
  • Peace ljwheat

    You don't need to prove yourself to me. As I have said, I am already well aware of all of these things. I have gone to the other side and come back to tell the tale. The "other side" is a place of supreme silence where again it is like pre-birth. Over there is No-Body, No-Being, and you are Some Being experiencing No Being. It's not wordable but I imagine 8th density begins there.

    The reason I am writing a warning and not a "Welcome to Paradise" is that there remains a LOT of work to be done on this plane. Even "wanderers" are at risk of being trapped in the lower densities. For example if you break a toenail that broken toe nail could cause you to trip and fall and break something, the anger of that breaking causes you to do something you will regret, etc. Slippery slope, but the slippery slope is real enough even as a chain of what-ifs. In that same manner a wanderer could lose sight of their supreme light and get stuck in 3D. I am here for those wanderers primarily.

    If you are already on the Christ/Cosmic vibration then still, the quran will be fruitful. Why are people so willing to let the terrorists win? Even as you are spirit having a human experience, the spirit is bounded by the limits of the human body. Thus there are local limits to your knowledge.

    As for the war, I do not know about the higher dimensional aspects of it. I am concerned with the local effects, namely that governmental agencies may do everything in their power to supress the message of the quran. The real message of the quran is one of transcendental love and the distortions to the law of one made by the terrorists serves only to reinforce the message. Belief and disbelief are acts, and states. One can be a believer doing a disbelieving/evil act and for that nothing will stand in the way of God's punishment. Likewise a disbeliever can do a believing/good deed and for that nothing will stand in the way of God's mercy. We are here to merge the disbelievers and believers together into a cohesive union accepting that the disbelievers want the best experience in the present moment and the believers want the best possible experience in the present moment AND the afterlife.

    • Pease Forever.

      Yes I too have been with you in the great cathedral of gathering light,, its, so beutiful and more vast than words can apply,  I'm afraid I'm fare to anchant to play this game of vanity.

      Its all vain for all return to this great hall of gathering to rest and baith in etunal silence, of brilliant light beyond reason.  Filled with this light I have come to entities needing our light at there time of acention as it only takes the light to shine in this time to bring completion at havest.

      but as the seeds are planted at differnt places and given so randomly, so to harvest, not all are havestable. Your compasion is fare beyond comendable.  light contracts are changable yes. I was conserned to the vibration of the projection of this word warrning.  

      Its vibration is not of the light, of unconditional love and pure vibration dose not interduce its self with such a low vibration or lable as the first thing it presents to another light sourse.

      I radiate pure light as sourse in this demention of vast gathering of young light holder's, as the great hall of light vests unto I before the ulimat Creators light.

      free will contract light holder's at this demention have left bread cums to guide them, and points of clues along the way as signe post for self awakening.

      High vibration light/words are signe posts attracting or repelling all who run into them, hence the responce from I there for again I yield to the thrown of light.

      Please forgive me, I thank you, and I shed my light on you.  I am silence We are the great void eturnal


  • Peace

    If you were thusly aware of your God-nature why then are you confused about your own book?

    This is a warning to the terrorists too, All must come to the Almighty as a servant.

    Sure we are one God. Yet "We" is God, "Are" is God and "God" is God. So what useful meaning did that have? As a human being with a physical body I am not God however. As light, I am light/energy which is given the name "God", yes. But do you really think the Almighty needs to tell Himself that He is light?

    In my birth-memory I remember wanting to jump out of boring old non-existent oneness into immortal manyness. As opposed to popping into existence, having some fun and games then getting bored and pulling the plug on what is a rather entrancing dream. As for the picture, that is our true face as humanity. All faces correspond to the proportion of that face.


    What am I here to warn you about? That the dark Ones have been trolling you into thinking the war is over and everything is all roses. Throw all the 8th density learnings you please at me, I know I live on a 3-4th density planet which is not very pleased at the haughty behaviour of its inhabitants.


    It seems I am presently unable to attune myself to your vibration despite how close we are to each other in awareness of the self. From a manyness perspective God is separate to us as human beings, and that is how you create the reality of infinite variation as opposed to one really bored omnipotent omniscient being.


    What I am aware of is that the inhabitants of Earth have transgressed the due limits and are at the tipping point whereby the Creator is deciding whether or not to annihilate humanity and start over with a fresh batch of more grateful Ones. This has happened to many civilisations before us. Earth evolves with the universe and mass extinctions occur any time an aspect of the system gets too powerful for the rest of the system to handle. This is probably a universe-wide law. As for the final judgement it will only occur when the moon ceases to be. It has not occured yet.



    • I will let you sleep some more, when you awake. only then will you see. you are spirit having a human exsperence.   you talk to me as a human having a spiritual exsperence. it back words.   AVITAR the movie jake was having a avitar exsperence not the other way around once he left the avitar he was the jake in or out of the avitar or spirit. jake would live regardless of what would happen to the avitar, our body is only an avitar ist not you , you are in the avitar.  only god can do this spirit jumping in and out of reincarnation, avitars and human do not have the power to do this.   hence I am GOD not the avitar, not the human a temple is all it is nothing more the holy house were GOD him self lives.

  • every choice you make is a changing of the channel you were watching living  in. the channel you switch from is still playing and the you thats still there  will go to the end of its program.

    the elusion is saying you never changed channels when you did in fact make a  different choice and are there for in your new world will see change, because  you did change channels and are not watching no change happen.

    so in the world or channel you are in says it will never happen. the that  channel your on it will never happen. waking up to this Power to change the  channel your reality is on now changes that now, creating a new channel into a  channel you want to happen, the old channel will still play itself out, your  clone will, you have moved on to a brighter paralel word were all the stuff you  didnt want, in fact dose not happen, your no longer on that  channel.  

    this is why so meny prophets, wayseer's,channelers, angles, ET's have  said..stay in the now young padawon concentrate on the now, and  meditate and train the mind on what you invision your new world to be, hold  this light for those still asleep in there paralel worlds.

    the movie the secret is all about holding in your mind the world or object  you wish to have or be.

    the power of intention is nothing more than changing channels. the  trick is to stay on that channel and put down the remote and let go of the  channels you didnt want.

    so many people keep flipping channel's you have no idea were they are comming  from, change channnels and let all the channels that no longer serve you fall  away.

    acention is simply changing the channel to learn what you want and  remaining on that channel till that lesson is learn and move on to the next  channel to learn the next all happening in real time all channels playing all at  the same time,

    your free will to be on or in the world or channel that serves you, and  let all the clones catch up later in eternity, jump out of this paralel world  quit playing with it. move on to asention and evenual unity of self the one , sourse.

    Read more:

  • You continue to speek of God as seperate from you, ouside of yourself, You are me, I am you, we are part of one body of light including all the non light beings. its all one body. and since your are god i yeild the floor to you, you will allways be right as god can not be unright. right. 

    and all the answer's are right here in your head,   here and now , forever and ever your truth, and no other truth will ever see the light of day. I'm glad that you have chosen to have your eye's wide shut.

    So i bow to your superior light and wisdom for only you have the all knowing truth. thank you GOD for this very inlightening convorsation of your truth.  namaste   I have all of eternaty to lisen to you speak your words, and thank you for all your truth in setting me straight, on all that You are about. I bow and give you full rain, and power, and glory for none shall stand before you. 

    just have compasion and forgive me your huble servent.   what will you have me do, praise be to your holy will, bringer of the holy rule. over the free will your standing on.    LOL  dam lighten up, there's no war in me I am one in all thing. 

    how else do I the one and only exspereance myself and entertain myself for etunety and eturnety with out end,, I would get pritty board just being absalute good all the time .   Im playing its my game and everything is part of it. no rules no right  and no wrong. just eturnal consusness for ever and ever and ever. thanks for playing. good day

  • GREAT post another nail hit on the head squarlly and put in its place, I am the light you are the light God is the sourse of this light I am the son of this light.    we entered this world as light and with all the power of elusion we were attacked and told how we will be? The  laugh is on them as we I you have awakend to the light that we are. and they are now very afraid of the power of the light we now hold, but they are asleep to the light the power thay know of it but do not undersand I love them too and you now.

     for eturnal light is love and a movement of energy that is all consuming.   

    as we, I, all, are one as sourse is one as i the spark of eturnal life in love beyond understanding.  We are meny and yet still only the one light of all creation.

    In the light that I walk in, I see no darkness,  only that witch we have not had a change to shine our light on yet.

  • What my creator wants me,,   you are the light the sourse the creator the etunal light of creation.  to say my creator, wow ,, you are the creator,if only you had the faith of a mustard seed, you should do greater deeds than I,  even christs desiples didnt get it. one spirit one GOD one you one we all working for the common good of all. you are the light the way the truth the eturnal light with out end. and you have not because you ask not of the light that is in your heart that is you, the spark of GOD the light that is you with out it your body would simply collaps into dust.

    the light you are is the awakening of the light you birthed with are taking you very  next breath with and what you'll take to the next demention with the light is you, you were never unlight.

    just lied too, to keep you asleep to the light that you have always been for etunety.  thay have played with your mind keeping you away from the spark of god you came to this planet with. for if you should fine out the world you live in lied to you and the power that they have hidden form you.    you would have them for breakfast. you are the trinity spoke of the king left out of the big book on purpose  you are the son the father and the holy spirit ,  one god one spirit one you,   one the law of one is all there is one. and thats the truth that will set you free from all that is.    you are i am we are the truth the light the way out of this elusion of mens words and many thoughts that are never quiet never seasing to cover up the truth from you.    

    all those AAHHAA moments you have in life is the one spirit one light in you revealing to you the you that you are the light eturnal. its always been you.  all things outside of you has been set up to keep you from looking in to the light that is you in the sacret space in your heart the very spark of light that gives you life it self.   God sourse devine spark is not outside of you. you are sourse. once seen no elusion will ever blind you from the truth that has alway lived in you. 

  • I am light, I am not a light worker. I am light ,, created to be light. thats all, by shining this light on all things, subjects i shine in a very darkend world.   No I know allot of writings have a core root of the truth in them.  

    this is how you identfy yourself with a see touch know book, fine thats your foundation, the rock you build you belief from.

    Im saying my foudation is built on the foudation that i am the light and give real time in the now, live a breath at a time. quoting some ones words is a belief taken from them there belief its not yours, you stole it. give it back.

    I quote the light thats in me form soure a living breath god in me, I am the light. I live and speak the light, its somthing I am not somthing ive read about.   a polar bar dose not need to esplain to enyone the he's a polar bar he simply is with out words, documents, certificates of authentisity on any level.  you look you see yup thats a polar bar.

    anything. anything, everything, all things outside of you are ellusion including your quran, bible, jurnels, tablets all thats ouside of you is elusion. the light that your has now way of stating it only it is like unto an example of what is invisible, may be pondered. but the light that is the spark of GOD in the now is.     yup thats a polar bar. you cant explain somthing that always is the light the energy the sourse it has and alway will be just out of reach with words.

    its a deep rabbit hole but only can be known, I am the light that i am light.  this cant be chased with words or try to rap your head around it .  elusion says you can, and many are still suck in elusion and its noisy thinking. in still ness of the mind you will come to know the light the energy of your sourse that is simply you, trying to prove you are you is going back to the polar bar is a polar bar.

    just be the light is the light. i birthed here as light I am light and I will leave this demention as light I can not be enthing else but the light that i am.      FEEEWWWW  lol   Elusion wants to be everything else that it thinks it is  mainly EGO and begins to become its own god in intelect of the mind/body  lead by controler's that have used all the things outside of you. for over 75,000 years, thats why its called elusion, what you think to be real and the truth is not = hence the elusion of words become real in stead of the light becoming your reallity, words have taken the lights place.  I am the light i dont have to be a worker, thats a lable, i am the light with out the lable in a book or your words or thinking,  I simple am the light and speak write from this place of light that i am.

    well if you read this or that youll see that  = = = no no no nothing can tell me im me.  i am the light. your are the light and we are the light in the world, open your third eye with your heart of pure light and look into my heart and see the light i see in you.

     You are the light with out having to look at any words or paper work, if the light of sourse shines for all to see as i do, then you are the light of sourse the one who shines with out words, if you are the light there's no defining it.  and if you are the light you dont have to work at it. because you simply are.

     if you cant get passed the words and the mind, then your still suck in elusion and in prison to the wisdom of the words. 

    there is no solution to any problem, the solution is the problem, not seeing that all there is is light and your it the light and with that power of knowing you are the light. all things are posible all.  word limit the light the light is all things and has now words to define it and never will its pure energy that if looked opon no human would live in the pure radiant light of all that is. baby steps as little god sparks we are the light created to just be.  just be the polar bar you were created to be and a tree a tree and a horse a horse, a light being having a human experience simply be the light and all will see it and ask of it.  give answer of your self the light eturnal, not some words out of a book.   be the light you are, be it speak of it and shine it. 

     that's the core and root of the words in your books. just examples of what you are not what they were. become it . words are like a raft that takes you accross the river once you reach the other side, your suposed to get off. of the raft before itl sweeps you out to sea lost on the raft of words.


  • Peace


    Don't worry about your lives, you are protected:


    مَا يَفْعَلُ اللَّهُ بِعَذَابِكُمْ إِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ وَآمَنْتُمْ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ شَاكِرًا عَلِيمًا {147}

    [4:147] Why should God/Light/Consciousness/Energy chastise/punish/destroy you if you are grateful and believe? And Energy is the Multiplier of rewards, Knowing

    عَلَىٰ نُورٍ ۗ يَهْدِي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ اللَّهُ الْأَمْثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ {35} [24:35] Allah is the light/energy of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not-- light upon light-- Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things.


    Got a copy of Source Field Investigations? Pop open the front cover and look at the picture. Peace

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