

Our Preparation Continues By Patricia Cota-Robles


We are still in the process of assimilating the Solar Light Codes we received during the June Solstice and the Full Moon that occurred June 20th through the 22nd in 2024. This very powerful influx of Light has further stimulated the Awakening of the masses of Humanity. This accelerated Awakening is giving Humanity’s I AM Presence the opportunity to once again intuitively remind us of just what our purpose and reason for being on Earth is during this critical time in our Ascension process.

Today, the Company of Heaven has asked us to empower the following invocation with the Divine Intent of assisting every person to more clearly hear this intuitive guidance from their I AM Presence. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this activity of Light, please join with me now.


This Is My Purpose and Reason for Being

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God, I AM One with the Solar Logos from the Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns in Mother Earth’s lineage, I AM One with the Legions of Light who have served the Evolutions of Earth since our inception, and I AM also One with I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. What I invoke for myself this sacred and holy day, I invoke on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

During this life-transforming Cosmic Moment, I AM experiencing a new level of Inner Knowing and Enlightenment with every Breath I take. As this Divine Wisdom surfaces into my conscious mind, I begin to fathom my purpose and reason for being on Earth with a new clarity.

As I Awaken to new levels of awareness, my I AM Presence reveals that I AM not just a victim of the circumstances occurring in my life. But rather, through the various thoughts, words, feelings and actions I have expressed during my myriad Earthly sojourns, I have Cocreated my current Earthly experiences.

I now remember that through the Universal Law of The Circle, I AM the Cocreator of my experiences in the physical plane of Earth. With every Breath my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs are projected onto the atomic substance of physical matter. As the Gift of my Holy Breath, which is my Life Force, flows through me it picks up the vibrations of my Consciousness and then expresses those vibrations in visible form, experiences and circumstances. In other words, what I think about, what I put my feelings and energy into, I AM bringing into form.

Because of the confusion I have experienced in the past, I have given power to physical matter through my human ego. I have allowed the distorted manifestation of physical matter to become my reality, when, in Truth, it is only an illusion created by my thoughts, feelings, words, actions and beliefs. In my newly Awakened state, I now realize with a deeper level of comprehension and clarity, that physical matter is nothing more than a mass of atomic energy controlled by my Consciousness. Never does matter control Consciousness.

My world reflects my human Consciousness. In the past I have set about trying to change the physical conditions in my world, instead of changing my Consciousness. Those conditions are only the reflection of my Consciousness. Trying to change physical conditions without changing my Consciousness is like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without changing the object causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

Now, in my Awakened Consciousness I realize that I AM One with my I AM Presence and that ALL my Father-Mother God have is my Divine Birthright. With this knowing a tremendous shift of Consciousness is occurring subtly and deeply at an atomic, cellular level within my Mental Body, my physical Brain Structure, Spiritual Brain Centers, my Subconscious Mind, my Consciousness Mind and my Superconscious Mind. This process is being greatly accelerated by the new Solar Light Codes that have now been encoded within my Twelve 5D Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA.

The seed of this new awareness is now growing within me. It is blazing like the Sun and radiating forth multifaceted and multidimensional Crystalline Rays of 5th-Dimensional Solar Light. My Heart Flame is expanding and the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love which is cradled in the Divinity of my Heart is expanding as well.

With every Holy Breath I take, the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love in my Heart is now expanding and connecting with the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love blazing in the Heart of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

The Company of Heaven is now revealing that through Humanity’s unified Heart Flames, we are being given an extraordinary opportunity to be the Instruments of God we have been preparing for Lifetimes to be. In response, to this revelation we decree on behalf of ALL Humanity…


I AM an Instrument of God

 I AM weaving my gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, strength, courage, compassion and Comprehensive Divine Love into the Tapestry of the Divine Plan for the 5D Crystalline Solar New Earth.

I AM responding to my Heart’s Call. I AM God in Action

and I AM Consecrating my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs to be the greatest  Force of Light and Love I can possibly Cocreate on this sweet Earth.

Every single day the Free Will choices I make add to the Light of the World and I AM Cocreating positive changes.

Through the focus of my I AM Presence, I KNOW and accept the following Divine Truths:

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with ALL Life. I AM Divine Love. I AM Infinite Abundance. I AM the Harmony of my True Being. I AM Vibrantly Healthy and Eternally Youthful and I AM a Peace Commanding Presence.

I have a Healing Touch and the actions I take every day improve my family, my job, my community, my city, my country and the World.

I AM able to communicate intuitively through open heart and mind telepathic communication with my I AM Presence, my Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity, the Angelic Kingdom and the Elemental Kingdom. All I have to do is go within and ask my I AM Presence for guidance. Then, in the state of Listening Grace, I will take the time to listen.

My Purpose and Reason for Being is to daily and hourly Transfigure Mother Earth into the Heart-based patterns of perfection for the 5D Crystalline Solar New Earth through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs.  And so it is.

Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.


Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.


Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440    www.eraofpeace.org
Video Link: Our Preparation Continues - https://fb.watch/ttSEKHA9ky/

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