My latest digital painting. I've been doing these to kick back and chill from other srs bzns projects and they're soooo fun to paint. It takes only about 4- 5 hours, requires 0 planning and well yeah.
It's based on a pokemon to gather more followers / recognition on my DA account which is working really well and it's just fun to try and see how cartoons may look life if they were real. I figured I'd post it here because a; despite the amatuerness I'm proud of how it turned out despite having extremely little practice with animal anatomy ever and b; because well, yeah I was proud of how it turned out.
It's like a Catdogfox thing. I'm sure given the infinite number of worlds out there and the amount of strange creatures I've already seen in the realms something similiar may exist, give or take the ability to make fire flies. xD
That is a very interesting pic. I have seen creatures such as this one images at times, and it is nice to have a pic that shows what these creatures could look like, when visiting the realms or dimensions even. Thanks for sharing this :0)
Bless the Nite,
I think I saw it running down my road and it was definitely full of shit......Oops, I forgot my rule of "do not encourage him, hahahaha....And no I will not shut up....never have before so why should I start now?