Here's where one can view the eclipse in North America for October 23, 2014, with times posted:

October 23, 2014 solar eclipse via

And this is what goes on:


And this is what it may look like in some parts of North America:

partial solar eclipse

And here's the basic horoscope:

8110802068?profile=originalInterpretation / Prediction:

The seventh house is commonly known as the house of relationships, and there is much activity with the Solar Eclipse, Venus, and Saturn in this house at the same time with this eclipse. Also note that the seventh house has a lot to do with treaties and one-on-one encounters that usually take place in court or venues that concern international agreements. Also note that the star of Nunki conjuncts the Midheaven at 13 degrees Capricorn 4 minutes, which is the overhead point between the tenth and ninth houses. Nunki has a lot to do with foreign and state affairs, and Uranus in the twelfth is squaring this star while this eclipse is going on. 

Because Pluto is very close to the star of Nunki and the Midheaven, something very important may develop on the international scene concerning treaties or agreements, or violations of such.  Relationships between countries can really get hammered under eclipse events, and this is especially true since Venus (which rules relationships) is very close to this eclipse.  Also note that there may be relationship tension involving the U.S. and / or Canada (with other countries) since these two countries get most of the eclipse energy with Venus near this eclipse.

Because the seventh house rules courts of law, there is also strong potential for important court decision(s) to be announced or important questionings of the law, possibly via protest. 


Below is the horoscope of Israel.  Note that the positions of the Solar Eclipse and Venus are very close to Israel's Ascendant (between the twelfth and first houses), which is also called the eastern horizon point and is usually defined as the environment of the entity:


Interpretation / Prediction:

Israel has been laying low and was having good transits via Jupiter transiting in the tenth house.  The problem with eclipses near the Ascendant is that it does define tension in the environment, and with Venus nearby, such tension may involve relationships.  Scorpio is the night sign of detriment for Venus, and Venus traditionally does not operate well in Scorpio on a mundane basis.

This may (at best) define some sort of noteworthy protest against Israel, or a possible major disagreement on how Israel conducts its business and affairs.  At worst, it can define a noted murder or slaughter taking place at the behest of Israel's government, or a really intense military offensive (or defensive) action.

To Everyone:

Be careful with what you eat and drink, as I do notice problems related to the stomach and intestinal tract taking place when eclipses take place. Diarrhea, upset stomach, and Crohn's flareups were noted with the last eclipse at my place of business.

Also be careful for any exchanges of sharp words, bullying, or road rage.  Mercury ends its retrograde  this Sunday (October 26, 2014) and problems involving communications and travel can really be brought out into the open with an eclipse taking place as Mercury is slowing down in motion relative to the zodiac sign of Libra.

Love to all,



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