Chiron is a minor planet (or planetoid) located in the outer Solar Systemorbiting between Saturn and Uranus. Discovered in 1977 by Charles T. Kowal (precovery images have been found as far back as 1895),[8] it was the first-identified member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs (minor planets orbiting between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt).[a] Furthermore, it is the second-known minor planet to have rings, after 10199 Chariklo, also a centaur.[9]

Although it was initially called an asteroid and classified as a minor planet, it was later found to exhibit behavior typical of a comet. Today it is classified as both, and is accordingly also known by the cometary designation 95P/Chiron.

Chiron is named after the centaur Chiron in Greek mythology.

Chiron is said to rule Virgo, and is often called "the wounded healer." Many claim Chiron has an energy that reflects and concerns health or healthcare.

This is part one of a three-part writing on Chiron. I am certain that I have respectable evidence indicating a strong astrological definition of Chiron with "extraterrestrial" or "other-worldly" in terms of the effects of the energy of Chiron.  The planetary points that seem to prevail with "extraterrestrial involvement" are the planetoid Chiron, Mercury / Chiron, and Uranus / Chiron.

Carl Sagan: The Most Serious Believer In Extraterrestrial Life Existence Par None (In The Twentieth Century)

Carl Sagan remains a fascinating proponent regarding extraterrestrial life to exist outside our solar system. He has done the most within the U.S. education system regarding analysis of potential for extraterrestrial life, having written on these topics and serving as a professor of astrophysics at Cornell University.

Here's an article on him from ( ).Carl Sagan Co-founder of SETI Knew That "UFOS were real"

Globally renowned astronomer, astrophysicist and designer of famous Pioneer 10 NASA Solar System Spacecraft Gold Plaque. He had also head the committee to select the contents for Voyager Golden Record.He is so well respected in scientific community till this date and Nasa even named their 2008 'Study of Extraterrestrial Worlds scholarship' after Mr Sagan.The pillar of modern space science Dr. Carl Sagan revealed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek that he believed UFOs were real. Sagan said to Hynek, that he knew UFOs were real but could not talk publicly about the matter and possibly risk the loss of academic funding.Renowned astronomer and astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan revealed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek that he believed UFOs were real but avoided any public statements to prevent the loss of academic research funding. Dr. Allen J. Hynek confided his revelations about Dr Sagan to his former associate Paolo Harris who revealed this conversation recentlyIn an interview with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi-Harris she said :“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows Sagan did. He basically said (to Hynek) in 1984, ‘I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research (College) funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.’ ”This startling revelation about Carl Sagan, one of this century’s most esteemed scientists and writers, has now been made public by Paola Leopizzi-Harris, a former associate of Dr. Allen J. Hynek who worked with him from 1980 to 1985.Dr. J. Allen Hynek served as a civilian scientific consultant to the U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book from 1952 to 1969, initially taking a very critical and skeptical position on anything related to the reality of UFOs. In one of his own reports he stated:"I had started out as an outright 'debunker,' taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those 'flying saucer groups and enthusiasts' who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” (Hynek, J. Allen. "The Hynek UFO Report". Dell Publishing Co. 1977)After leaving Project Blue Book - the U.S. Air Force’s pseudo-investigatory public relations scheme on UFOs, Hynek later wrote:"Now, however, documentation which puts the UFO-U.S. government controversy in quite a new light has become available. The (UFO) authors have made revealing use of documents released through the mechanism of the Freedom of Information Act and other data which have been made available to them… which show that the CIA and NSA protestations of innocence and lack of interest in UFOs are nothing short of prevarication."Hynek went on to say: "For the government to continue to maintain that UFOs are nonexistent in the face of the documents already released and of other cogent evidence presented in this book is puerile and in a sense an insult to the American people." ("The UFO Cover-Up." Fireside books, Simon & Schuster 1984)Hynek’s credentials are indeed impressive, having consulted on the Stephen Spielberg movie 'Close Encounters'. As well he presented a paper on UFOs at the UN in 1978. (All Experts)Sagan’s link to UFOs and possibly to Dr. Hynek occurred in 1966 when Sagan was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book. This committee concluded that the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book had been lacking as a scientific study, and recommended a university-based project to give the UFO phenomenon closer scientific scrutiny.In scientific circles much of Sagan’s notoriety came from debates conducted under the auspices of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In 1969 he challenged J. Allen Hynek on whether investigations of unidentified flying objects should be considered serious. Hynek argued 'yes' Sagan 'no' (NNDB)Sagan was a prolific writer of some 20 books including 'Contact' – eventually made into a movie staring Jodie Foster. Sagan also hosted the brilliantly crafted and highly popular series COSMOS: A Personal Voyage. In Episode 12: “Encyclopedia Galactica”, Sagan explored UFOs and alien abductions while also including ‘refutations’ on UFOs.In a statement at the 1968 Congressional Hearings before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics - U.S. House of Representatives Carl Sagan stated:“As I understand what the committee would like from me, is a discussion of the likelihood of intelligent extraterrestrial life… clearly it is the hypothesis that unidentified objects are of extraterrestrial origin which the committee must have in mind. I'm delighted to tell about contemporary scientific thinking along these lines, but let me begin by saying that I do not think the evidence is at all persuasive, that UFO's are of intelligent extraterrestrial origin...”Sagan’s confidential conversation with Dr. Hynek in 1984 appears to not only contradict this statement to the House Committee in 1968, Sagan’s new found view - that UFOs were real - clearly did not play any role in Sagan’s later highly successful public work.This revelation by Paola Leopizzi-Harris appears to raise serious scientific discrepancies concerning Sagan’s public verses private beliefs about the nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.It appears, therefore that Carl Sagan presumably embarked upon his many television appearances, consulting on major television and Hollywood feature productions as well as his own academic writing while professing one public scientific point of view, yet maintaining a significantly contradictory personal belief – “I know UFOs are real…” as told to Dr. J. Allen Hynek in 1984 according to Paola Leopizzi-Harris.In later years Sagan also heavily promoted SETI - the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, which discounts UFOs as an ET reality - advancing the theory that listening for signals from deep space may help locate intelligent ET civilizations.It is unknown how long Sagan held this personal view or when and what changed his mind – future disclosures may reveal this. That Sagan presented much of his finest and most popular work outside the context of his personal belief that UFOs were real remains a salient incongruity for a man of Sagan’s stature, obvious integrity and celebratory contributions to humanity and science.One can only speculate upon why, during the period between Sagan’s initial statement in 1968 and all during his now legendary writings and media productions, Sagan continued to espouse critical views on the reality of UFOs. Why did his views change so dramatically? Did funding issues alone motivate him not to come forward publicly to declare his change-of-mind?This revelation made to Paola Leopizzi-Harris by a well-respected scientific figure like Dr. J. Allen Hynek alters if not the magnificent quality of Sagan’s work but re-constructs his considerable scientific influence on the mainstream scientific theories about the universe, the intelligent nature of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.How will mainstream science respond knowing now that a corner stone of modern science and one of its most revered members is now recognized as to have conceded - UFOs are real.
Horoscope of Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan has Chiron in the first house at 08 degrees Gemini 22 minutes.  Chiron is also conjunct the star of Aldebaran ("Archangel Michael;" "Watcher of The East"). 
Chiron is equal to the Aries / Sun midpoint, which is defined as "the individual or the entity and their impact on the world."  If Chiron represents "extraterrestrial involvement," then this extraterrestrial definition fits in with being equal with the Aries / Sun point (which is indicating Carl Sagan's impact on the world). 
Below is Aries / Sun, which is equal to Carl Sagan's Chiron placement.
8110887856?profile=originalInterpretation of Aries / Sun = Chiron
"The individual will make an impact on the world in areas that are "other-worldly" and possibly "extraterrestrial" in nature." 
Now let's look at Mercury / Chiron. I define this midpoint placement as "extraterrestrial communication (possibly telepathy) and communications of an `other-worldly' nature; short distance extraterrestrial travels."
8110886661?profile=originalBelow is the "message to extraterrestrials from Earth" that was created by Carl Sagan and sent on Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 (which had military contributors (Mars / Uranus)for the projects, but only in terms of design).  Both of these craft were equipped with propulsion to allow a departure from our solar system with Carl Sagan's message to ET on a gold plaque aboard each craft.
Interpretation Of Mercury / Chiron:
"Extraterrestrial communication or involvement may take place in a military setting and may involve the spreading of knowledge in a very big way.  This knowledge spread will be successful for everyone and will define positive change in some way." 
Now we go on to part two: "Chiron And The Roswell UFO Incident."
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,

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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
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