Aisha Core through Kelly Kahealle Starr
(this exercise is an excerpt I took from a message from my twin flame on how to connect with her better)
When you lay down right before you sleep start concentrating your energy to the front.. middle point of your forehead
Take deep breaths and feel like you are breathing from that point
Feel it going in and out
This stimulates the pineal gland in the center of your brain
Picture a point of light inside your head
Just a pinpoint of light
And start to see it get brighter
So bright
And then when it is very bright let it expand
Hold that light expansion as long as you can
While your breathing out from the point on the front of your head
Breathing in and out through your nose
Relax your inhale and exhale almost as if you would make a snoring noise
Not quite a snore but just a bout
Find that balance between not snoring but almost… relaxing your breathing muscles
Please post any exercises, videos, audio, meditations, or anything for the purpose of strenghening the Pineal gland
I just found this great reference about the pineal gland. My knowledge of this gland was minimal, and this information helped me to understand more about the pineal and its significance....Hope this link is something of interest.....It was very helpful for me.