It has been said that 85% of the masses have been conditioned/programmed into the belief system that The Bible/Koran are the
inherent "Word(s) of "God", and that the world will end just as is described within The Book of Revelation. However, rather than focus
on a vision that was seen within a Hell, fire and damnation mentality during a time of great negative energy, that most angry and
resentful people still maintain to this day, I rather focus on the question;  

"What is "God"? Is "God" the jealous Hell, fire and damnation being waiting to burn me up if I do not comply as is depicted within that
inherent "Word(s) of God"?

Or rather is "God" a creative force
(Prime Creator, the first thought) that fragmented its-self into sub-logi (gods) in order to create a
hierarchy that then developed its-selves in order to allow that first consciousness to freely express its-self indefinitely? Are we then the
sparks of the first thought that now lives vicariously through our various experience, thus expressing its-self and exploring its endless

My various sources validate the latter claim made here. However it appears that the energies required to trace each fragment of the
whole, each social memory complex back through its genealogy has dissipated or is hidden for now even from these various sources.
Therefore, they can only tell us of the previous home worlds our various social memory complexes occupied before our physical
incarnations onto planet earth.

But who originally designed the earth-suits
(Avatars) our spirit-self currently occupies? As crazy as it sounds to most, was it our future-
selves? Did then a race known as "
The Annunaki" collect the original DNA from various life forms from around the universe and
manipulate it in order to create a slave race on this planet as Zecharia Sitchin claims? Are then The Annunaki the physical creation
gods of the Samerian/Hebrew/Muslum/Christains whose Hebrew names are listed on the bottom of this page

Judging by my read of the various materials on my Ancient Wisdom page, it appears we are currently residing within a low  resonate
frequency, an illusion we've created for our-selves and that the past, present and future are all happening "now" outside of this illusion.

Are the Annunaki, as well as other such life forms our future-selves, the sub-logi that created this physical illusion in order to allow the
first thought to freely express its-self within physical and non-physical realms of consciousness, and the rocks, plants and pets are our

If so, why are we hiding this information from our-selves? Is it because if we allowed our-selves to remember we would lose our desire
to express, to explore further? Wouldn't it be much like knowing ahead of time how the story ends so what would be the point of
reading the book?

s it now time to begin recalling our origin? Below are various perspectives from realms of consciousness outside the space/time
continuum. I hope the following information will light a fire within you causing you to begin an exploration into the various materials
whose time I believe have now come;
(You will find links to the material below and term explanations on my Ancient Wisdom page HERE)

The Law of One and Our Origin(s):
This entity calls its-self social memory complex "Ra" claiming its goal is to "decree the Law of One".

"Ra: I am Ra. The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement,
my friends, as you know, is “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought."
(that most call "God")

Questioner: The original, first entities on this planet—what was their origin? Where were they before they were on this planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The first entities upon this planet were water, fire, air and earth. (Fire and air are the exciter for earth and water)

Questioner: Where did the people who are like us who were the first ones here, where did they come from? From where did they
Ra: I am Ra. You speak of third-density experience. The first of those to come here were brought from another planet in your solar
system called by you the Red Planet, Mars. This planet’s environment became inhospitable to third-density beings. The first entities,
therefore, were of this race, as you may call it, manipulated somewhat by those who were guardians at that time.
(Annunaki perhaps?)

Questioner: What race is that, and how did they get from Mars to here?
Ra: I am Ra. The race is a combination of the mind/body/spirit complexes of those of your so-called Red Planet and a careful series of
genetical adjustments made by the guardians of that time. These entities arrived, or were preserved, for the experience upon your
sphere by a type of birthing which is non-reproductive, but consists of preparing genetic material for the incarnation of the
mind/body/spirit complexes of those entities from the Red Planet.

Questioner: I assume from what you are saying that the guardians transferred the race here after the race had died from the
physical as we know it on Mars. Is that correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: The guardians were obviously acting within an understanding of the Law of One in doing this. Can you explain the
application of the Law of One in this process?
Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One was named by these guardians as the bringing of the wisdom of the guardians in contact with the
entities from the Red Planet, thus melding the social memory complex of the guardian race and the Red Planet race. It, however, took
an increasing amount of distortion into the application of the Law of One from the viewpoint of other guardians and it is from this
beginning action that the quarantine of this planet was instituted, for it was felt that the free will of those of the Red Planet had been

Questioner: Were the entities of the Red Planet following the Law of One prior to leaving the Red Planet?
Ra: I am Ra. The entities of the Red Planet were attempting to learn the Laws of Love which form one of the primal distortions of the
Law of One. However, the tendencies of these people towards bellicose actions caused such difficulties in the atmospheric
environment of their planet that it became inhospitable for third-density experience before the end of its cycle. Thus, the Red Planet
entities were unharvested and continued in your illusion to attempt to learn the Law of Love.

Questioner: How long ago did this transfer occur from the Red Planet to Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. In your time this transfer occurred approximately 75,000 years ago.

Questioner: Were there any entities of the form that I am now—two arms, two legs—on this planet before this transfer occurred?
Ra: I am Ra. There have been visitors to your sphere at various times for the last four million of your years, speaking approximately.
These visitors do not affect the cycling of the planetary sphere. It was not third-density in its environment until the time previously

Questioner: Then there were second-density entities here prior to approximately 75,000 years ago. What type of entities were these?
Ra: I am Ra. The second density is the density of the higher plant life and animal life which exists without the upward drive towards the
infinite. These second-density beings are of an octave of consciousness just as you find various orientations of consciousness among
the conscious entities of your vibration.

Questioner: Did any of these second-density entities have shapes like ours—two arms, two legs, head, and walk upright on two feet?
Ra: I am Ra. The two higher of the sub-vibrational levels of second-density beings had the configuration of the biped, as you
mentioned. However, the erectile movement which you experience was not totally effected in these beings who were tending towards
the leaning forward, barely leaving the quadrupedal position.

Questioner: Where did these beings come from? Were they a product of evolution as understood by our scientists? Were they
evolved from the original material of the earth that you spoke of?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Do these beings then evolve from second density to third density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although no guarantee can be made of the number of cycles it will take an entity to learn the lessons of
consciousness of self which are the prerequisite for transition to third density.

Questioner: Is all of the Earth’s human population then originally from Maldek?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a new line of questioning, and deserves a place of its own. The ones who were harvested to your sphere from the
sphere known before its dissolution as other names, but to your peoples as Maldek, incarnated, many within your Earth’s surface
rather than upon it.

The population of your planet contains many various groups harvested from other second-dimension and cycled third-dimension
spheres. You are
not all one race or background of beginning. The experience you share is unique to this time/space continuum.

Questioner: Then our human race is formed of a few who originally came from Maldek and quite a few who came from Mars. Are
there entities here from other places?
Ra: I am Ra. There are entities experiencing your time/space continuum who have originated from many, many places, as you would
call them, in the creation, for when there is a cycle change, those who must repeat then find a planetary sphere appropriate for this
repetition. It is somewhat unusual for a planetary mind/body/spirit complex to contain those from many, many various loci, but this
explains much, for, you see, you are experiencing the third-dimension occurrence with a large number of those who must repeat the
cycle. The orientation, thus, has been difficult to unify even with the aid of many of your teach/learners.

Questioner: Are there any people such as you find on Earth on any of the other planets in our solar system?
Ra, I am Ra: Do you request space/time present information or space/time continuum information?

Questioner: Both.
Ra, I am Ra: At one time/space, in what is your past, there was a population of third-density beings upon a planet which dwelt within
your solar system. There are various names by which this planet has been named. The vibratory sound complex most usually used by
your peoples is Maldek. These entities, destroying their planetary sphere, thus were forced to find room for themselves upon this third
density which is the only one in your solar system at their time/space present which was hospitable and capable of offering the
lessons necessary to decrease their mind/body/spirit distortions with respect to the Law of One.

Questioner: How did they come here?
Ra, I am Ra: They came through the process of harvest and were incarnated through the processes of incarnation from your higher
spheres within this density.

Questioner: How long ago did this happen?
Ra, I am Ra: This occurred approximately 500,000 of your years ago.

Questioner: Now in this line of questioning I am trying to link to the creations of various Logoi and their original use of a system of
archetypes in their creation and I apologize for a lack of efficiency in doing this, but I find this somewhat difficult. For this particular
Logos in the beginning, prior to its creation of the first density, did the archetypical system which it had chosen include the forms that
would evolve in third density or was this related to the archetypical concept at all?
Ra: I am Ra. The choice of form is prior to the formation of the archetypical mind. As the Logos creates Its plan for evolution, then the
chosen form is invested.

Questioner: Was there a reason for choosing the forms that have evolved on this planet and, if so, what was it?
Ra: I am Ra. We are not entirely sure why our Logos and several neighboring Logoi of approximately the same space/time of
flowering chose the bipedal, erect form of the second-density apes to invest. It has been our supposition, which we share with you as
long as you are aware that this is mere opinion, that our Logos was interested in, shall we say, further intensifying the veiling process
by offering to the third-density form the near complete probability for the development of speech taking complete precedence over
concept communication or telepathy. We also have the supposition that the so-called opposable thumb was looked upon as an
excellent means of intensifying the veiling process so that rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind the third-density entity
would, by the form of its physical manifestation, be drawn to the making, holding, and using of physical tools."

The Waves Series Transcripts and Our Origin(s);

Q: (L) Which race on earth is the oldest?
A: All are same.

Q: (L) Why are there different races?
A: Many reasons. Experimental creations. Partly.

Q: Where do the Tibetans come from?
A: Asia.

Q: Were they special in any way? Hybrids or anything?
A: No. All are hybrids. At some juncture.

Q: (L) Where did the Orientals come from?
A: Same as all others. Result of experimentation.

Q: (L) Did they originate on this planet? Are they native to this planet?
A: Both. Orientals reserved for souls most advanced; Aryans most aggressive; Negroes most naturally attuned to earth vibrational
frequency. So are “native Americans”.

Q: (L) What is the source of the Native American Indians?
A: Asia.

Q: (L) Across the Bering Strait?
A: No. Rescued. Transferred.

Q: (L) By whom?
A: Grays.

Q: (L) What were they rescued out of?
A: Cataclysm.

Q: (L) When did that cataclysm occur?
A: 7200 years ago approx.

Q: (L) What was the nature of that cataclysm?
A: Comets.

Q: (L) Where do the Basques come from?
A: Atlantis.

Q: (L) Is their language the Atlantean language?
A: Derivative.

Q: (L) Where do the Celts come from?
A: Same as Aryan. Came from fifth planet. Ferocious people!

Q: (L) Are the Aryan/Celts who came to this planet from the other planet that was destroyed, were they, when they came, in any way
superior to the humans already here?
A: Somewhat.

Q: (L) What was the nature of this superiority?
A: Physical durability.

Q: (L) Can you express an opinion about Swedish genes, and any specific properties of these genes?
A: Yes. They tend to produce blonds with the greatest of proficiency.

Q: (L) Are there any specific properties to those genes that are of specific interest to aliens or extraterrestrials?
A: Only that which we have already told you, that this was the last "race" to be seeded on earth in 3rd density.

Q: (L) Okay, we talked about the fact that the brown eyed people are earth seeded for much longer than blue eyed people who were
seeded on another planet, where did green eyed people come from?
A: Green and blue are the same in terms of origin.

Q: (L) When was the fifth planet destroyed?
A: 80 thousand years ago.

Q: (L) Now, relating to what we have been discussing lately. Did any groups of the black race, on their own, ever create a high
civilization as has been reported by several archaeologists or other individuals.
A: Yes.

Q: (L) On their own without assistance?
A: No.

Q: (L) Who did they have assistance from?
A: Lizards.

Q: (L) Why have black people, in general, for most of recorded history, been living in such primitive conditions with such primitive mind
A: Isolation from modern interaction.

Q: (L) Why is this?
A: Karma. Punishment for past society which was cruel master hierarchical.

Q: (L) Are black people being abducted by the Lizzies as frequently as white people?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why do we hear so little, if any, about this?
A: You hear little of black culture in general.

Q: (L) Are black people, within their cultural confines, aware of aliens and alien abductions?
A: Less aware and discuss it less.

Q: (L) Is Caucasian different from Aryan or Celtic?
A: Aryan subgroup Caucasian.

Q: (L) What are the differences between the Celts and the Aryans?
A: Geographic and cultural.

Q: (L) Are there any differences inherent from the former planetary home?
A: No. Post arrival difference development.

Q: (L) Were they the same prior to arrival?
A: Yes

Q: (L) Who were the blue skinned people written about in the Vedas?
A: Aryans.

Q: (L) Were the Aryans originally blue skinned?
A: No.

Q: (L) Were there ever any really blue people?
A: No. They were perceived as blue due to thinness of skin and contrast with native population.

Q: When did the Aryans invade India?
A: 8243 years ago.

Q: Who was there before that?
A: Asian tribes and number 3 prototype.

Q: What is a number 3 prototype?
A: Known as Neanderthal man.

Q: And what are we?
A: Number 4 types c and d. (are the current types of humanoid avatars being used on planet earth)

Q: You said that Neanderthal man had been taken by the Lizzies to another planet,  I would like to know what state, evolutionary
speaking, is Neanderthal man in at present, as we measure time?
A: No progress, still the same.

Q: (Laura asked more regarding Neanderthal)
A: There is an alien race that has plans to replace your physical vehicles with a new “model.”

Q: (L) What are they going to do with the old models?
A: “Retire them.”

Q: (T) Which race is this?
A: Orion STS.

Q: (L) Is this essentially what happened with Neanderthal?
A: Yup!

Q: (L) Well, for a period of time it seems that they continued to exist on the planet alongside the new model, cro-magnon or whatever.
A: Some did.

Q: (L) For how long did Neanderthal exist side by side with the “new model?”
A: 233 years.

Q: (L) I thought that Neanderthal was here for a long, long, long time; and if modern man arrived on the planet, as you say, 70 to 80
thousand years ago, wasn’t Neanderthal already here then?
A: Time references have been miscalculated by your science.

Q: (L) When did Neanderthal first appear on the planet?
A: 5.3 million years ago.

Q: (L) You are saying that when science says that modern man appeared 35 to 40 thousand years ago, and Neanderthal disappeared
at the same time, the real time frame was 70 to 80 thousand years ago? In other words, a factor of 2 error.
A: Close.

Q: (L) And, of course, we can’t depend on any of the dating methods because of metamorphosis.
A: And genetic manipulation.

Q: (L) So, in effect, we ARE the new Neanderthals on the eve of extinction. You have said that those who transition into 4th density in
the body will go through some kind of rejuvenation process or body regeneration or something. Does that mean that these present
“Neanderthal” type bodies that we presently occupy will morph into something more in line with the new model? Is it genetically
encoded into some of them to do so?
A: Something like that.

Q: (L) So, you say that the original creators or genetic engineers were Orions?
A: Close. The original engineers but not inhabitants.

Q: (L) Where did the souls come from that entered into the bodies on the planet earth? Were they in bodies on other planets before
they came here?
A: Not this group.

Q: (L) Were they just floating around in the universe somewhere?
A: In union with the One. Have you heard the Super ancient legend of Lucifer, the Fallen Angel?

Q: (L) Who is Lucifer?
A: You. The human race.

Q: (L) Are the souls of individual humans the parts of a larger soul?
A: Yes. Close. The One. All who have fallen must learn “the hard way.”

Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience physical reality is the act of falling?
A: You are members of a fragmented soul unit.

Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a “fall”?
A: Pleasure for the self.

Q: (L) How did mankind come to be here? (planet earth)
A: Combination of factors. Numerous souls desired physical existence then was altered by three forces including principally Lizards
through Grays, Nephilim and Orion union.

Q: (L) Let’s go back to the three forces Lizards through Grays, Nephilim and Orion union . You said numerous souls desired physical
existence. When the numerous souls did this, how did physical existence come to be?
A: First was apelike.

Q: (L) And then what happened? Did these apelike being just pop into the air? What did the souls do with these apelike beings?
A: Souls altered them by transfer.

Q: (L) Transfer of what?
A: Souls into seeded bodies. Orion Union was first into Neanderthal.

Q: (L) The Orion souls came into Neanderthal bodies?
A: No. Put humans there for incubation process.

Q: (L) Were altered ape embryos put back into ape females for gestation?
A: No. Souls only.

Q: (L) They put the souls into the ape bodies?
A: Close.

Q: (L) Did the soul’s presence in the ape body cause its genetics and DNA to change?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) They entered into living creatures on this planet to experience 3d reality and by entering in caused mutation?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there any such thing as racial superiority regarding the races on the planet earth?
A: Only karmically determined by physical confinement assignment.

Q: (L) It can be karmically determined to be born into one race or another?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars that we now know as the asteroid belt, you said was destroyed by
psychic energy. Could you clarify that?
A: The occupants of that planet, many of whom are your soul ancestors, simply decided to develop a service to self atmosphere that
was so super charged in the negative that it actually caused their home planet to be destroyed because the energy levels became so
intense crashing back upon themselves that they actually destroyed the atomic structure of the planet, causing it to physically explode.

Q: (L) Was this done technologically or was it strictly done by mind power?
A: They are one and the same.

Q: (L) Did they do something like drop bombs?
A: No, no. This was done by psychic energy. There has been in a transient fashion of reality the danger of the same thing happening
on your planet. Although we are quite confident it won’t because we see all reality, past present and future. But, you must understand
also that even in our particular perspective point, all reality is nonetheless fluid. There are still many choices of realities and possible
futures and possible pasts and possible presents. But we feel fairly confident that that particular fate will not befall your planet,
although it did the one then known as Kantek.

Q: (L) Tell us again who are the Nephilim?
A: Enforcers. Slaves of Orion. From Planet 3C, or 3rd star, 3rd planet.

Q: (L) You said the other night that the Nephilim came from some area around the constellation Scorpio, is that correct?
A: Originally seeded there but you were too.

Q: (L) Were these Nephilim genetically intermixed with human beings?
A: Temporarily.

Q: (L) Why only temporarily?
A: DNA conflict.

Q: (L) What was the original number of chromosomes the human being possessed?
A: 135 pairs.

Q:(T) And we now have 23 pairs. So, we lost quite a few chromosomes. (L) We were originally seeded somewhere else? Where?
Orion? What is the name of that planet?
A: D’Ankhiar. Ankh is ancient symbolism of this planet. Is female symbol. Stands for mother planet.

Q: (L) Is this other planet our original home?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it like back Home?
A: Spent. Cindered. Burned up. (Further information in this regard HERE)

Q: (L) So it’s true, you (we) can’t go home?
A: Yes.

In this part of your 3rd and 4th density universe, specifically your "galaxy" it is the region known as Orion that is the one and only
indigenous home of human type beings... reflect on this! Indigenous home base, not sole locator. What you are most in need of review
of is the accurate profile of "alien" data.
(Is why we've continually aligned structures based on the configuration of the Orion constellation. The
configuration of Orion planetary bodies are implanted within our subconscious soul memory)

Q: (RC) I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a war broke out there and they ended up in Orion.
A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to Orion!
This is your ancestral home, and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is
the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way galaxy!

This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and it.
There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids.
Some are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes, traveling stations and incubator laboratories all
in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS.
Together, along with many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation.

Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cybergenetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets
orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as
slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of
the "god" of Orion for parallels.

Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous red-headed Nordic aliens?
A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.

Q: (L) Okay, if it started with the Nordic types, and that is where the other humanoid combinations came from, what genetic
combinations were used for human beings? Black people, for instance, since they are so unlike "Nordics?"
A: The Nordic genes were mixed with the gene pool already available on Earth, known as Neanderthal.

Q: (L) What was the genetic combination used to obtain the Oriental races?
A: Orientals come from a region known in your legends as "Lemuria," and are a previous hybridization from 7 genetic code
structures from within Orion Union, designed to best fit the earth climate and cosmic ray environment then existent on earth.

Q: (L) Okay, what about the Semitic and Mediterranean peoples?
A: Each time a new flock was "planted," it was engineered to be best suited to the environment where it was planted. Aryans are the
only exception, as they had to be moved to earth in an emergency.

Q: (L) If races are engineered on earth to be "best suited," what factors are being drawn from or considered regarding the Semitic
A: They are not engineered on earth, but in Orion lab as all others. They were "Planted" in the Middle East.

Q: (L) What genetic type were the Atlanteans?
A: They were the same as the "Native Americans."

Q: (L) What were the roots of the Native American type? Was there a basic type that was here on the planet and was then taken to an
Orion lab and genetically modified and then planted?
A: No!!! Have you been paying attention?!?!

Q: (L) What did I miss? Why do some Native Americans believe they come from the Pleiades?
A: Where are the Pleiades?

Q: (L)Well, near Orion. (RC) Oh, okay. So, they are considering the Pleiades part of Orion. What about Sirius?
A: Sirius is confused as a locator because it appears in similar location in the sky in the northern hemisphere. The American
Indians were confused in the translation because of similar seeming location due to vantage point.

Q: We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies.
A: Genes spliced. Slaves of dark forces.

Q: Who are these dark forces?
A: Same.

Q: As what?
A: Brotherhood.

Q: Does this brotherhood consist of Lizzies and various humans?
A: Yes.

Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with?
A: Alien race, humanoid, and Atlantean drone workers.

Q: What were Atlantean drone workers?
A: Slave people controlled by crystal.

Q: Why do the Gypsies remain so cohesive? Is that genetically programmed?
A: Yes. And mind control.

Q: (L) Were Atlantis and Lemuria the most ancient of Earth's civilizations?
A: No.

Q: (L) What advanced civilizations were before Atlantis and Lemuria?
A: Many.

Q: (L) Was there an ancient advanced civilization located in the area we now call Antarctica?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was the name of this civilization?
A: Gor.

Q: (L) What kind of individuals lived in Gor?
A: 18 feet tall.

Q: (L) Were they humanoid and did they look like us?
A: Close.

Q: (L) Were they male and female like us?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And did they have space travel capabilities?
A: No interest.

Q: (L) Are there any remains of their civilization left?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did they only inhabit Antarctica?
A: No.

Q: (L) Did they inhabit the whole world?
A: Close.

Q: (L) Are there any remains in Florida?
A: No.

Q: (L) Where might the remains be found ?
A: South America.

Q: (L) Where in South America?
A: Amazon. Ancient legend of Amazons.

Q: (L) Do our scientists know any of this?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there remains of Atlantis and Lemuria?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do our scientists know of any of those?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are they withholding information on purpose?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Have they any intention of telling about it?
A: No.

Q: (L) Do they have relics of these stored?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who and what were the Mayans?
A: The Mayans were a transitory people who still exist in the lands that you refer to as Central America. And who have certain physical
features that are not consistent with the rest of human beings on 3rd density Earth environment, due to their interactions, in the past,
as you measure time, with beings of other density levels.

Q: (L) What beings would those be?
A: Well, we have described 4th density STS beings on many occasions.

Q: (L) The Lizard Beings?
A: Indeed. (Yet, Hidden_Hand claims the Mayans, unlike the Atlanteans, opted for the service to other-selves orientation, thus is it possible that human
sacrifice was performed by the Mayans as Church Inc. had claimed, but rather was claimed as such in order to discredit them so as to justify the robbing of
their resources such as gold and silver?)   

Q: (L) Who was Arajuna of Tiahuanaco?
A: Well, we believe that you are referring to one of approximately eight hybrids that ruled the area currently referred to as Central
America. Hybrids being a 4th density to 3rd density transfer experiment from the Lizard race to the human race, which was abandoned
after approximately 240 years of experimentation by the Lizard Beings, due to the lack of success for sustaining physical duplication,
or reproduction of the race. It was one of several attempts by the Lizard Beings to directly transmit their souls into 3rd density
environment for permanent placement there. And, of course it is no longer perceived as necessary by them because their intention is
to rule 3rd density beings in 4th density when they arrive there.

Q: (C) During chemically induced trances, why is there a common experience of seeing bird-headed or serpent-like creatures?
A: While you have physicality, some part of you will maintain the connection to its roots.

Q: (L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have
reptilian genetics?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do we also have bird genetics?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that is our physical connection or basis?
A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.

Q: (A) So, we are 3rd density bioengineered beings.
(L) That leads to another question: there is a lot of talk about the Merovingian bloodlines, or the ‘Nordic Covenant’ bloodlines, or
whatever label is put on it, being a ‘fresher’ version of the reptilian genetic strain. This is represented in the myths of the god Oannes
of Sumerian fame, or the Quinotaur who impregnated the mother of Merovee while she was bathing in the sea, and even the wife of
the founder of the Angevins, Melusine, variously described as an aquatic fairy or a mermaid. So, there is this claim that there is a
stronger and more virile reptilian strain in these bloodlines. Is that correct?
A: It may be.

Q: (L) Well, is that significant in any way?
A: For those obsessed with materialism."

Dialogue with Hidden_Hand, claiming to be member of the social memory complex that calls its-self "Lucifer";

(Was not asked much regarding the last home worlds of those now having consciousness on planet earth, but rather details the origin
of its-self, its mandate and our direct relationship to The One Infinite Creator of all there is)

"ATS: (forum member) How many generations back does your bloodline extend, or, perhaps more accurately, who does your family
consider its earliest ancestor in a position of power?
HH: Our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded "history", and beyond, our Family has
been 'directing' the 'play' from behind the scenes, in one way or another. Before the rise and
fall of Atlantis. (Yes, that was indeed
perfectly real). We are 'born to lead'. It is part of the design for this current paradigm.

ATS: Was the Rothschild lineage the organizer of the Illuminati in which Weishhaupt later formed?
HH: No. Weishhaupt was just a puppet on a string. The Rothschild lineage (not it's original name) were the pre-eminent line 'closing
the net of control' over Humanity. But even they, are a lesser line within The Family. As I have said, the names you know do not have
the Real Power. They are part of the Family, but not an 'original' part."

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  • This is wonderfully detailed information.  Thankyou very much.

    Who transmitted the Ra information?

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