'past life memories'

There are 2 ideas which pops in which might spoil the perharps fantastic idea of reincarnation.1.) I have discoverd that when I vividly imagine a story, say A while at the same time imagining say king solomon in his palace, latter on when I try to recall story A, It seems like an actual experience I had when I was in the area around king Solomon!! It seems like judging the time dept of a memory is as misleading as judging distance of an object. While seeing a distant object, you might mistake a shadow with an object. So might happen when you are recalling your own vivid imagination you had some times back!:)2.)might it be possible to somehow tap another man's memory such that it feels as though your own memory?I doubt reincarnation. I see RESSURECTION, soul evolution. (perharps the soul does not exist now but will evolve in future) or REEVOLUTION (If your essence is infact nothing but your body) I might take Gazillions of years but it will come. Your are not there to tarry so no need to worry.:)

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  • No.it doesn't defeat the purpose of coming back.

  • You can go to your akashic record and unlock the parts of you that will give you the life you've dreamed of.

  • Fear of power appears to be the achilles heal of the light worker Helen.

    And a lot of this is also akashic remembrance.

    we have over our lifetimes, been ridiculed and persecuted because of the power we wield.

    stoned, drowned, burned, crucified, the old soul has copped it all. 

    And now we come into this incarnation, in this moment in time, where the circumstances are finally working in our favour.

    Where we can stand proud in who we are.

    And what we are capable of.

    Supported by God and Gaia who want us to reach inside of ourselves and discover all that we are.

    So that we may play our part in propelling humanity into the new renaissance.

    We have paid the price, lifetime after lifetime.

    Sucked eggs in the old energy where we were so cumbersome.

    Lost family and friends, (in many cases)

    All because we wanted to be prepared for this moment in time.

    Where we can turn our lights on and make a difference.

    And yet, we are frightened and embarrassed of our potential. 

    We allow ourselves to be influenced by those that tell us how a light worker should act.

    That it is arrogant and unbecoming of a light worker to stand up for themselves.

    And what they believe in.

    That we see ourselves as superior.

    never for a moment recognizing the sacrifices that we've made, and the price we've paid to claim our power.

    No one questions a top sportsman, or entrepreneur for believing in themselves.

    Or promoting their abilities.

    The light worker is the entrepreneur of the I AM presence.

    And we have worked hard in a cynical world to become the best that we can be at our chosen profession.

    You know your potential Helen.

    Both you, and the rest of humanity deserve to reap the benefit of it.

  • we can only speak from experience.

    As for correctness, 

    we are equally correct.

    You want for me to see your perspective.

    I want for you to do the same.

  • Don't be amazed that I don't get it. 

    explain it to me in a way that I understand.

    I believe you are speaking in purely 3 dimensional terms.

    I AM not.

    And herein lies the confusion.

  • It happens as quickly as that.

    One second you're here, the next you are there.

    It may be in your imagination, 

    Your imagination is as real as any other real you may care to mention.

    When you apply emotion to imagination, imagination  comes to life.

    we just need to be mindful of the "time lag" required for to manifest in a 3 dimensional reality.

    And that time lag is diminishing fast. 

  • Helen,

    Bear in mind that one soul incarnates over multiple lifetimes.

    Over those incarnations you will have been the good guy, the bad girl, wealthy, poor, murdered, the murderer, singer dancer, orator, chef and so forth.

    You garner wisdom over every incarnation.

    That wisdom is stored vibrationally in your akashic record.

    Once you have learned something, its learned and stored. 

    You own that wisdom for ever.

    and it there waiting for you to claim it.

    If you never make an effort to access the akash, you will have to go through the lessons all over again if you want that wisdom or skill set.

    If however, you give akashic intent and work your vibration, all that you have ever learned and will learn in future incarnations, (now there's a trip), wil become available to you.

    This is the power inherent in the new energy.

    The power to access your quantum self.

  • I see it as part of the circle.

    And infinite number of infintesimaly small points make up infinity.

    Thus all potential time fractals must exist within circular time.

  • If you continue to work the puzzle, the stages eventually evaporate.

    And all you are left with is....

  • once again,I understand what you say.

    And I can see what you say.

    It's just not how I experience it.

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