Sirius is Dog Star and brightest star
Yes, you can find Orion. Trust me. If you go outside and look south to southeast before dawn now, you’ll notice Orion’s Belt, which consists of a short, straight row of medium-bright stars. Just draw a line through Orion’s Belt and extend that line toward the horizon. You’ll easily spot Sirius, the sky’s brightest star.
Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. It’s often called the Dog Star.
There are no planets brighter than the star Sirius in the September 2016 morning sky. Although the planets Jupiter and Venus are brighter than Sirius, Jupiter is now lost in the glare of the setting sun, and Venus shines for only a brief while after sunset. Once again, use Orion’s Belt to locate Sirius in the southeast sky.
Bottom line: In September 2016, you’ll find the constellation Orion, who three Belt stars make a short, straight row in the southeast before dawn. Orion’s Belt points to Sirius, the brightest star of the nighttime sky.
oh now i see, i always see that as a picture in my mind like you point your finger like how you would hold a gun pretending to play cowboy and indian when we go outside to play, i see that in the sky when no clouds are there. This is the star i always focus on.