Does anyone else get over whelming feelings, so intense, that you feel like you may not be able to hold yourself together?
Like... something so intense is happening, that it's too much to handle?
It's how I feel sometimes, and right now I'm feeling that way, so I thought I'd ask. If it gets too intense, I take a shower or sea salt bath, that usually calms me down.
I think it definitely has something to do with what's happening on the planet, and to us.
It comes and goes, sometimes it doesn't happen for a while, but the time frames are not predictable.
Just wanted to know if other's felt this way.
~ Thanks :-)
Energy or E=MC squared...??
Today, science discovered that the so-called constant, "C," is not constant, as faster than light particles have been proven to exist...So E=MC squared, as an Einsteinian formula, does not apply in all circumstance...They should have asked esotericists the question and would have known this truth a century ago...
I guess I didn't think about it that way.
Ivy, I'll definiately try your meditation exercise, it's verys interesting because a few nights ago, I was sitting in my living room, and looking out the window at Jupiter and meditating. I did feel like it was helping. My cat came and sat across from me, like he was meditating with me... <3
I may be dealing with Kundalini energy, I do think it's my own energy, but honestly I'm not totally sure, it could also be a combination of mine and others :-)
ABSOLUTELY feelin it, hearing it....grounding it, sending it to EVERYONE/EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE....
The energy has & still does, help clear residual 'crap' from within.. as it is no longer serving my highest good
Sometimes feels as though I'm too big for my space suit!
It is so intense what I am experiencing and not always pleasurable. I was able to feel what feels like people screaming, and that others are experiencing intense and emotionally charged situations as well. It is intense and I feel like I am super sensitive and feel bombarded all the time...there have been some days where I literally feel like I am coming unglued. That is where grounding and good self care come into play to help through these changes in consciousness.
I was watching the celestine prophecy with my family the other day and I am starting to see energy more and more it is kinda cool. I do think it will be like the celestine prophecy....