next came the word "Cargill". As it came to mind, another large set of waves came in, and again a set of dragons (not as many as I recall from Monsanto) went into the vortex. Gone.

    I was not aware of any smaller minion entities that came through.

    Somewhere in here I was directed to Europe, specifically got southern France, Mediterranean side, then Russia , I sensed, but immediately went to Romania , and Transylvania . Draculae (Draculas?) erupted from there, only to be disappeared (not via my local Hawaii vortex).

    At this point I was moved to stand in a different pool. I stretched out my arms in gratitude; then looked at the caves. They were lighted and clear. Then I was said hello to by a local Hawaiian here who cares for this heiau, with his 3 dogs. I got that my work time was over. I had not seen this fellow (Paul) for months. Now I know he was here to affirm the work we had just finished.

    After, I found another pool, closer to the ocean and sat down for clearing and rest.

    Aloha, Love, and Peace,

    Kauwila (Kau'ila)

    (5) Terrence Staton’s Report

    I was assigned the task of closing down the portals.

    There were a few locations that were being used as back entrances in to the world. Lord Ashtar needed these closed before he could turn on the 5d firmament.

    The portals would have bypassed that protection so all portals needed to be closed. These portals were scattered across many locations on the planet. The smaller ones acted as quick jump points from one side of the planet to another. The larger ones enabled jump points between worlds.

    Lord Ashtar want the criminals surprised and caught. The phase of the group I was in started after the confronting of the military industrial complex by the rest of the team. In essence the first op was a distraction so they wouldn't notice their exits being closed behind them.

    One of the major portals was in the catacombs under Paris , France . Here there was an infernal machine that twisted everything around it to the dark. I called in Archangel Michael to destroy as it was beyond my ability to do so.

    Once the machine was destroyed the portal could be taken down easily. The next portal was located in America . This one was being used by Faction 2 where the first one was mainly for Faction 1.

    This one was in a top secret location. The portal was so huge that it literally sucked in everything around it. I had no chance to even close this portal with Love and Light. I could not channel enough to close it on my own and with the help of those around me.

    I again called upon Archangel Michael to assist. He pulled out a large sword of light and literally cut the portal in half. Then we could all easily close the portal.

    The third portal was located in South America . We were able to locate it by reading the smaller portals and where they were linked. This was a very ancient location.

    We quickly realized this was a location the Annunaki had been using for millions of years. They noticed we were coming and attempted to flee through the portal. Archangel Michael appeared before the portal and cut them off.

    I notified Lord Ashtar and he began rounding up the criminals. Lord Ashtar was very pleased to finally have captured them. He said this was the last of renegade Annunaki.

    He didn't know the location of their final hideout until now. It had been hidden and undetectable.

    After we finished clearing out the last Annunaki stronghold I could no longer feel any more portals. I requested a clearing from Archangel Michael and he channel amazing Love and Light through me.

    I was done.

    In loving service,

  • Some of these pilots I am intuiting have been told that they are participating in a classified experimental programme that is designed to help stop global warming, so as not to play havoc with their conscience. I could be wrong, that is my "guess". (Certainly sounds better than the truth, doesn't it?!!)
    • Thanks for the information. I have actually never had any contact with
      an ET. Billy Meier interests me too since a few years.
    • yes and it also sounds like typical cabal tactics, telling big lies, as thats all they are really capable of

      just bad luck for them that the big arrests already going on :)
      • yes thats true, I heard same thing about the military

        -some kind of exercise- >> reminds me of the -exercise- GFL had this weekend,
        have you ever heard of the big arrests to the Hague and soon following International
        War Crimes Trials? hehehehe
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