Crystal Andasola joins Ari Kopel on Shattering The Matrix for Part 2 of Ascension Protocols. in this episode, Crystal will go into:
- Chemtrails and how they are designed to create respiratory problems, cancers and auto immune disorders etc.
- "The Gut" and its importance in over all well-being
- The importance of intentionally blessing your food
- The dangers of fluoride in water and the pineal gland.
- Pineal gland as the ascension portal
- Raising our vibration and specifics on how to do this
- The importance of magnesium & Vitamin D
- Crucial things we need everyday to protect us against chemtrails & radiation
- Making our bodies Crystalline
- The Law of One
- And much, much more...
Crystal Andasola is a Seeress and a High Priestess, working directly with The Elohim and Beloved Master El Morya.
She receives direct transmissions from El Morya, and instructions to the people directly from the Will fo Divine Creator. She is a direct conduit to Mother Earth, as well as other High Councils including: The Galactic Command, The Mayan Council, as well as the Ascended Masters.
As a Seeress, Crystal has the ability to foretell of future events. Her Earth assignment is to assist humanity through the greatest transformation ever known in human existence. Her mission is to prepare the masses for the 5th dimensional frequencies that will be experienced once we cross the veil of density.
Join us this Saturday, March 1st at 6pm PST/9pm EST!
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The radio show is starting now.... Hope you tune in!
Please tune in at 6pm PST/9pm EST! The Show airs in two hours!