Orbs, Lightwaves and Cosmic Conciousness

Recently, I have met a woman named Sandra, we got to talking and i got her book, it is absolutely amazing to see all these love/light beings coming from all over in all directions from countless numbers of people! Check out her website and scroll through the images :] She is a beautiful person and filled with light. Keep on shining! Absolutely Love-ly.
 My heart sings with joy, from my heart to yours,

More About Orbs and Lightwaves

For those of you unfamiliar with orbs, they are those things that show up now on digital cameras and in people’s photographs. Spots . . . mostly spheres. All different sizes and, sometimes, colors. For the most part, people tend to automatically dismiss them as “dust particles” or water droplets or some anomaly on the photograph—if they notice them at all. Of course, there is no film with a digital camera—just more advanced technology that captures and allows us to see more frequencies of light than formerly when using processed film.

If you’re the sort of person who doesn’t tend to almost automatically dismiss what you see, if you are someone who remains open to the myriad possibilities life offers us, ultimately you may have a very different life experience from those who do not . . . in any number of ways beyond the phenomenon of orbs. 

Orbs and “Lightwaves” Characteristics

To review some of the characteristics of the orbs and plasma clouds or lightwaves I have observed, photographed, and taken notes on:

--they are organic....alive
—they exhibit consciousness
—they exhibit intention and choice-making
—they express happiness, joy, exuberance, concern
—they express their approval of your actions
—they are highly intelligent and often profound
—they are curious and observant
—they are playful and have a sense of humor
—they are responsive
—they can appear to be translucent, transparent, or solid
—they appear behind . . . or in front of . . . .objects
—the same orb, identifiable by its distinct markings, can appear to be very large in one photo and very small in the next, which means they expand and contract
—the orbs often have concentric circles and mandala patterns within their spheres
—the orbs are cell-like with membranes. The outer rim, e.g., looks like a membrane
—seeing them from the side (not front-on), they appear to be spinning vortices (funnels) of energy, like the drawings in the literature of human chakras (subtle energies)
—they move very fast. Some scientists have clocked them at upwards of 500 mph
—some distinguished scientists and others believe they are from another dimension beyond our own
—according to scientists, they must lower their frequencies in order to be seen and recorded by cameras

(Many more details are outlined in the book.)
Book Summary and Excerpt


Orbs, Lightwaves, and Cosmic Consciousness. Interacting with Beings from Another Dimension is one woman's personal account of her interaction with the orbs phenomenon, what she learned from her experiences, and how they helped her to heal her grief from the loss of her only child, her son, Eric, who was only 27 years old when he died.

Following a brief background of her personal story, Underwood also relates some of what she learned earlier in her life from her mysterious attraction over many years to the new sciences: quantum physics, chaos theory and fractals, complexity, and consciousness.  She shows how that knowledge helped prepare her to deal with what was to come, including the abyss she fell into believing her life was over -- not only from her son's unexpected death but also, years later, from breast cancer and a radical mastectomy.

A "spontaneous emergency" kundalini experience (explained in the book) provided an opening within her that, among other things, raised her energy frequency levels such that the orbs and "lightwaves" (as she calls them) responded and began communicating and interacting with her.

The full-color photographs in the book -- taken over only a year's time -- together with the stories of these encounters -- reveal the full wonder and mystery of these meetings with highly intelligent, conscious Beings from another dimension.

A series of back-to-back synchronicities (outlined in the book) are fascinating facts of this story -- as throughout these months of photographing she is led to find exactly the right book, meet and hear from exactly the right people who come into her life, and learn exactly what she was searching for and needed to know at just the right time to help her understand not only the full context and meaning of her life experiences but also to learn who she really is....who we all really are.  This book is the humbled expression of her joy, wonder, and immense gratitude for all her life experiences.


One night in 1996, following Eric’s death, when I was at a very low, low point feeling hopeless, feeling lost, something incredible happened.

I had moved to the downstairs bedroom so as not to disturb my husband’s sleep because of my kundalini “madness” -- being awakened from a sound sleep shaking, energy charging through my body, etc.  The bed is next to a window that overlooks the back deck and the lake we live on.

It was a dark night, and my grief had such a grip on me that as I lay in bed looking out the window, unable to sleep, I cried out, “Oh, Eric!  My life is lost without you!  All there is is darkness.”

Instantly the sky lit up with hundreds of lights!  It felt like a miracle.  I was awestruck.

* Click thumbnail to enlarge.

I had never seen anything like it before.  I felt shaken by it and amazed.  Instantly I “knew” -- just as it happened later on the mountain at Mount Shasta -- that it was Eric -- or, at the very least that his hand was in this...letting me know that my lament wasn’t true.  My life was not lost without him.  That there is much, much more than the dark place I was in at the time and that he had been in before he died.  The world is filled with light and love.  I knew he didn’t want me to lose hope as he had.  I knew he wanted me to make the connection and hold on.  That things would get better.  That he was and always is still with me....not “lost”.  That neither of us is “lost.”

In November 2008 it occurred to me to invite the orbs to help me show you -- to re-enact -- what had occurred in 1996.   Perhaps you will agree they complied in a quite spectacular way. You can see why the sky lit up the darkness outside at that time.  That night, by the way, I saw them with my own eyes -- as I have again since then.  In fact, I’m not sure there even were any digital cameras yet at that time!  I believe I was able to see them due to the high frequencies of energy and emotion charging through my body and vibrating at the time.  I believe the orbs resonated not only to my lament and to Eric’s wish to help me but also to the energetic vibration they recognized and were attracted to.

Of course at that time, in 1996, I knew nothing of the orb phenomenon.  I had no idea what had happened.  I wondered briefly if I had hallucinated the whole thing.  But I knew I had not.  I knew what had happened didhappen.  And, I understood why. The closest thing I could think of that lit up like that were fireflies.  Yet how in the world, I wondered, could that many fireflies have gathered all at once?  That wasn’t the answer.





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  • Orbs are great and so happy to have their presence. You can get your own Orb of Life here as well http://newagewizard.com/freebooks/orb_of_life.pdf
  • Psychoenergetic Science involves the expansion of traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention as capable of significantly affecting both the properties of materials (non-living and living) and what we call "physical reality." For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that such a thing is impossible. However, our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today's world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct. We have discovered that it is possible to make a significant change in the properties of a material substance by consciously holding a clear intention to do so. For example, we have repeatedly been able to change the acid/alkaline balance (pH) in a vessel of water either up or down, without adding chemicals to the water, merely by creating an intention to do so. While this is very exciting - even more exciting is the fact that we have been able to use a simple electronic device to "store" a specific intention within its electric circuit. This is important because this “intention programmed” device (we call it an intention-host device), can be placed next to a vessel of water at any physical location to obtain the same results we have achieved in our lab. In this way, we have had others replicate these water pH results at multiple locations around the world. Such results are consistently reproducible! How is it possible for something like this to occur in the physical reality with which we are all so familiar? We have discovered that there are actually two levels of physical reality and not just one. It is this “new” level of physical reality that can be significantly influenced by human intention! How? There are two basic kinds of unique substances found in these two levels of physical reality. They appear to interpenetrate each other but, normally, they do not interact with each other. We call this the uncoupled state of physical reality. In the uncoupled state we are able detect our normal physical environment with our five physical senses. But the substance in this normal state of physical reality is not influenced by human intention. The substance in the “new” level of physical reality, appears to function in the empty space between the fundamental electric particles that make up our normal electric atoms and molecules. As such, it is currently invisible to us and to our traditional measurement instruments. But the substance in this “new” level is influenced by human intention. The use of intention-host devices affects both realities in such a way that meaningful coupling begins to occur between these two very different kinds of substance, and therefore, between these two levels of physical reality. Then, the “new” level of physical reality becomes partially visible to our traditional measurement instruments. We call this condition the coupled state of physical reality. In the coupled state, we can measurably influence physical reality via intention. The implication of all of this for our world is enormous! Our experimental research suggests that implementation of the technologies we are pioneering will have profound impact on all aspects of human endeavor. Improved methods for converting fossil fuels to mechanical energy, more powerful computing capabilities and greatly enhanced potential for human mental and physical development are just a few examples of the dramatic possibilities. Learn more about this remarkable research with the Introduction To Intention Host Device Research DVD!

    • Wow
    • I hope i gave you some good paths to go down to do your own research!
      In love and light and TRUST, Thank you Amelia.
      • Yes, thank you.
  • —some distinguished scientists and others believe they are from another dimension beyond our own
    —according to scientists, they must lower their frequencies in order to be seen and recorded by cameras

    Which ones? Can I have their names? I would like to read the research.
    • "For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call "physical reality."

      Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today's world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct.

      We humans are much more than we think we are and Psychoenergetic Science continues to expand the proof of it."

      - William A. Tiller


      Klaus Heinemann: http://www.acviews.com/kh/klaus.htm
      In his book, "The Orb Project," co-authored with Dr. Miceal Ledwith and with an extended foreword by Dr. William A. Tiller, Klaus discusses digital photographs that contain clear and irrefutable evidence of phenomena that cannot be explained on the basis of conventional physics. Building on this work, Klaus and his wife Gundi co-authored "Orb: Their Mission and Messages of Hope."
      Find more about this fascinating topic here- http://www.acviews.com/kh/Orbs.htm
      • Dr. Stainislov Grof; just google him or youtube; he has a book; The adventure of Self-Discovery. Dimensions of conciousness and New Perspectives in Pschotherapy and Inner Exploration(1988)
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