I am interested in everyone's thoughts about the nature of this new reality we live in that is not dissamiliar to the one described by Steiner and others.
The only thing I remember from lessons in computer classes is that the world wide web or the internet functions on a similar format to what Bailey described as triangulations. That is information packets travel via means of finding the most effective route to bring information to various parts of the planet.
I know this sounds a little naïve as I don't have sight so cannot determine the true nature of the information travelling in our own personal experience.
I have a though that though that maybe both are taking up the same space on some level of reality and am wondering if one is affecting the other.
Is there any way of determining if this is so. is there a way of mapping such a thing if that is the case?
Feather for all the wonderful information. It is not so much needing to know what about the processes more to know if we can map any affects we may be having from a new form so to speak.