Updated dramatically this year due to major shift in consciousness.
We are ready!
Arrive at the chosen location 1 hour before dawn, and face east. You can either sit or stand. It is also beneficial to place your palms out, or even arms outstretched fully to the sides with palms up. Sensitive ones may find this too powerful and may need to keep their hands folded in front of them. Do what feels right to you.
Call in all your guides, guardians and angels. Ask that the group be placed in a bubble of light and that any energy that is not part of the group be removed. Also ask for all energy any group member has given away to be returned. Unify yourself and your group as you link together as a global family. In silence call on the energy of the Stars and the Universe. Draw this powerful energy into you. Ask to be filled with the purity of balance, peace, harmony and love for Earth and Humanity. Inside, ask for personal support and strength for the days ahead, so that you may be a strong server of truth and light. Ask to be reawakened to the ancient, timeless knowledge of the cosmos. Let your inner mantra be a Mayan code, "In Lak'ech Ala K'in": "I am you, and you are me"… "I am you and you are me". "I am you and you are me". Continue until the sun rises.
When the Sun breaks the horizon, face the Sun and ask Hunab K'u (The Creator of the Universe for the Maya) and Pacacamag (The Father of the Universe for the Inca) for blessings and permission to enter their memory and wisdom. As the Sun rises, look directly at the Sun. Please use discretion here. Just one second of pure sunlight directly in the eyes is enough, but do what is comfortable. Pure sun light is holistic information.
As this first light breaks, while breathing in deeply over and over, bring heavenly energy down into your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies activating your entire being. Ask to be reawakened to the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the Cosmos. Draw in this energy through the top of your head and out the bottom of your feet. Send it the center of the Earth. Firmly anchor it there.
- - - You have just become a Cosmically aware being.
Now breath in deeply over and over, and bring up the powerful energy of the Earth into your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies activating your entire being. Ask to be reawakened to the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the Earth. Draw in this energy through the bottom of your feet and out the top of your head. Send it the center of the Universe. Firmly anchor it there.
- - - You have just become an Earthly aware being.
Again while breathing in deeply over and over, add your own inner gifts and light into this bridge. See your energy going out the center of the Heavens and the core of the Earth, and then return to you one thousand fold. You are now part of a living conduit of universal unending energy. Firmly anchor this multiplied energy into your heart.
- - - You are now a balanced bridge between Heaven and Earth.
While breathing in deeply over and over, draw all the positive intent that has been anchored in the SOLAR WAVE by earlier sunrises before you. Listen, hear, see and feel the prayers of our brothers and sisters of the East who have just finished their prayers and anchored their positive intentions with the rising SUN. Allow their intents to merge with yours. Allow this energy to join the living conduit of unified intent. You have just entered the Solar Wave. Ask that all the positive intent placed in the Solar Wave be multiplied a thousand fold. Bring this into your heart space. Anchor it firmly there.
- - - You are now the sons and daughters of Earth and Sky.
Again breathing in deeply over and over, hold a vision of a positive future for humanity in your heart. Don't see what needs to be healed, as this will add energy to the imbalances … simply see Earth and Humanity perfect and whole. Add your vision of peace, balance and harmony. See your vision of Heaven on Earth, Nirvana, Shambala. See the element of water being calm. See the element of earth being in perfect balance. See the element of fire being in harmony. See the element of air being at peace. See the bodies, minds and spirit of humanity fully awake, conscious and full of love, peace, harmony, balance and utter gratefulness and joy. Last, but not least, see yourself perfectly healed in all ways, for all time. Ask that this vision be multiplied one thousand fold. Anchor it firmly within.
- - - You are now born again and have become a powerful living chalice for Earth and Humanity.
While still breathing in deeply over and over, see the sun within you get brighter and stronger to the point that you can no longer contain it. See this light burst forth from your heart center filled with all the positive collective intent. See it go out to the Earth and all of humanity.
- - - Your living chalice has spilled over with a powerful cosmic force.
Now turn toward the west - away from the sun, and with a grand and joyous sweeping motion and energetic whoop, send a carbon copy, so to speak, of the collective intent for peace, balance and harmony to the ones waiting for the sun to rise in the west.
- - - You are now celebrating being one with all life.
In closing, send gratefulness to all those who arose before you to anchor their prayers in the first rays of a new Equinox year. Send thanks to all your guides, guardians and angels who were present and helping with this process. Take down the bubble of light down around the group . . . And last, but not least, send your love and respect to the great Creator for who all things are possible.
What we give is what we receive . . . Once you have completed this work, you will be at a higher frequency. This is a good time to listen in silence for your personal message; for what you receive today will influence and empower your entire year.
so this is the meditation copied from HERE... My question is, HOW DO I DO THIS? put the simplest... Am i supposed to memorize this and then recite, take a copy with me to a chosen location, i would really like to accomplish this, sucessfully and help would be SO GREATLY APPRECIATED FELLOW LIGHTWORKERS.
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