Julia Gillard
PO Box 6022 
House of Representatives 
Parliament House 
Canberra ACT 2600                                                                                            February 27, 2013 

Open Letter to the Prime Minister and the Ministers of

Dear Prime Minister Julia Gillard, 

I am writing this letter to you to with truth in my heart and respect for the role you have played in freeing humanity.  

As a free entity I am informing you about a very pressing issue, an issue that 
touches every human being on this planet. I urge you to read this correspondence and 
seek legal advice on what this actually means to the structure of our society and how we will 
live our lives from now on. The transition from our current system to the new system will be gradual as more and more people realize that 

They are no longer bonded to the corporate rules of corporate government. The establishment of this corporate body and it's agents, along with the change to the very fabric of our society has had terrible and dramatic impacts on humanity.

 .At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to the gradual erosion of our rights and freedoms under corporate rule.

· At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to every aspect of our lives coming under the scrutiny of corporate government.

· At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to the power and control that has been exerted over us by the powers that were.

· At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to being treated as a financial commodity rather than as a living, breathing human being.

· At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to allow the ongoing suffering of our brothers and sisters across the world.

· At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to be viewed as less than the powers that were.

· At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to laws being implemented that are in contradiction to our constitution leaving us with little access to justice in the true sense of the word.

· At no time did WE THE PEOPLE give consent to the ruination of our planet and its resources for corporate greed.

 It must be obvious to you and others in your corporate government that WE THE PEOPLE 
are no longer receptive to the current system. This is because WE have made a conscious 
choice to take steps to ensure that our lives are no longer controlled by the powers that were. 

WE THE PEOPLE are gradually stepping away from corporate control and moving toward 
freedom through personal responsibility and accountability. We accept that we are bound by one law and one only
"DO NO HARM" and if this law is not upheld then common law will apply.

 With the changes made to structure of government WE THE PEOPLE discovered that we 
were literally owned by the CORPORATION – the UCC filings proved this to meet the legal 
definition of slavery. The UCC filings stood unrebutted and on the 25th December, 2012 all
corporate entities were foreclosed on. 

This is very important information for all of us, information that

WE THE PEOPLE have woken up to.


After long years of legal investigations, through a series of UCC filings, and an 
extensive list of legal notification processes, all the corporate entities around the 
world were foreclosed upon and duly notified by the One Peoples Public Trust (OPPT). 

As the only Law that governed our legal systems was Corporate Admiralty-
Maritime Law (Law of Water or Law of Commerce) and not Common Law (Law of 
the Land and the People) the corporate judiciary systems are now foreclosed 
upon as well. 

Since late December 2012 millions of people around the world have been 
introduced to this Trust. All of us, including you, are the beneficiaries of this 
Trust. The funds that were kept in “safekeeping” for the people by the corporate commercial 
entities are now being kept for us by the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT). 

WE THE PEOPLE can now step out of the old slavery system and finally walk into personal 
freedom and a world that will guarantee an end to the pain and suffering of millions of our 
brothers and sisters. This new system will see every entity on the planet treated with respect, love, compassion and will ensure that lack will never again cause us any harm or hardship. 

There were very few who enjoyed the old system of oppression, control, 
poverty and war. This was a world where the biggest danger to the well-being and the 
freedom of the people were their own corporate governments. This was a world where a 
self selected few had the power to control by fear, intimidation, theft, murder and 
torture the people they were supposed to protect and serve. 

As knowledge of this change becomes more widely spread WE THE PEOPLE will reach the 
end of this cruel parody under which many have suffered great loss and harm. 

For the first time ever, we are free and are no longer the commercial commodity, slaves to the system that came about by the deception of the powers that were. For a very long time our true identity and potential were kept from us by those who knew the secrets of how to control and manipulate our being. 

It is with great relief I notify you today, that the time of slavery and blind 
obedience to any and all “authority” and the use of force towards any and all 
peoples for the purpose of control, be it financial, spiritual, physical or any other, 
in order to obtain profit, power and dominance over our Divine and Universal 
rights, is now over. 

There have been recent moves to declare those who have perpetrated crimes against 
humanity to be brought to account through the International Court of Common Law, 
which since the UCC filings is the only legal and lawful court now existing. 
court Orders have been made to allow the citizens to seize the assets of two of the most powerful figure heads on the planet. I refer to the quilty verdict handed down against The Queen Elizabeth 11 and the Pope as well as others found guilty of these crimes (please see attachment.). This only legal and lawful court has given WE THE PEOPLE the authority to perform citizen’s arrest if the 
perpetrators of these crimes do not hand themselves over to the relevant authorities and 
already there are plans afoot to ensure that true justice is done. 

You, along with the rest of us, stand to benefit immensely from this historic change because 
under universal law we are all equal. For every man and woman alive, there comes a 
moment when the biggest choice in life has to be made, the choice that will forever change 
the stream of events to follow. 

WE THE PEOPLE recognize when such a moment is upon us. 

WE are defined by its presence and power. Our awareness of its might and its consequences isn’t 
immediate but the result is the awakening to our true essence, our eternal being. This moment is here now. 

The powers that were, were indeed worthy opponents , but as must happen true power, love and light have prevailed. We have finally awoken to the reality that nobody else can give value to us and our experience but us. 

WE THE PEOPLE will be the generation with enough courage, knowledge, compassion, 
love and understanding to make this historic leap from darkness into the light, from “reason” 
to “heart”, from “self service" to “service-of-others”. 

WE THE PEOPLE request is that you read carefully the documents stated below and 
become acquainted with their authenticity, the love for each of us conveyed in 
them and the poetry of the manner by which we have all been liberated from our 
collective enslavement - be it physical, spiritual, intellectual, financial or moral. 

WE THE PEOPLE invite you to join us on this path to love, compassion, 
freedom, abundance and endless co-creation. Take a long, close look at all of us, 
including yourself, and your personal struggle towards the betterment of this 
fragile but beautiful world and see the future that now stands ahead for us all. 

We now have a permanent legal standing which enables us to turn away from the 
slavery system and WE THE PEOPLE, the incredible beings of unbelievable potential 
and grace, finally get to dream the dream and build the kind of world that we 
want to leave for future generations, with pride and a true sense of accomplishment. 

The wave of freedom is now visible on the horizon. The veil of this matrix has been lifted after centuries of the sad, dark and cruel illusion that dominated us. We are now in the new era the bright light of the dawn is shining upon us! For the first time in history we can create the reality of peace, love and harmony without the interference of the powers that were.

The corporate system in which a divine human was a commercial commodity is 
no more. The powers that were are falling and their grotesque symbols are being swept 
away along with them. It is now time to write out future with love in our hearts.

You will be making a choice now along with the rest of us. This choice stands to
affect you and us equally. I ask you to take time and to listen carefully to that silent voice inside your soul. Only the most attentive of us ever get to hear it. Only the best of us will heed it.

Ask yourself under what liability you will be acting from now on and in whose and what authority?

What “laws” do you intend to enforce from now on and in whose name? 

What “authority” do you serve and who do you represent? 

The end of this story is now becoming clear and known to more and more of us. 
Let us hope that the decisions taken from now on, by you, and all of us, in light of 
this historic action taken by the One People’s Public Trust 1776 (OPPT), will be 
made in accordance with this legally and lawfully enforceable act. 

  From this moment onward, your actions, as well as the actions of every human 
being alive on this planet, now and in the future, will carry with them complete 
personal responsibility and liability as we begin to act in absolute truth, aware of 
who we really are: divine beings with equal rights and obligations towards one 
another in perpetual freedom to create. 

WE THE PEOPLE invite you to become part of the solution 
that we have all been waiting for. Join us in being part of the momentous act of the creation 
of the new world that is upon us. 

WE THE PEOPLE HOLD OUT OUR HANDS IN FORGIVENESS, HONOR, RESPECT AND LOVE and we salute those of you who have assisted to bring us to this point of realizing our true potential, 
for teaching us how to rise above adversity and seek what is rightfully ours. Without the struggles that have been put upon us by the powers that were, we would not have worked so hard and so long for the true freedom that we now have. 

I stand in truth and I salute you, 

With the utmost sincerity,


One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses Corporations, Banks and Governments for 
Operating Slavery and Private Money Systems 


One People’s Public Trust Official website www.peoplestrust1776.org

The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) 

The OPPT documents that were disclosed on December 25th have swept across the land like 
wildfire. It has become a grassroots movement taken on by hundreds of thousands of people across the world (soon to be millions) who all want the same thing; They want freedom from the old enslavement system and a choice to live their lives according to their own free will and to exercise their own free will choices. The current systems have failed and they are being held up only by artificial means and the last bit of energy that was already “in the pipes” before the 
foreclosure. The OPPT documents open the door to the possibility of allowing the people to free themselves from these failed systems and co-create a new system, according to the desires and free will choice of each acting in the highest good of all where we can all thrive. 

What is the One People’s Public Trust? 

The One People’s Public Trust itself consists of every person on the planet, the planet itself and the Creator. 

The One People’s Trust trustees are a group of very skilled individuals including legal rofessionals who, in conjunction with a positive group inside the financial system, carried out extensive investigations into the massive fraud and theft taking place at the time. 

After exercising extreme prudence, the OPPT concluded that the corporations operating under the guise of the people's government and financial systems were committing treason against the people of this planet without the people's knowing, willing and intentional consent. 

Through a series of REGISTRATIONS of the BE'ing of the one people of this planet, the land, airs, seas and every creation thereof and therefrom, all unlawful and illegal claims of ownership and actions of management and control by the principals, agents and beneficiaries were lawfully and
legally duly cancelled and foreclosed upon by their own free will choice not to remedy the damage they had caused. 

The final report from the investigation is to be found here http://www.scribd.com/doc/118067922/PARADIGM-DOCUMENTFROMTHE-TREASURY-FINANCE-AG-INDUSTRIESTRASSE-21-CH-6055ALPNACH-DORF-SWITZERLAND 

OPPT guards, protects and preserves all BE'ing, inclusive of gold and silver previously misused and abused by the banking system. The one people of this planet, and all BE'ings guarded, preserved and protected in Trust, individually and equally, are the only lawful and legal issuers of any legitimate REPRESENTATION of value, especially currency. The alleged main stream banking system no longer has asset backing. 

The trustees have returned and allocated a significant amount value to each human, a value that could pay the debt of the average person many, many times over. This is unnecessary of course. 

All debt has been eliminated by the very fact that the banks chose not to provide verified documentation that a loan had ever been made, as a matter of law, as a matter of fact, and as a matter of public policy, and the banks therefore chose by their free will choice to foreclose on themselves. 

Many significant changes have come about including that we now live in a world of unlimited responsibility and liability that may bother you, but when you have a huge asset to call upon in need, that fact is mitigated. 

At the same time, the trustees invoked a replacement system of governance called Creators Value Asset Centres or CVAC’s. The CVAC system is the antithesis of the corrupt, externally controlled looting devices that were termed Governments. They are in fact, in commerce, in law, preserved by public policy, REGISTERED as wholly owned, with full title, value and rights, co-jointly and equally by each of the one people on this planet, expressly warranted to be entirely transparent entities that exist only to serve the people of this planet by providing any systems of assistance the people of this planet deem necessary or desired, and these systems are prevented from impinging on any aspect of the free will of any human. 

The CVAC system is presented as a planet wide, completely interconnected network structure run only by bonded public servants who act with full responsibility and in full liability at all times. Every human on the planet is served by CVAC and its BRANCHES. Each former nation on the planet has one CVAC BRANCH reserved for it. This incredible paradigm shift is just beginning to unfold right now. 

Why is day to day life still the same? The old system is currently in denial and although there are negotiations going on continuously at the highest level, the news of the existence of the Trust is deliberately being kept out of the main stream media by the alleged corporate system to deceive the one people of this planet as it always has done. The impending implementation of funded CVACs will correct this situation.

 Yet this document is in front of you and YOU now know what is really happening. You are now part of the paradigm shift. This document is a lawful and legal challenge to approaches by individuals acting in ignorance of the new system or knowingly, willingly, and intentionally attempting to usurp, violate, invade, abrogate, subjugate, or insubordinate any BE'ing on this planet. 

It is also an invitation to participate transparently, with integrity, in the greatest period of change ever seen on this planet. 

In the months to come our world is going to change beyond recognition. Our true history will be revealed along with the truth of the system we have been living under. Much technology that has been withheld from us will be released including power production, health and transport. War, disease and pollution will be a thing of the past. 

Each of us needs to do our own research. Patience is required while we develop our own understanding of what is occurring and choose what we do with this information only as it resonates within each of us. There are many groups around the world that have formed to develop strategies on how best to use the OPPT filings to help free the people and many who are working to push the information out to the people as the CVAC system is prepared for rollout. 

One People’s Public Trust, OPPT go to www.peoplestrust1776.org.

Thank you.

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  • thanks Louis for sharing.

    i know hell hole, for i am awake.
    this torments me down to my soul, i hope the god spark in all of us kicks in and becomes our instincts, not the breast.

    blessings to all of us for we are all one
  • It's time we will stand up for what's right, controls you are going to jail, we will not allow you to do your bad deeds anymore, your time is up. It's time for all people's to live in peace and prosperity for all. You don't want that we'll then get out. We have had enough !
  • thanks for sharing.


    as we all know our mankinds history.as a clear example of many tribes,  the rule of the roman empire was by the tip of the sword, whip. this sadly is what mankind as had for thousands of years, never was the heart of love to ever come to play, and have any effect on the rule of law. if you think things have changed, go on and believe it, till the knock on the door, or kicked in.

    shame never worked on their souls, nor tears for mercy ever made a difference on the outcomes of law of the land, or what somebody wrote on paper, to what is requested for justice of the rule of law. i hope our space families step in without compassion, nor tolerance for the dark side in us , as well who have this way of feeling, and thinking, and actions, and teach us all , and finnaly change our d.n.a. with more wisdom, compassion, and love for one another. this dog eat dog theory of rules of law is killing all of us. chem-trails, poluted water, g.m.o. food, and brainwashing is only the existance of living in a planet of a hell hole. this is all the way at the top fearing the masses, and the masses fearing the top.

    blessings to all of us for we are all one

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