It was found in part 2 of this series that George Adamski was very likely ordered by the Pentagon to withhold important elements of his alleged 1952 extraterrestrial contact that suggested the existence of a German Secret Space Program in Antarctica. Understanding why Adamski would have been ordered to do this, requires understanding events that occurred over five years earlier in Antarctica.

In the Southern Hemisphere summer of 1946/1947 Admiral Richard Byrd led a large Naval task force to Antarctica during Operation Highjump with secret orders to flush out any Nazis that had established secret bases in the frozen continent. This was not the first time Byrd had been given secret orders to flush out Nazis hidden in Antarctica.

Seven years earlier, in mid-1939 Byrd had been commanded by President Franklin Roosevelt to lead a Naval expedition to Antarctica to determine whether Nazi bases in Antarctica violated the Monroe Doctrine. The New York Times reported on July 7, 1939:

President Roosevelt moved today to prevent possible extension of Germany’s claims to Antarctic areas into the Western Hemisphere by directing Real Admiral Richard E. Byrd to leave in October to territory within the sphere of influence of the Monroe Doctrine … it [is] apparent that this government was prepared to take the position, if necessary, that any attempts by foreign powers to establish bases west of the 180th meridian in the Antarctic would be considered an unfriendly act …

Byrd’s 1939/1940 expedition did not succeed in finding the German Antarctic bases, which were well hidden under the ice sheets.

Years later, during the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials, Admiral Donitz repeated his earlier wartime claims of having have used Germany’s submarine fleet to build “an invulnerable fortress, a paradise-like oasis in the middle of eternal ice.”

After the premature ending of Operation Highjump in February 1947, Byrd gave an interview in Chile on March 5 while traveling back to the U.S. where he spoke of an enemy that could fly from the South Pole region to attack the US:

Admiral Richard E Byrd warned today of the necessity for the United States to adopt protective measures against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile aircraft proceeding from the polar regions. The admiral said: ‘I do not want to scare anybody but the bitter reality is that in the event of a new war, the United States will be attacked by aircraft flying in from over one or both poles.’ ,

The overall context of Byrd’s interview suggested that the Germans had successfully weaponized their flying saucer craft and other advanced aerial vehicles to the extent that nothing possessed by the US Navy could match these in performance, weapons and range.

Indeed, only a few months after Byrd’s interview, the Kenneth Arnold UFO incident occurred in June 1947, where he witnessed fleets of flying wing shaped craft over the Cascade mountains of Oregon and Washington State.

The flying wing craft were very similar to what the Horton Brothers had been developing for Nazi Germany, one of which had been relocated to the U.S. after World War II. It’s feasible that successful prototypes had been developed and moved to Antarctica, and were by 1947 able to overfly U.S. territory.

Therefore, Admiral Byrd’s warning had proved prescient insofar as the Germans based in Antarctica had the capacity to overfly US territory with impunity. Therefore, with the subsequent rise of the UFO sightings after the Arnold incident, it can be concluded some, if not many of these, could be connected to the German Space Program out of Antarctica.

In two successive weekends in July 1952, waves of UFOs flew over Washington DC. Tens of thousands witnessed the flyovers which were photographed, caught on radar, and sighted by military pilots. The sightings were so dramatic that the US Air Force gave a Press Conference to dismiss it all as a “temperature inversion” weather anomaly.

For decades, the truth about the crafts origins was kept secret, but eventually it was revealed that the UFOs were in fact German flying saucers. Three insiders/whistleblowers were all made familiar with the German origins of the craft.

William Tompkins, a former aerospace engineer, Clark McClelland, a former NASA spacecraft operator, and Corey Goode, a former participant in a “20 and back” US Navy space program, all said the same. They had been either briefed or had learned that it was German antigravity spacecraft which had overflown Washington DC., in 1952.

This raises a strong possibility that there is a direct connection between Adamski’s 1952 encounter and the German space program that had initiated flyovers over US territory as suggested in the June 1947 Arnold incident and Byrd’s March 1947 warning.

Furthermore, as discussed in part 2, the similarities between the “scoutcraft” witnessed by Adamski and the “Haunebu II” craft being developed by the Nazis for the War effort, does suggest that Germans had succeeded in moving some of their more advanced operational models to Antarctica.

The idea that some of the UFOs sighted over US territory were part of a German secret space program is strengthened by two additional UFO landing incidents during the 1950’s, the same period that Adamski said he was having contact experiences with Venusians.

On January 7, 1956, Willard Wannall, a Master Sergeant with the US Army at the time, says that he saw a flying saucer land in a secluded area of Kaimuki, near Honolulu, Hawaii. He was debriefed by US Army and US Air Force Intelligence officers at Fort Shafter where he was stationed, and wrote a 32 page report of the incident to his commanding officer.

While Wannall’s brief description of the incident was mentioned in UFO sightings reports at the time, his detailed report about it has never been publicly released. 

After retiring from the Army, he wrote a book about the incident in 1967, where he describedhow he was still under national security orders not to divulge key details about the incident:

However, it may be stated without jeopardizing the safety of my family and friends, or violating any security restrictions, that we witnessed the landing near our home of a clearly defined unconventional flying object which remained under our surveillance all of forty – five minutes prior to its departure. In addition to myself, there were six other responsible, and highly respected individuals present, who viewed the details of this sighting alternately with and without the aid of high – powered binoculars. 

Decades later, a reporter with the Maui UFO Report was able to interview Wannall before his 2000 passing, and the public was able to learn for the first time some of the key details of the UFO landing incident:

This time the bell shaped, silver, domed, port holed craft landed in the densely wooded hills behind Honolulu. When Sergeant Wannall approached, a hatch opened. He noted the swastika and Nazi Iron Cross on both the UFO and the uniform of the occupant. The saucer pilot spoke with a German accent, and had a Nazi uniform on him! … Sgt Wannall told us that escaped Nazis, who had flying saucers, had fled to South America and secret underground bases, below the Ice in Antarctica shortly before the Nazi war surrender.(Hawaii UFO Magazine #2)

Wannall’s description of the craft matches closely what Adamski had photographed and witnessed in 1952, and the Haunbu II craft that had been secretly developed by Nazi Germany.

It is now understandable why Wannall’s 32 page report about the 1956 incident was never publicly released under Project Blue Book, as it showed that a German Secret Space Program was actively overflying and landing all over US territories, including the Hawaiian Islands.

The fact that the pilot spoke with a German accent, wore a Nazi uniform, and was able to land near a US military base (Fort Shafter) shows that the occupants had no fear of being shot at. This suggested that there had been some kind of agreement reached with US military authorities about German spacecraft flying over and landing on U.S. territory.

This finally brings us to the Reinhold Schmidt incident briefly mentioned in Part one. Schmidt described meeting with the occupants of a flying saucer that landed on November 5, 1957 near Kearney, Nebraska. They spoke in German-accented English to him, and used High German when communicating among themselves.

In his book, Edge of TomorrowSchmidt wrote that he initially believed the six occupants were German scientists:

I thought that perhaps it might have come from Russia, and that it was manned by a crew of German scientists getting data on the first Russian Sputnik which had been launched about a week before. 

After later being contacted by one of the occupants, Schmidt had further encounters and changed his mind about the craft’s origins. He now referred to the craft’s occupants as extraterrestrials from Saturn.

Like Adamski, Schmidt may have been misled by the craft’s occupants to believe they were extraterrestrials despite the obvious signs that they were part of a German Secret Space Program operating long after the end of World War II. Alternatively, again like Adamski, Schmidt may have been pressured by national security authorities to drop any public references to the spacecraft occupants being German astronauts.

This latter explanation is supported by the puzzling treatment Schmidt received by local authorities after reporting his initial 1957 contact. The initial interest and friendly support which led to overnight national media exposure, shifted dramatically into outright hostility by local authorities after the arrival of two Air Force officials.

After extensive interviews and debriefings with multiple officials, the local and national media, and the Air Force officials Schmidt was pressured to recant his public testimony by the Chief of Police.

Schmidt was mysteriously jailed without charges for two days, and then committed to a mental institution in Hastings, Nebraska. All this was done without him being allowed legal representation. He was eventually released after intervention by his family and employer.

The heavy pressure placed on Schmidt to change his story after the intervention of two USAF officials, clearly suggests that key elements of it threatened national security. In fact his release from custody was likely a result of him agreeing to change key elements of his story.

Schmidt’s testimony suggested, as in the cases of Adamski and Wannall, that craft belonging to a German Secret Space Program were actively overflying and landing on US territories, Any reference to the German origin of the craft were downplayed, and instead references to extraterrestrials from Venus, Saturn or elsewhere were emphasized.


In conclusion, the material examined in this three part series of articles suggests that the George Adamski contactee case, as well as the Wannall and Schmidt cases, were very likely cases of US citizens interacting with members of a German Space Program operating out of Antarctica. Both the occupants of the flying saucer craft, as well as the US military hid the German connection and encouraged the extraterrestrial hypothesis to explain their origin.

This is not to say that all alleged extraterrestrial contact cases really involve public interaction with members of a German secret space program operating out of Antarctica. After all, the Germans had been helped by extraterrestrials who had supplied them with operational spacecraft for reverse engineering during World War II, and had helped the Germans establish their Antarctica bases.

Despite the extraterrestrial involvement in the German Space Program, there is a need to review the 1950’s and 1960’s contactee cases to determine the true origins of the alleged “Space Brothers”, and Pentagon efforts to suppress the truth.

The US national security establishment encouraged the debunking of contactees such as Adamski, Schmidt and many others, not because they feared the public learning about extraterrestrial visitation, but because they feared the public learning the truth about the German breakaway colony in Antarctica.

The most powerful nation states of the era, the US, Britain, France and the Soviet Union did not want their citizens to learn that not only had a remnant of Nazi Germany survived World War II, but that its technological achievements in advanced aerospace technologies had become so dominant that the former Allied powers had nothing to match these with.

It was hoped that secret agreements, infiltration of German Antarctic facilities and deception would be the tools to bridge the technological gap. In the meantime, the truth would be suppressed about the German connection to the “Space Brothers” encounters that Adamski, Schmidt, Wannall and other contactees began having in the 1950’s.

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  • the anunnaki 'god's' allied to anchara continum were always meddling in earth affairs.......the neutrals did not approve of german defeat and humiliation, by the dark global establishment...they had a defence pact, which eclipsed neutrality, in this special case.....

  • the leading members of the anchara alliance[bellatrix and theta draconis] were never honour bound to non interference and only constrained by the light forces setting ww1 was a challenge to dark status quo

  • vril society's lead telepath; maria ortische, was the focal point of many talented people, intent on re-activating the treaty, following ww1 defeat.

  • why did the neutral aldebaranian star empire [neither gfl nor anchara,] favour germany, in spite of nazism.] because of a 12th century mutual assistance treaty, signed by the order teutonic knights.....;-]

  • tachyometric vectoring and magnetic impulse steering were adapted technical features placing german pilots at an advantage over back-engineered american attempts at duplication, for decades.

  • messerschmitt was such a named fighter aircraft.....horton, henschel, heinkel and focke-wulf, named after professor henrich wulf.......names in full....;-]

  • the germans had a tradition of naming aircraft after the design engineers and never would shorten the name for reasons of wartime security, as some have erroneously not a shortening of 'hauneburg.' the never shortened the names of aircraft; bombers, fighters, zeppelins, nor space ships....

  • the name is 'haunebu,' the brilliant aldebaranian scientist who telepathically communicated design blueprints to german technical adaptive requirements, which enabled human piloting and weapons mounting[kraftstrahlkanone] in place of telemeter probes......adamski's craft had no guns, nor knight's cross hull markings,nor nazi uniforms...

  • Loved this

  • Yes I heard somewhere before that the Germans had some technology in ww2

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