Before I awakened, I always said that Our Down Syndrome children were not from here. I had know idea about anything that is happening on our planet right now. Now that I have really awakened, I am so curious to know what there origin is, if any. It has always been amazing to me that know matter what nationality they are the all look the same. I see them as angels and I know they are here to serve a higher purpose.
Love and Light to ALL of US!
Star that link has a lot of information, thank you.
Wow I hope his mother doesn't make him leave if really does not want to go. I figured someone in the crew would know something about them, that the Drs wouldn't tell or they don't know. Thanx Star for sharing your and light to your lovely cousin.
oh yes,
it was the teros who contributed later on to the human dna... their chromosones are apparantly the cause of downs, according to sources.
aww yes they are special and wonderful ... my first little baby cousin was born with downs,
i used to look after him since i was 12 , he's now 18, lol
he's gorgeous,
he cant talk or speak
but he is very sensitive and its more like telepathy between him and i...
his mother is looking to move him out, and it kind of makes me feel a little sad because truly he wants to remain at home with them... but i dont think his mother will listen to what i say, its been hard for her raising him.
i agree they are special... and from what i know, there is a dna link between the chromosones of downs & another ET race (i forgot the name - it was something i read over 10 yrs ago lol) they share the same eye genetics .