Past Lives

Bonjour & Hello to everyone!I would like to post an entry I wrote on my blog: hope this is not viewed as spam, as it's a very real topic, and personal experience I've had the occasions to view. By adding this discussion into the forum, I was hoping to reach out to others who might have also encountered similar experiences. After writing this entry (which was long overdue) I felt compelled to share it.With Love,xo ISTARR oxThis post has been a long time coming. And it won’t agree with the lot of you. I’m fully aware of how unconventional I am; therefore most of the subject matter that I introduce here will be unlike anything you’ve read before. And perhaps, you’ll find it irksome due to my plain delivery of said esoteric topics.I've seen four of my past lives. I know you’ll be able to follow me in terms of what I'm saying but I don't expect anyone to believe me unless they've witnessed their own, so what I'm about to say next, is simply my 'feeling/interpretation/understanding' of past life remote viewing.Actually I'm not certain what I've mentioned, or not mentioned about this subject before, but I’ve already seen three previous lives (my first one at 16, another at 21, and one more at 23) and now, at 30 years old, I've seen a are the glimpses I've perceived, and a brief description of their memoir contents:1. I was a Vietnam War vet (with both legs amputated & a partial amputated arm). I worked an office job within military administration in a wheelchair. I felt brave and proud during the feelings associated with this viewing.MORE DETAILS: I was watching the movie ‘Legend’ with Tom Cruise on TV. This movie is much older than 1995 but it was some Saturday Movie Special, and I had not seen it since I was a child. (Note: when I was a kid, I remember this movie being very scary to me, and I did not make it through its entirety, so I think I was either distracted, or asked to go outside to play. I don’t recall seeing the extended scene that triggered the viewing the first time I watched it). So to clarify, I am around 16 years old, in my room, watching my TV, when the scene with Tom Cruise battling Tim Curry occurs. In this setting, Tom Cruise (or Jack) slices off the hand of the devil (Lord of Darkness, Tim Curry).*FLASH*I am in the viewing.The first thing I see is a drab, dusty office with lots of papers, and what seems to be my desk. I roll over toward it. I am aware that I am male, and that I am in a wheelchair. It gets worse. I am wheeling myself with one arm; the other one is partially amputated, missing a hand, cut near the forearm.Next scene, I look down further, and see that both of my legs are gone. I am legless and have only one arm. But I seem use to this. I can feel admiration from my peers, which gives me a sense of courage.I look down at one of the papers, and in a brief glance, I make out a date typed in black ink: 1964.*FLASH*I am back in my room and terror stricken. This is my first glimpse or viewing into a past life. Nice way to ease me in, lol ;) But in either case, the intense visuals or scenes gave me some awareness that this wasn’t just some regular daydream, it was transportation to another time, dimension or quantum plane. I do not speak of this ‘vision’ to anyone until my mid-twenties after I have other viewings to support it.2. I was a female panther, prowling some jungle setting, and I came across a smashed piece of fruit lodged in muddy, tire tracks. I bite into it, and let the juices flow. The feeling I got from this viewing was hunger then renewal in strength.MORE DETAILS: I'm in my dorm room (alone), and I'm starving. I only have some stale crackers, and milk in the fridge, but then I look at the very back, and find an orange. It’s only a week old, it’ll be juicy.I bite my nails; so I don't have anything to dig into the thick orange peel. I try to pierce it a few times, but then I decide to bite into the orange to get it started.*FLASH*I am in the viewing. The first thing I see is my sleek, black (front) legs. They are thick but muscular, and definitely feline. I know that I am a large cat, and instinctively, I discern that I am female.Next scene, I am in front of the tire tracks where an orange has been squashed. It's ripped wide open, and its insides are definitely bite-worthy. I cautiously look around (for what? Humans? I don’t know.). All I see is jungle, and no threat to my safety. In the last scene, I lower my head, and bite into the orange.*FLASH*I am back in my dorm room, and I have MASSIVE amounts of orange juice drizzling down my face, neck and chest, like a fuckin' animal. I kid you not; I was not (in my dorm room) for that first bite. I was in the jungle, but when the contents came out, I was in my room. And the circumstantial evidence is this: I am a 'neat' person, even when I bite into orange peelings (which I've done before) to get them started. I’ll some times pierce the layer into the juice, but the amount that gushed out on me in this case was excessively carnal. I mean, I had to towel off, and clean myself because I was soaked. This is all true, in the sense that I was drenched, and not just sprayed lightly with a few leaky drops. The *flash* part is also a circumstantial piece of evidence that has been replicated in every one of my viewings.I believe the orange acted like a trigger to my remote viewing or ‘transport’, and its vivid sharpness caused my teeth to bite into it like a wild creature.3. I was a young, male street cat. I could be described as a street urchin, mangy, scrappy, and seemingly abandoned. I was living off the fringes of society when I made a terrible decision to cross the street, and got run-over or flattened by a car. The feeling I got from this viewing was recklessness, and freedom in one instance.MORE DETAILS: I was in my first bachelor apartment in downtown Toronto. I woke up that Saturday knowing that I had a lot of domestic things to do, but I chose to sit down, and draw for a while instead. The sun was peeking through the blinds, and I could hear little birds tweeting in the near distance. I lift my head up to see if I can spot the chirping birds when my mind enters the viewing…*FLASH*I’m now in a city’s bustling, metropolitan street. There are many people walking around (I can see men’s shiny black shoes and women in high heels). I get the impression it’s the 1920’s or 30’s by my own (human) hindsight deductions, but instinctively, I cannot be certain, as I am a cat. What I do know is that I am male, and I am new to the world. I also sense that I am unclean, perhaps it’s because I am feline, or perhaps there’s some other type of awareness that can explain this, but I know that I have bug bites, scabs, and dirt on me.The streets are mostly muddy, but there are clean(ish) sidewalks. I find myself bobbing, and weaving between legs, and other obstacles like trashcans and streetlights.In the next scene, I am facing a decision to wait or to make a run for it. There are loud, and busy noises in front of me, but I get an urge to press forward.Bad call. I am flattened in an instant. I cannot feel my muscles or bones crunching in this lifetime, but the sound of it is definitely reverberated back into my quantum field. I can only assume that I died quickly, and from what I gather, it seems like I was run over by a car.*FLASH*I am now in my room, still in one piece, and definitely shook to the core of my being. This flashback or viewing was most intriguing, and saddening at the same time. I was able to witness one of my death(s), but I was unable to prevent it. Nor was I able to control the condition in which I existed (even if it was short-lived). I try not to dwell on the circumstances, and have sought a correlation to my current life. I mean, this is the second time I’ve viewed myself as a feline (big or small) I look more closely, to try, and understand, if there’s a clue, or if it’s simply a glimpse that offers no more than entertainment value to the observer (me).Oddball Extras: With two catlike connections, I begin examining some of my idiosyncrasies, like my ability to purr. You may get a chuckle from that, as do most people who hear me do it, but I can purr for extended periods of time, and I can do it very well. There seems to be a leftover purrbox housed in the back of my throat, what for (?), I don’t know. Also of note, my back is forever itchy, I am consistently desirous of a back scratch. So what, big whoop, right? Hey, I’m only sharing the tidbits I’ve acquired for my own dissemination, and perhaps the rest is for your amusement ;)4. And finally, with regards to the last viewing I’ve been privy to observe. In this one, I was a royal, Asian dignitary. I was male and I had a thin, black moustache, and goatee. I was lying around a palace being fed by servants, and my position was assured, like that of an emperor. The feeling I got here was power and pride.MORE DETAILS: I am in my room preparing myself for an evening out. I begin my ritual by washing my face, then I moisturize, and sit in front of my long mirror. I always start by plucking any stray eyebrow hairs; this process usually takes around 5-7 minutes. Today, I’m dragging and I’m not feeling motivated, so I start examining my face in the mirror, looking for pore imperfections, or random speckles of dry skins to be picked off. As I’m doing this, my eyes focus intently below my lower lip. I see a tiny, triangular patch of fuzzy, blond hair. The triangle shape triggers the viewing…*FLASH*I am transported to an open space, a large hall, or room with what looks like polished, stone columns, and loose, long pieces of drapery. I think they were either red, or purple, and I recall some traces of gold.The feeling of the room suggests opulence, and there are some distinct regal undertones. I know this because I can see my clothing, and the fine linens are encrusted with shiny beads or jewels. There’s delicate embroidery, and fine stitching on my slipper-like footwear. I am in neutral tones, and I instinctively know three things: it is night, I am male, and I am the supreme ruler.I am in a laying down position; I am being fed food (unknown) by what seems to be my quarter’s servants. When I open my mouth to eat, my facial hair is viewable to some degree. I have deduced now that I was being made aware of a thin moustache with a short, well-groomed goatee. I press my tongue (inside of my mouth) against the wall of my lower lip to bulge it out, allowing me to sense my facial hair. Then I force the tip of my tongue in the centre, simply running it back, and forth, from side to side, on the slippery insides of my lower lip.*FLASH*I am back in my room, staring directly at myself in the mirror. My tongue is resting inside my lower lip pocket, at the centre, highlighting the almost imperceptible hairs usually hidden when my lips are relaxed.I roll back in amazement. Again, I am shocked at the swiftness of the viewing process. I have absolutely no control in how these situations occur, and when I’ll be brought ‘into’ them again. Nevertheless I am grateful, this much I know. An interesting thought comes to mind in thinking of how to impress the pedestrian magnificence of my post-viewing reaction(s):How quickly miracles become overlooked, denied or worse, recognized as commonplace!I am left with these questions…Am I losing my marbles? Can something so remarkable be forgotten by the ringing of a cellular phone? Does the un-sane have a place in a perceptible, and rational world? Let me answer these in order:I certainly hope not!Sadly, yes (at least temporarily).Gladly, in my world, I answer with an unqualified YES.Listen folks, I don’t claim to know how this whole thing works, nor do I have any further information to share. My goal in relaying this blog entry was to be as transparent, and sincere as possible, when relating a controversially subjective experience. I leave it in your minds to translate. I am merely the vessel by which this information has passed. Any additional questions, comments, or even criticisms can be left in the comments section or sent directly to: bstarr_79@yahoo.caThanks for listening. From me, to you, in THIS lifetime,Brigittep.s. I’m working on something even more peculiar for next month. I promise to boggle, as I find myself officially stumped!

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