I thought I do a forum on Orgone/Life-force/Chi etc.. energy, so as to better help lightworkers or anybody out there understand & gain an in-depth insight & grasp on what it is, its functions & useful purposes. What many ancients, craft practitioners, psychics, & modern-day scientist term as psychic/Bio energy is, as a matter of fact, a cosmic ever-flowing life energy, that literally occupies every existence in this universe- including space/time. Below is an excerpt taken from the works of a leading Orgone Astrophysicist & a good friend of mine, by the name of Karl Hans Welz.





       At the dawn of mankind, religion was technology and technology was religion. To some extent this is still a widely accepted concept for some of the “primitive” peoples of our times who have not yet been touched by technological advancement and whose senses have not yet been destroyed as a result of indoctrination by organized mass religions: religions whose purpose is the socioeconomic repression of the population instead of offering their followers true advancement, or enlightenment. At a later stage in human evolution a split occurred. Things that people saw as “tangible” they considered to be “technological” while that which was not tangible belonged to the realms that they considered to be “spiritual”. Later organized religions seized the latter approach as their own while viciously suppressing any technological advancement that could threaten their monopolies of controlling the population.

 This split between “scientists” and “Metaphysicists” exists still in our days. The typical scientists are attempting to discover structures and natural laws in the tangible world. Metaphysicists and theologians had as their goal to describe that which is going on in the intangible world. Followers of organized religion traditionally lacked metaphysical insights. Consequently they resorted to outright inventing of fairy tales and they used brute force to make sure their obedient sheep did not stray away. With the advancement of scientific thought in recent times something rather unexpected happened. Things that were supposed to be tangible turned out not to be that tangible after all. At the same time new scientific systems developed that began to probe into the many worlds of things intangible. The tacitly assumed sharp demarcation between that which is religious and psychic and that which is technological and scientific proved increasingly to be arbitrary and an illusion that came from wishful thinking.


On the other hand, researchers on the metaphysical side became increasingly aware of the usefulness of scientific models and of scientific rigor. Most metaphysicists of our times however are not yet fully aware of the usefulness of this beneficial development. If they are they usually embed pop scientific concepts and verbiage into their theories. Others are still exhibiting a total lack of scientific training. Some even go so far to carry hostility against scientific thought and methods. Sadly enough, it is a bunch of scientific half wits, or quarter wits, that control much of the metaphysical thinking and publishing of our times. Books such as “the Tao of Physics” and “Enochian Physics” are the creation of such pop-scientific lightweights. They are using liberally big words such as unified field theory, quantum physics and fourth dimension without having the slightest idea what these words really mean, let alone understanding their underlying theories.


Typically, if there is a scientific advancement, some 30 years or so later the new terms are used by some Meta-physicists to “prove their points” or to bring across their ideas to a general public that is scientifically even less literate than they are: interpretations and “insights” that make even the weirdest pop-scientific ideas look advanced. It is more than time for a change that brings true science into metaphysics. This is so because more and more people open up to the fact that things spiritual and psychic are as valid as things that are scientific and technological, in fact that the two are inseparable. We have to come to the conclusion that a spiritual, or inner, reality that is independent of or in contrast to an outer, or scientific, reality does not exist. Both realities coexist. I authored the course “Magic of the Future” to bring scientific approaches into metaphysics. In this course I am showing that magic is applied natural science. The magician uses life force, structural links and energies of a higher order to effect action at a distance. This course is free on the Internet at www.magickcourse.com.


In our thinking we come to a point that recognizes again an important thing: psychic technologies and spiritual advancement as well as material technologies can be regarded as being facets of one and the same evolutionary process. For humans to achieve their fullest evolutionary potential, they have to become proficient in both technologies. The result of such a development is an all inclusive metaphysical technology, or a technological metaphysic. This is a discipline that can be the way to interact with all accessible levels of consciousness, or existence. It is interaction that reaches from the material planes all the way to the realms of energies of a higher order and energies of the realms of creation. We are at the threshold of an all encompassing and true technological magic…  (Welz pg. 3)


Author: Karl Hans Welz

eBook- Cosmic Consciousness Course

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  • Awesome, have started making my own too. Feels great making it as well. Excited for the results it can bring, love experiments..:D
  • Indeed "Anakin Skywalker", I'm thrilled to see that you find this fascinating & hopefully more out there will understand the true nature Orgone energy & the unlimited benefits it can bring. Peace & Light, Namaste!!
  • This reply was deleted.
    • Orgonite/Orgone accumulator is a terrific tool for any metaphysical work. What may come as a surprise to many, is that the original inventor of Orgonite is no other than, Karl Hans Welz, whom I'm conjoining with for this this article series. Peace & Light, Namaste!!
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