I want to share a realization I had about my past a few days ago that others may unconsciously relate to.
I have for some time now, held to the belief that I was excited about being born.
A belief that was formed in the early days of my esoteric adventures.
Whilst taking part in a psychic awareness group, if memory serves me right. (past life work in fact).
A belief that I have, since then, never questioned.....
A few days ago, I had an undeniable experience of the moment just prior to birth,.
Where I had an awareness of my karmic, energetic status..
And what it was that I wanted to achieve in this life.
And the energetic discrepancy between the two.
Which manifest as the life experiences and lessons I would have to live and overcome so that I would be able to fulfill these achievements.
And the truth is, upon recognition of this, I was terrified about the prospects of the life that was to come.
And lie of lies, I didn't want to be born.
This fear of the life to come patterned the birthing process.
Whose difficulties created the core physical and emotional programmes and behaviours, (injuries), that have silently guided me for the better part of my life.
And not so silently for the rest of it.
In retrospect, I can look back at the moment in time where I created the belief that I was excited about being born.
And see it as ego doing what it had to do to keep the truth of my fears hidden from me.
Because I was starting to knock on the door of a truth that I was not as yet equipped to understand.
And so ego created a paradoxical lie that I never questioned.
Until the the truth could no longer be denied.
I share this for a number of reasons.
I think this provides a graphic illustration of the interplay between the various energies that come together to create us, and our experience of life.
All happening out of our conscious awareness.
And I have no doubt that there are light workers, (amongst others), out there who can unconsciously relate to this story.
Because we, (light workers), are here, incarnated with the intention of balancing the energetic energetic short falls of our past,
So that we may fulfill our potential.
As Divine Sovereign Beings of Light.
At a time when Gaia and God and Humanity need us most.
Paradox solved.
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