Orion Government Conspiracy

Short sci-fi video titled "The Orion Conspiracy". A certain Frenchman named Francois Rousseau,", informs the world community with reliable photographs and documents. During the whole session, shocking pictures change on the screen - one is more amazing than the other. The video looks in one breath and is able to stun any viewer. https://youtu.be/oBh9sry234s - the information is about 10 years old.

In 1949, a UFO saucer, accidentally discovered by our compatriots, fell in a strange way in the mountains near Altai. Further research is strictly classified.


In 1996, a Russian artificial satellite discovered in Antarctica a gigantic spacecraft that appeared to be virtually intact and had previously been hidden under a layer of ice. An analysis of the surrounding ice made it possible to establish that the accident occurred 24,000 years ago. Almost simultaneously with the discovery of the ship, a volcanic eruption began on one of the islands of the nearby South Shetland Archipelago. The real risk of losing the ship made Russia turn to the United States for help. The request, however, was then annulled, and the expedition hastily left the danger zone. Frustrated by the failure and not wanting the object to go to others, the Russians, in the end, simply destroyed it.


In connection with the fall / landing on the earth in prehistoric times of various cosmic bodies, this greatly affected the people living at that time..

 the race of prehistoric giants appeared. After the well-known ice age, all the tribe of giants that settled on the planet died out.


Found by Russia and China in 1927, heavily melted, burned ancient megaliths. Only now it was possible to establish that these are traces of ancient nuclear explosions. Modern humanity before the advent of nuclear weapons was unable to inherit like that. Samples of the earth have established that this soil is more than 50,000 years old.


Secret Nazi base for the study of UFOs found in Afghanistan and Tibet. After the Second World War, all the developments in this secret direction went to our compatriots and Americans.


Americans, studying UFO ships, fished out a super-technology for moving small and large objects in space. This is a photo-documentary filming of the teleport of the American destroyer Eldridge with the crew. The experiment ended successfully. Photographer: Morison Codgers (later died under mysterious circumstances).


In 1949, in Antarctica, an amateur photographer took pictures of an alien aircraft in the form of a "cigar". After that, similar objects were observed more and more often in different parts of the world.


NASA photos of the presence in the past on the moon of an extraterrestrial civilization that has long since sunk into oblivion. All these images were declassified by a group of scientists of an informal organization.


In 1957, there was a secret UFO recovery by the Americans from the bottom of the ocean, near Argentina. In the second photo, you can see a real battle between ships and the Russian fleet for possession of an aircraft, in the end, the saucer still went to the Americans.


In 1989, a UFO found in the desert near Afghanistan is transported by helicopter to an American base. This secret operation was called "sand artifact" and is strictly classified.


In 2007, the Astra 3R-3B triangular aircraft developed by the Americans using alien technology is capable of flying silently 10 times faster than the speed of sound.

12130974101?profile=RESIZE_710xIt's up to you to decide whether it's true or nothttp://www.lookatme.ru/flow/posts/photo-radar/97543-zagovor-oriona-pravda-ob-nlo


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  • The giants found are Beta Centaurians, or Hadarians of the planet Vedriknu...They stood at 20 feet in height, because their planet is 3/4 the size of Earth and although modern and even some ancient technologies, could change mass size, these rather sad giants were not in possession of it, at that time, as outcasts from Hadar and exiled to Earth...and so, eventually, gravity caused their lifespans to diminish and their hearts to give out...
    However, for short periods, the giants who did size down, to comfortably adapt, as with the royals of Atlanean society, could live for centuries...And only grew to naturally giant proportions, during ceremonial occasions...

    I would suggest that the bone samples undergo extensive tests to confirm their cardio-vascular ill health, which is not akin to Earth human gigantism, which is caused by an abnormal pituitary gland....In such cases, the bones grow, yet there is no proportion, so legs may be disproportionately extended, and in fact, cannot reach 20-feet, as they would fracture, easily, if they did....
    In contrast to gigantism sufferers, these ancient giants, had natural proportionate bodies and were mainly built that way, as they (and Centurian ships) were presented with crew gravity signatures, somewhat lighter than Earth gravity....Certainly in practical terms...

    Of course, the Hadarian exiles were not able to leave Earth easily, as outcasts, who also had not achieved the natural ascension abilities, with which to travel either, such as merkabah...Those beings were 4D space farers, marooned on Earth shores....And their planet was not a member of the GFL, in those ancient times...

    I would also enjoy reading a study of any serious attempts to forensically recreate the faces of those giant skulls, as they may be surprised how similar they were to Earth people, in spite of their size...

    I will also confirm that the gravity signatures of inner Earth are the same as outer Earth, as the crustal mass is the same, either side of the gravity pull and that is why Agarthans are generally around 6 feet in height, so not too different to many on the surface, who have good health and diets...
  • Yes, fully confirmed as planets within the Lyra constellation and the actual origin of said genetics, for original humanoid body types, is planet Deron, of the Vega star system...
    Of course, in spiritual terms, we all arrived in created cosmos, from higher planes....

    However, there is a creational percolation across the created universe, as the GFL have found humans living in other galaxies, who were not colonists from this galaxy and simply manifested identical form features....

    SO WE ARE OPEN MINDED TO THE POSSIBILITY....Albeit, have historical records, suggesting that many space-faring colonies were established by the Lyrans, across this galaxy, including the Plejares star cluster system of Tayget, planets Askal, Luseta and Erra, as well as Earth, Venus and Mars, Solarian system and the planets Atarmunck and Samanet-Muktarin, of the Sirius B star system...And many, many more systems....(Sirius A planets are peopled by a sentient leonine species, the Pschats, so not part of our discussion, here, anent humans in cosmos.....)

    Of course, true science is open-minded and we should always allow that the Galactic and Universal Logoic beings, will share form templates with each other, if they are proven to be effective, as the human form has proven...

    So beyond the legacy cultures and histories, the old German linguistics of Lyra, we all share on Earth and other worlds, there is still a possibility that the white human form may be manifested, through spiritual will, upon certain locations, without the efforts of space travel...

    So, in conclusion I both disagree and agree with you, as do my contacts...

    And if I could, would still provide this forum with another like...😘
  • incorrect Drekx, all white race humanoids prototype originated beyond any Constellations, or Star Systems.
    You have your sources, I have mine, I will stick to mine (more fundamental)
    But maybe you should check with your source again about origin of Human Race. You do that telepathically right?
    Thank you for your reply.
  • It's very interesting to glean data on these ancient perspectives....And being something of a Russophile, their perspectives....
    Actually, although spread across cosmos, all white humans originate from planets within the Lyra constellation, including the Samanet Sirians of Sirius B4.....They have white skin and "nordic" looks (all eye colours)...around 45%, the 55% are dark haired, brown eyes, with pale blue skin...
    Yes, humans, we call Galactic Humans, are all across the planets and star systems of this galaxy.....

    And thanks for posting these amazing photos here, Ara...

    Your article also mentions the mountains near Altai and that was also where the Russian Theosophist and explorer, Nicholas Roerich (Никола́й Константи́нович Ре́рих,) saw a silver disk, of the Agarthan type....From inner Earth..The locals called it a "sign of Shamballa."
  • Based on the legend: Lelya and Month/Luna/Moon/Crescent) are the satellites that our planet had originally, but Fatta was dragged by our Ancestors from the Planet “Deya”. The distraction of Fatta is related to distraction of Atlantis.
    In ancient tales it is said: “Here Lelya is shining in the sky, so the Moon/ МЕСЯЦ has come.”
    “More than 600 thousand years ago, people of four “clans” of the White Race arrived on Midgard-Earth: the clans of the Aryans - Da`Aryans and Kh`Aryans, and the clans of the Slavs - Raseny and Svyatorus. Da'Aryans flew from the land of Rai, the constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor). They had a gray (silver) eye color corresponding to their sun, called Tara. The Kh'Aryans arrived from the land of Troara, the constellation Orion. They had green eyes that corresponded to their sun - Rada. Blue-eyed Svyatorus arrived from the constellation Makoshi (Ursa Major). The brown-eyed Raseny came from the land of Ingard, the constellation of the Rasa (beta Leo). All these 4 clans of the White Race settled on a large mainland, which they called Daaria - the Gift of the Gods.. On the mainland there were large rivers Rai, Tula, Svaga and h'Arra, flowing from a large lake located in the center of the mainland, and in this lake there was a legendary mountain of the World (Meru), on which the capital of Daaria, the city of Asgard of Daaria, was built.
  • In Russia, there is a legend that our Planet Midgard-Earth, had 3 Moons. Lelya, Fatta and Month(Crescent). Lelya as a small moon, with period of 7 days, Fatta is an average moon with a period of 13 days, and Month (our Moon) is a large moon with a period of 29.5 days. Ancient legend say that Lelya had 50 seas on the surface.

    It is very interesting that in Slavic-Aryan Vedas, “Santii's Vedas of Perun” said about it ( translation from Russian to English):
    "You, on Midgard, have been living calmly, since ancient times, when the world was established ... Remembering from the Vedas, about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of Koshchei, which were on the nearest moon" ... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays, perished with the Moon in “half an hour”. But Midgard paid for freedom with Daaria, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell from heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and the army of Svarojniy descended to Midgard ... ". difficult times will bring the flow of the River of Time to the Holy Land of the Great Race ... And only the Priests-Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge and Hidden Wisdom will remain on this earth ... For people use the Power of the elements of Midgard-Earth and destroy the small Moon and their World beautiful ... And then the Svarog Circle will turn (the earth's axis will shift) and human Souls will be horrified ... " This event was predicted by Perun during his 3rd visit to Midgard-Earth.

    13.(141). “ Many people died at that time,
    who did not have time to climb into Vaitmanah
    or go through the Gates of the World
    and hide in the Hall of the Bear... “ (Чертоге Медведя) Bear is constellation).

    Moon Lelya was destroyed around 111,000 thousand years ago.
    Fatta moon was destroyed around 13.000 yr. ago. “On Midgard-Earth, fragments of the destroyed Moon Fatta (In Greek myths, Fatta is called Phaeton.) fell into the Pacific Ocean, as a result of which the tilt of the earth's axis changed by 23.5 degrees and the land of Midgard-Earth.” By modern scientist call the ‘period of precession’. “
    …" The Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Halls on the Svarog Circle, - to pass through new constellations…”

    Interesting the word "fatal" appeared, "Fatal outcome" and the number 13 (the number of days of Fatta's circulation around Midgard) has since been considered unlucky.
    In Russia since then on the ninth day of the month of the end of the summer, some people still celebrating the Day of the Three Moons.
    In a number of ancient texts, this process is described as a change in the tilt of the sky in relation to the earth. For example, in the ancient Chinese "Huainanzi" is described as follows: "The sky tilted to the northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars moved. The earth in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, water and silt rushed there ... In those distant times, four poles collapsed, nine continents split ... the fire blazed without abating, the waters raged without drying up.”
    • "The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell from heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and the army of Svarojniy descended to Midgard." end quote...

      The moon's waters which flooded the Earth were actually caused by a cosmic war, that crashed it into the firmament layers of ice...

      Two layers of ice, kept geo-gravitically aloft in the sky, at two altitudes....
      One layer at 35,000-38,000 feet above the surface...The other layer at 13,000-18,000 feet....Covering the planet, but open at the poles...

      Centaurian and Pleiadian renegades, moved one moon to the lagrange point, using tractor beams, destroying Lemuria, and millennia after that, Atlantis....The same method used later, the other moon, in 9,500 B.C. against Earth and Atlantis...

      Also a comet struck the glacial ice cap in the centre of north America, which made the deluge truly global...

      The firmament layers were ice and could magnify the stars at night and create rainbow effects, in the sunlight..

      The GFL is planning to restore them, after the creation of the Solarian star nation member, which will include Earth and several waterworlds, restored..

      Moreover, our current moon is an artificial one, unlike the two we lost and was originally a satellite of Maldek...(destroyed planet.) After we return that moon to Pax, restored asteroid belt, two new and natural moons will be manifested for Earth...This type of restoration work is conducted by the deva kingdom of Elohim...
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Have a nice week...
Thanks...take care....
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