I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there wanting to gain an in-depth insight, on what is, its functions & useful purposes. What many ancients, craft practitioners, psychics, & modern-day scientist term as psychic/Bio energy is, as a matter of fact, a cosmic ever-flowing life sustaining & promoting energy, which literally occupies every existence in this universe- including transcending of space/time. Below is an excerpt taken from the works of a good friend of mine & a leading Orgone Astrophysicist by the name of Karl Hans Welz.





          The technologies of unified material and higher order energies have the potential of access to infinite powers. When I say infinite, I mean a process: No matter what level of power you achieve, there will always be more beyond. The potential of infinite power requires from the individual an adjustment and training that is commensurate to this potential. This means that the training compares to training in advanced sciences. As we have pointed out in the previous chapter, the psychic and spiritual dimensions are the basis of technologies to act upon our inner and outer environments. Therefore it became important that part of the training and preparation for handling new technologies comes from within the individual. Such training can then ensure rapid and safe advancement. Many of the mystery schools and “New Age” groups abound with methods to prepare the individual. Of all these methods, there seems to be only one that we can consider to be a solid basis for rapid spiritual advancement and safe psychic development, and access to the creative realms of the universe. The method in question is the development of the consciousness of being One with the Divine. We know that many other names exist for this type practice and achievement. Some call it Christ consciousness. Others call it Higher Self and so on.


According to popular belief, Oneness is a long term goal. Some people have a vested interest in spreading a lot of such popular beliefs; among them in the forefront are bosses of mystery schools whose main concern is in keeping a lot of paying students or a lot of worshippers! Contrary to this generally accepted popular belief, Oneness should be an important basis of metaphysical advancement and not its long term goal. Furthermore, it is important to know that it can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. As is the case with many other metaphysical practices, it is so easy that it takes some people decades to learn it. That’s because most people think that everything needs to be complicated to be effective. To achieve this type consciousness in a relatively short period of time, all it takes is the right advice in the right surroundings, preferably with others who have the same goal in mind.


The course that you are about to begin with this lesson will help you to seek out and generate the right inner and outer surroundings as well as the necessary know-how to achieve this important experience, or state of mind. Soon experience will teach you that achieving Oneness is an easy task! Practice with persons who have achieved Oneness has many benefits. Besides the fact that these people are good teachers for you, they can also project Divine energies to you, so that you will achieve your goal much easier, perhaps in a matter of a few hours of practice. Once you have achieved Oneness, you can project energies and help others in the same way others have helped you. Such practice will cause you to be increasingly rooted in Oneness with the Divine so that it will be a solid basis for all your further actions, overall success, and advancement in the many fascinating aspects of spiritual technology, or technological spirituality. Once you will have become aware of your Divine nature, many things will turn out to be a lot easier that they may have looked previously.





         Our times are a challenge to all of mankind. Therefore more than ever we need as many empowered individuals as possible who can contribute to an overall healing of the situation on this planet towards a positive permanent change that takes into account the fact that humans are no longer a species consisting of small tribal societies. This situation demands fast action. Mankind, therefore, can no longer afford the luxury of having so-called minority cultures. A minority culture is a culture in which only a very tiny minority of individuals are creative and contribute to overall progress of the civilization. The times are over once and for all where a few individuals jealously kept powerful technology and spiritual practices away from the masses so that they can keep their own cherished positions. In our times there is no longer a place for the long lasting training systems in which precious time of the seeker is wasted on things that he or she can learn in a relatively short period of time. For all these reasons, you can find in this course a unique system of individual empowerment and training that has as its main goal your rapid advancement and the rapid acquiring of new and important skills. As responsible human beings we need to have the advancement of mankind as a whole in mind rather than the keeping of power positions.


Consequently I put emphasis on practical application of that which I am teaching here and on personal experience. Under no circumstances do I intend to burden you, the beginning student, with irrelevant materials such as “wisdom lessons, secret knowledge,” and the like. You will rapidly familiarize yourself with the basics of metaphysical teaching by following the principle of experiencing while you advance.


Experience of Oneness with the Divine has proven to be one of the most useful and solid bases for a harmonious, balanced, powerful, and rapid advancement. Therefore this experience of Oneness should be at the beginning of any training. It has no place as part of some distant initiation practice after years of being exposed to the slogans and mechanisms of indoctrination mechanisms of some religious belief structures and bias. The practice and experience of Oneness, therefore, are at the core of the training that I am offering. In my workshops and services participants are aware of their own Divinity. They experience Oneness with their Divine nature and they are therefore in a position to act from a Divine position rather than from their human one. They have their consciousness of being One evolving from a tiny spark to the ever lasting light of a constant conscious attitude that encompasses the totality of their being. Typically, when a student is in one of the meetings for the first time, he or she will have a practical experience that brings about hands-on insights of what I am talking about here.


After a few classes only, not years of training, you will have your first deep awareness of Oneness with the Divine. As a result of practical experience you will then understand what the meaning is of such things as the Higher Self, Christ consciousness, and Higher consciousness. Then you will know beyond the shadow of any doubt that your awareness of your Divinity is to be at the beginning of a powerful and balanced advancement. All you need to do is invest a few hours of your life to achieve the most worthwhile and exciting breakthrough ever, then thank yourself!…  (Welz pg. 5 & 6)



Author: Karl Hans Welz

eBook- Cosmic Consciousness Course

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    • I'm elated to see individuals like you understanding, least the potential of Orgone & how it affects our everyday lives. I invite you to continually stay tune to these particular articles I'm posting, because I will be revealing some ground-breaking things, that you might not be aware of, which could eventually have a profound effect on how we view Orgone/Chi & our material reality. As a quick reminder, Karl Hans Welz, is the original inventor of Orgonite & the worlds first modern Orgone/Chi Generator. We have conjoined together to help bring these forbidden truths. Namaste!!
  • Hello Ann, to answer some of your concerns & comments about Welz. First, as for the theft claims from Karl, what I do know is he had in the past been upset, when certain individuals had & intended to, not only discredit him on his revolutionary inventions, but to take it upon themselves by using the same trademark patent names, which he had initially created & labeled for some of his prototypes. Orgonite wasn't invented by Wilhelm Reich, the Orgone accumulator, cloud buster & a better scientific understanding of Orgone, is credited to Reich & his corresponding invention. Furthermore, other than Reich publishing's on Orgone, anything else was systemically hidden & classified by the powers that be. Contrary to some views, there are many others pre-dating Reich, as example- Franz Mesmer(Animal Magnetism) & the Vril society, that are also to be contributive notables in presenting the wonder of Orgone. Overall, Karl Hans Welz was the first astrophysicist to invent an Orgone/Chi Generator & has legal patent & trademark rights to it. Comparable to the many Orgone acculumators/Generators out there, Welz technologies are far superior in quality & power, & has spent over 30 years in research & developing. I will also mention, that I'm an amazon distributor of some of his awesome devices pertaining to Orgone/Chi technologies, which I hope everyone knows, uses a direct current(DC) electrical outlet & not your usual pendant necklace. Namaste!!
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