I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there wanting to gain an in-depth insight, on what is, its functions/properties & useful purposes. What many ancients, craft practitioners, psychics, & modern-day scientist term as psychic/Bio energy is, as a matter of fact, a cosmic ever-flowing life sustaining & promoting energy, which literally occupies every existence in this universe- including transcending of space/time. Below is an excerpt taken from the works of a leading Orgone Astrophysicist by the name of Karl Hans Welz.
The planes of existence correlate with the elements. You should familiarize yourself well with this model in order to work toward consciousness of One with the techniques that I am showing you in this course. You can see these planes as “higher” planes or as “inner” planes. As you progress with your work you will come to the insight that this distinction between “higher” and “inner” has only limited relevance. Oneness with the Divine will ultimately elevate you into realms where a distinction between “inner” and “higher” become meaningless.
The material plane is the plane where you find all that is tangible and where you find these things that you become conscious of. Each one of the higher planes has a material component that becomes conscious to you. For convenience we subdivide the material plane into two levels: the etheric plane and the dense material plane. The etheric plane is the plane that contains free chi (life force) and free light energy. The dense material plane is the realm that we perceive as such: structured. Although we make such a distinction, there is no sharp boarder between the two planes, and we notice a continuous transition. Free chi energy and free light are only at the threshold of chaos. The more manifest these energies become the denser are their appearances. Also, there is nothing that is purely chi (life force) and there is nothing that is purely light, there is nothing that is totally dense and there is nothing that is totally unstructured. The labels that we use are describing extremes that are beyond our existence. It is the mixture of the elements that causes things to exist while the elementalistic view of a “pure element” by itself cannot refer to anything that exists, in a similar way as space “and” time cannot be perceived as existing individually. The material plane is far more complex than the space-time continuum that modern physics attempts to describe. Life energy does not follow the laws of the three dimensional universe that we measure, but it has its own type of “space.” The main characteristic of that space is structural linkage.
The astral plane contains matrices of that which is tangible, or material. It is the world of formation. The energies of the astral plane are of a more subtle nature than the energies of the etheric and material planes. It is a world of desire, of emotions. A spirit that has the desire to manifest dwells in the astral. For its manifestation a material focus is necessary. A human being can direct such a spirit to gain an etheric form. If a magician does that consciously we call it an evocation of the spirit. I have evoked spirits and furnished them with sufficient life energy with the Welz Chi Generator that I invented. Consequently these “bundles of energy” could show their form on Polaroid photos. We can also project part of our energy field into the astral world and travel there. This way we can gain contact with entities (energy fields) without them needing to materialize in an evocative process. In this course you will learn to explore the elemental realms astrally.
The mental plane contains thoughts and mental matrices. These energies are still more subtle than the astral energies. They relate to the human mind. Another name for the mental planes is world of creation. There are two ways of looking at our brain. Most of us are used to view it as a generator of thoughts, very much like a computer. Another, equally useful, way is to view it as a sensory organ that perceives thoughts.
This plane is the realm of the will, the world of emanation. It contains the spark that brings things into manifestation by causing them to take the characteristics of each plane that they pass through: first a mental pattern, then an astral body of desire, and eventually an etheric or dense material shape. To be conscious of Oneness you need to consciously align all four elements and to be consciously aware of all planes. You bring your cosmic consciousness in manifestation in the same way as other ideas finally manifest.… (Welz pg. 11&12)
Author: Karl Hans Welz
eBook- Cosmic Consciousness Course