Perceiving Different Vibrations

Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source

Hello Son,

Perceiving Different Vibrations

When a person meditates regularly and practices goodwill to others; his awareness increases.

This increase is dependent on the time that person has spent raising his vibrations; this could be reading mantras, rosary beads or prayers. By doing this practice he raises his vibrations above the lower limitations of this world into a higher plain of information.

The key word here is ‘information’; we have to admit that we all perceive things differently to each other and have also different opinions. When we receive information, we are also dependent upon what frequency we can receive this information.

We receive from the heart, mind and soul; and in each information there is a certain frequency.

If a person is kind-hearted and others feel his warmth and generosity, then his heart is more active than his mind. If this is the case then his heart is vibrating at a higher vibrational frequency then his other organs. He will then reach a critical mass when he will start being inspired from his heart; which relays this information to other parts of the body to make action.

This process is the same for the mind and the soul; however in some cases all of the three can be activated and as a result we can be inspired from all of them. We then receive guidance from multiple sources.

This process of inspiration is dependent upon our active dealings and worldly life. This also includes when we have contact with others.

Your mother; the laws of the universe and the Creator are there for you to all use and understand.


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  • your welcome

    take care


  • Hi Kelly

    True when we use the head and heart, when we are not stressed but in a state of balance and positivity then answers, or even thinking things through is easier.

    But we must also remember, this world is full of ups and downs, we just have to pull ourselves together and just get on with it.

    I know this can be difficult; but remember success for mankind is on the way to those who wish this.

    Take care


  • i can totally understand this, but it is so complicated to explain to others that dont understand what i say about this, it can cause rows as the other person i am explaining it to just doesnt understand this vibration. i do and i can see where others are at too and this is when there is confliction, its with close friends and people who are very close to me that this happens, the only way to avoid this is to stay alone, but i like to have company with special people but they are not vibrating on the level i am ..........

    wish i had a match with someone of the same vibration whom i find special to me..

    the head and heart .......................  its like a battle goin on, i believe in the heart but they believe in the head,,,, 

    • Hi netcae

      Simply people are still waking up and there are many who are totally in the dark, who would laugh at the thought of any awakening and aliens and the full package of what is happening at this current time.

      Because of this, just having a conversation on there terms, meaning at their frequency of understanding, can be difficult because there are so grounded to earth or material things. It simply is not the same when a person is so devoted in learning what is happening and raising ones own vibration, to prepare for ascension.

      So it can be lonely; but remember this is a community where you can share or even have a moan; knowing that we all understand why.

      Thank you for your response;

      Take care


    • I believe in the heart but they believe in the head,,,, 

      I going to use a spiritual can opener on you, because I love you, no you did nothing wrong, takes time to see a difference, PERHAPS (hint) "it is so complicated to explain to others that don't understand what I say about this"   

      I will tell you about my complication when people use a word without realizing what they do, I never use the words believing or belief when I'm talking in life or spiritual. Your problem is complicated your using the same word twice to define a difference, your trying to express a difference between the mind & heart

      I can use my old ego all day long run you into the ground by using the mindset of concept thinking, When were using the heart there is no need too.

      I hear "believing" in the heart, "believing" in the mind. I did not distinguish a difference between the two. Yes we know there is difference between heart and mind yet the medium of believing is the same, it is equal, does that complicate things, absolutely!!! 

       its like a battle going on Yes I feel that as well in getting people to stop and realize what they are saying to themselves and others, energy is very reflective. How many times do we see the word believe on this entire web site and all the links that travel outwards and inwards, the stats on the word believing is through the roof,

      We also need to spiritually purge our words, for most it's a habit, a slang habit, spiritual growth relies on realizations from the mind, realize and realizations are absolute keys.

          its like a battle going on, I believe in the heart but they believe in the head,,,, 

      I would address this by saying I trust in my heart by feeling with the energy of the heart the soul and I can also trust my mind with the information I give to it with the heart the soul to realize complex situations and come up with an abundance of solutions, strictly using my mind I require facts they have to be checked updated and think of solutions that match the problem, The problem has to be realized and broken down into components, each component is than processed for a possible solution against plausible existing facts.

      The mind is a tool to use, people get into the habit of using the mind constantly to live there lives, the mind is not the total sum of our being, people out of habit condition the mind as the only ability they have and lessen there overall abilities, The mind has difficulties with certain functions love trust emotions. We are both a wave and a particle and have specific designs to have and form balance in our lives. The heart and soul can connect to higher functions in quantum from the blueprint of fractal chaos(DNA) and connects through quantum to infinity. the mind and conscious are separate but joined by quantum static bio mass tuned by frequency and vibration.


      Habits are one the hardest things to catch in doing, you have to release you just did it or stopping yourself just as your about too. naturally habit's turn into conditions which can lead to unhealthy balances.

      The mind is a sponge the more you write that is concise honing the words and structure, conscious picks that up even though it's not in order it will toss it correct to form a desired pattern than give it back to the mind to be realized. The conscious takes that realization it triggers the subconscious allows the heart soul to connect with quantum and flow of information from infinity so the next growth will occur. That realization is apart of vibration and frequency.

      Did you enjoy your spiritual can opener :) let me know how I expressed it, I'm still a work in progress.


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