Planetary World Service is following the 7 rays - Monday is 1st ray - tuesday is 2nd ray etc...And sending your thoughts,consciousness focus,prayers,affirmations and visualizations to important issues every day.And you can click on the TODAYS MENU - what you can do with your consciousness,mind and thoughts to help this planet.If you are not familiar with the esoteric rays -here is some info about them:Ray I Government And Politics; International RelationsRay II (Spiritual) Education And Teaching; Writing, Speaking, Radio, TVRay III Finance, Trade, Business & EconomicsRay IV Sociology; Race & Culture Cooperation & Conciliation; ArtsRay V Sciences; Including Medicine & PsychologyRay VI Religion, Ideology, PhilosophyRay VII Structuring Of Society; Ordering Of Power Through Ceremony, Protocol & Ritual.--------Rays are attributes of God:Ray I - Personal Power and Will.Ray II - Love and WisdomRay III - Active IntelligenceRay IV - Beauty and HarmonyRay V - Concrete and Esoteric/New Age knowledgeRay VI - DevotionRay VII - Transformation,Ceremonial Order and Magic we can connect to talk to other people with same interests etc.Prayer of the Week: love to follow International Politics and Cooperation. And especially listen to what Barack Obama talks about.

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  • CoMDr, yes he an Ascended Master now:) You were lucky to meet him in Mt. Shasta:)

    This week prayer is for Haiti.
  • This week prayer:
    The New Higher Octave Prayer of Compassion for the Aquarian Age by Kuan Yin!
  • Prayer of the Week group just posted a new bulletin.
    Subject: Prayer for Assistance to Tackle the Issue of Climate Change.

    Obama in Copenhagen/Denmark 9 December and in Oslo/Norway 10 December(Nobel Peace prize)
  • Prayer for disclosure of technologies and the truth about recorded accounts of extraterrestrial visits.

    I LOVE this subject:)

  • Prayer of the Week group just posted a new bulletin. Subject: Political Hot Spots Meditation and Visualization You can read your new message here:
  • Prayer of the Week group just posted a new bulletin. Subject: Prayer for Ethiopia You can read your new message here:
  • I am glad you shared of YOURSELF. I thought I could discern Zeta hiding in your body, lol, they have a distinct smell to them which I have whiffed firsthand with them hovering over my face with a probe aimed at my nostrils. They stink like a combination of sulphur and something sicky sweet, hope that was not your aftershave I was smelling before I passed out. If it was, you better change your brand, haha...I did not think my question was at all silly, and NO I am not in any way a coward. That is just your opinion. I never claimed to know God for openers but I am trying to learn about the concept and what others think about a god. I form my own opinions about it. I agree about what you said about humanity perceiving aliens as gods and are completely off base about the whole religion thing. I just wanted to get a serious answer from you because I truly want to get to know you better. You have been my friend (in my mind anyway) for a long time, and your namecalling does not change that. I like you no matter what bullshit you care to throw at my direction or character. So there!!!! Maybe from all my physical and psychical dealings with Zeta, I feel a kindredness with you in some convoluted way. I don't know, but try as you might to throw shit at my character I cannot stay mad at you...Don't like your attitude but if that is how you feel you must act, oh well. I look past that bravado and insulting nature...guess I am just Pollyanna....

    Oh yes and my name is Marique Quinn and I am not hiding behind a fake name. You have seen my picture of what I look like so you cannot fault me for that either. I had to take my picture down because too many of the males here were hitting on me, lol. But I will gladly post my picture again as proof positive of who I am and at least delete that insult off your list of insults to me. Not that I need to because you KNOW me by my comments and writings. I do not quote from others but speak from my heart.
    • Yes Napa, I know you know what Zeta Talk says.......we ALL know you know what Zeta Talk says, yadda yadda....I am curious about YOUR thoughts on God......Do you believe there is a "GOD" or universal lifeforce or power in prayer? Gosh how I wish I knew what YOU think about things, instead of just what you say Zeta talk says.........just a thought. But I realize you do not share of yourself, and are only a Zeta parrot. It is a shame. I know you have great spirit and have seen your orbs so I know you are spiritually alive. Just wish you would share more of yourself instead of always Zeta quotes. Or is it that you ARE a Zeta? Just wondering...
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Gary commented on rev.joshua skirvin's blog post Collective of Ascended Masters: The Solar Flash and Three Days of Darkness, Are They Coming?; Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source.
"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"When we hear about Epstein we think of politicians and celebs who were involved with him, but it does make sense that individuals on Wall Street would also be involved as talked about here. The Deep State swamp is definitely all over the place.…"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yes, we always welcome members to post here and freely share their thoughts and ideas...Anything and everything, is fine..."
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good to see that even more people are starting to post on here now :)"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"General Flynn comes on to the Benny show to talk about James Comey's corruption. James Comey could be the key that leads to the even bigger names being exposed."
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
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Roberto Durante left a comment on Comment Wall
"very interesting analyse on the physiognomy"
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