NATO troops in Tripoli

It’s no longer a surprise that a media war is being waged against Gaddafi and Libya. In March, all news were breaking and highly contradictive towards each other. A month passed until Libyans finally learned to disprove the lies, but while the news themselves grew relatively neutral, a new wave of misinformation was being prepared.

It arose in global media approximately on 15th of August, when a Saudi Arabia newspaper Asharq Alawsat told that Gaddafi is allegedly ill and ready to leave the country. Saudis, mortal enemies of Muammar Gaddafi, were, of course, such a reliable source, that all other papers followed.

In the same time news channels were choking with new victories of the insurgency. It looked like it took rebels a couple of hours to occupy a city, making poor Moussa Ibrahim steam from his ears, proving to journalists that it is virtually impossible. All this show was a careful preparation for the main course – the taking of Tripoli. But in spite of mercenaries parachuted from Misurata to the south, despite attempts to cut the road from Tunisia, despite the insurgents’ zerg rush on all fronts, much of the rebel success remained on the screen. And cities cannot be taken by illusion. Therefore, NATO decided to pursue the most risky way: beginning the ground operation.

To cover it up and in the same time spread chaos and panic among Libyans, a set of Tripoli’s Green Square, Bab al-Azizya and several streets was constructed in Doha, Qatar, and videos of successful uprising in Tripoli and its takeover by the rebels were being made. The directors used the same stratagem that their civilian counterparts in Vietnam War movies: to draw their supposed victories.

On the 20th of August, Twitter, the major supplier of nonexistent witnesses came to life, like a shelled hornet nest. Rebels reported about fights in the city center - with smartphones in the free hand, no doubt. Some have gone further and managed alone to fully capture the west of the city. With the blessings of the almighty Photoshop pictures of rebels against Tripoli and Zawya were shown. Making sure that the February script goes according to plan, and the audience does not seem to mind, the forces of democracy gave a sign to the "moles", long located in the capital and waiting for this day.

The saboteurs ran recorded sounds of battle through speakers of the mosques, to mislead the citizens and give reporters the reason to write about the "audible gunfights and explosions". Simultaneously, dozens of armed people from Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt leaked to several areas of the city, shooting and threatening Libyans. Several Apaches flew in and bombed. The premier of the Qatari film failed at the box office, and the saboteurs were quickly dealt with, but they turned out to be a distraction. NATO marines and mercenaries were arriving from the sea in small fast boats.

The slaughter began. Within 11 hours, 1300 innocent civilians were killed in Tripoli, and 5000 injured, as French Foreign Legion and Al Qaeda cut their way through. All this time, the bombings continued non-stop. Three Apaches flew over the city, firing their miniguns. The gangs of Al Qaeda were burning houses, looting shops and assaulting every woman in sight. Any prominent supporter of Gaddafi was targeted and their houses attacked first. The number of gangs is still increasing right now, coming in from the sea in the small NATO crafts, and directed by the Special Forces of all the aggressor nations. Right now, the situation is unclear due to power cuts and informational blockade.

These are news you will never hear from BBC or CNN: your taxes spent on mercenaries, that kill women and children in a country that never posed a threat to Europe or USA. And while you savor this wonderful notion, let us take a closer look on Qatari Hollywood:


See also: Mass Protest Libya against NATO


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libyaqatar1893743892.jpgIn tegenstelling tot wat de meeste mensen geloven blijkt Al Jazeera geenonafhankelijke Arabische televisiezender te zijn. De zender is inhanden van de Britse marionettenstaat Qatar.

In samenwerking met de Britse inlichtingendienst heeft Al Jazeera een eigen Groene Plein in Tripoli gecreëerd, echter zijn ze bepaaldedetails vergeten.

De propaganda wordt al aan de kaak gesteld in Rusland en Maleisië. Deze mise-en-scène gaat hoogstwaarschijnlijk de boeken in als één vande meest cynische bedenksels van de reguliere media sinds degemanipuleerde beelden van Irakezen die het standbeeld van SaddamHoessein omver wierpen na de Amerikaanse invasie in 2003.

Op de ochtend van 22 augustus jongstleden deed Al Jazeera ‘live’ verslag van het Groene Plein in Tripoli. Er zou te zien zijn hoe deLibische hoofdstad werd ingenomen door rebellen. Verslaggeefster ZeinaKhodr werd omgeven door jubelende en euforische mensen terwijl zeverklaarde dat ‘Libië in handen was van de oppositie’.

De beelden werden gelijk overgenomen en verspreid door alle mainstream media. ‘Einde van het regime Gaddafi’ kopten veel kranten ener werd zelfs al gespeculeerd over de toekomst van Libië na Gaddafi.Zijn zonen waren naar verluid gearresteerd en zo zouden troepen hemniet langer trouw zijn.

De Libische hoofdstad, zo werd ons verteld, was nu in handen van de rebellen. Voor velen was het een voldongen feit.


Het verslag van Al Jazeera van het Groene Plein was echter opzettelijk bedrog. Het beeldmateriaal is van tevoren opgenomen in eenstudio in Doha in Qatar. De informatie kwam in handen van de Libischeinlichtingendienst en enkele dagen eerder werd het Libische volk doorhet televisiestation Rayyisse al gewaarschuwd voor de Qataresepsychologische operaties (psyops).

De misleiding had als doel om mensen de indruk te geven dat Tripoli was gevallen om het verzet te breken en paniek en chaos te veroorzaken.

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Gerelateerd: Beelden feestende menigte Groene Plein Tripoli afkomstig uit India

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