Per request of some psychics and astrologers I met last week in New Mexico, I have decided to openly talk about my 2012 U.F.O. encounter AND my 2012 extraterrestrial encounter. A separate discussion of this encounter will be analyzed in an astrology framework.

The importance of Chiron and it's relationship with extraterrestrial technology and ET beings is a discovery that I will continue to push forward. This analysis of Chiron will follow my first-time open discussion about what happened to me in the early AM hours of September 10, 2012, after an evening of drinks and fun.

My 2012 UFO And Extraterrestrial Encounter

It is known that I have talked openly about my 2012 UFO encounter on AshtarCommandCrew and a few other sites, but I have never openly talked about my 2012 extraterrestrial encounter that occurred with this UFO encounter (except to a few close people) out of great fear. This fear was largely due to the potential for harm from U.S. government people (or Israeli government people) that were following me around after I talked about this UFO incident. AND YES, this is the same group of U.S. government A$$H0LE$ (and Israeli A$$H0LE$) that have trespassed into my apartment while I was away, broken into my car, messed with my astrology programs on my computer, harassed my dogs, and made my personal life miserable. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, A$$H0LE$

Nevertheless, this group of astrology and psychic groups I talked with in New Mexico last week have convinced me of the important need to talk openly about this encounter regardless of the previously named murderers. So here it goes.

4:00 AM - 4:05 AM: here is a rough drawing of the craft I saw outside of the bathroom window on September 10, 2012. My attempts to wake up my lady-friend, my two Chihuahuas, and her five dogs were met with no success.


4:15 AM:  my extraterrestrial encounter took place at 4:15 AM (per alarm clock by the bed), after my noticing of the space craft outside of the trailer home of my lady friend between 4:00 AM and 4:05 AM. Three individuals with long hair "floated" through the wall of the trailer that faced the craft and my car.

Below is a drawing of one of these entities (they all appeared to be the same). They all had long hair, all appeared to be females, and all appeared to be very bright "electric purple neon" holograms, as opposed to actual touchable beings.

A much better depiction of this entity can be seen at 2:32 of the following video (I think I drew the face way too long).

Click and go to 2:32.


Finally, I am not sure if this was an actual physical encounter. This is because what I saw appeared to be more of a projection of "intense purple-neon" hologram-like entities (three in number) that appeared to "float" past the walls of the trailer home and floated to the front of the bed (with me sitting on the edge of the bed in a terrified state, and still unable to awake my lady friend sleeping with my two Chihuahuas). 

4:20 AM - 4:30 AM: the entities floated back through the walls that faced the location of my car and the craft. I proceeded to pass out, possibly from the alcohol and shock.

I am certain that there was no touching, no missing time, and no abduction (everybody woke up on time; I would tell my lady friend about the incident the following week). I did feel a "vibration" of color from the entities during the face-to-face encounter while I sat at the bed. I don't know if they did anything to me with this "hit of color," but I did feel a pleasant rush while we had our eye-to-eye standoff. The three female entities "felt" to me like they were very happy about what took place that evening.

Chiron ("ET Technology / Beings") and the 2012 Ascendant ("The Environment") of my 2012 ET Experience

I decided to use the time of 4:04:30 AM. This is a good and fair approximate time, and an excellent time for purposes of illustration of the incredible midpoint clusters to the Ascendant.


The Ascendant ("As") is the primary starting point since this represents "the environment" (and an ET space craft was seen "in the environment")  The chart below features an incredible cluster of midpoints (within one degree of the Ascendant) that feature Chiron as a component with such midpoints. Again, this demonstrates the definition of Chiron to be one of association with extraterrestrial technology and entities.



"the environment featured high-level extraterrestrial beings and extraterrestrial technology. The extraterrestrial beings were part of a spiritual congregation that was involved with important long-distance travel on Earth."

Also note that the Ascendant would form a sesquiquadrate (135 degree angle) to my natal Jupiter, equal my natal Midheaven, and square the event placement of Mars at 4:25 AM to 4:30 AM (which is about the time the entities left).

 Chiron and Carl Sagan, Founder of SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence)


Carl Sagan was the leading scientific authority and the most dedicated person of our time regarding the search for the existence of intelligent life outside of planet Earth. His Chiron placement demonstrates this with it equal to Sun / Aries:


Carl Sagan will also be known for assistance with the design of the famous plague that was placed on Explorer that was intended as "a message from Earth to extraterrestrials:"


Carl Sagan with the plague in 1972, prior to placement on Pioneer 10.


Mercury / Chiron represents "communications with extraterrestrials," and Pioneer 10 was designed by the military industrial complex. The interpretation below is self-explanatory:


Billy Meier: UFO Fraudster Born With An Almost Exact Chiron Square Neptune


Billy Meier has been proven to be dishonest with his trick photography videos of flying space craft phenomena made from 1975 - 1976. But his dishonesty took on a new meaning in 1977, when he tried to start a UFO cult shortly before spring of 1977. Deceptive Neptune was forming a hard square to his Neptune Square Chiron placement at this time, and skeptics proving his dishonesty began to come forward at this time with evidence proving his dishonesty. 

8110993100?profile=originalAn analysis of Billy Meier's Chiron placement demonstrates an interpretation of one to be "an expert on deception with extraterrestrial beings and technology:"



"Extraterrestrial technology and entities will be defined with the individual as one who is an authority on great deception with such, and also spiritual poverty or defects created with the involvement of extraterrestrial technology." 


The Chiron placements with the horoscopes of my 2012 UFO encounter, Carl Sagan, and Billy Meier demonstrate that Chiron is very strongly associated with extraterrestrial beings and technology. I have also noticed that there is an association of Chiron with eavesdropping technology, especially technology associated with the NSA and CIA. This can be helpful for astrology analysis at the present time, especially since we now have law enforcement agencies illegally monitoring U.S. citizens with such technology (without a search warrant from a judge). Maybe we can "call out their bluff" with important Chiron transits, as well as analyze the Chiron definition of "extraterrestrial beings and technology."

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • Now the question is about Billy Liar ..I mean Billy Meier he a genuine Contactee or a hoax pokas.. 

    Malcolm can you give more proof that he is a hoax for many are his followers ...many saw his photos of space ships and many read about his Contactee Semjase ( Plieadian) 






    • KRISHNA: this 19 minute video exposes the trick photography and filming of Billy Meier, including the formation of Meier's cult in 1977 during the key transit of Neptune to Meier's Neptune Square Chiron natal chart formation.


  • Malcolm, for what its worth, I believe that you had this ET encounter. You are pretty receptive/sensitive to energies in general plus you know a great deal about Astrology, I think it happened and I believe you experienced it. I am a truth seeker and I only go with what resonates with me, because there is a hell of a lot of fabricated lies around these days, certainly in regards to the UFO subject but I get a feeling that you are telling the truth here, because whenever you post anything in ACC, its always genuine, its always your truth, at least you come accross as someone who is honest. I like that about you, because I expect the truth from people and the way you describe it shows honesty, therefore, I believe it.

    As for Billy Meier, indeed, it is a well known fact that he was a fraud and a liar as he was debunked quite some time ago. Its interesting to read the charts you have provided aswell, although I cant make head or tail of them because I have never studied Astrology, but still, I feel there is a nothing but truth in these charts, otherwise you wouldnt post them. I applaud you for comming forward about your experience and lastly, fair play for taking the time and effort to document what you saw in your drawings. Maybe you will have another ET encounter, I have heard that "contactees" are chosen so consider yourself blessed, I would love to have that ET experience.

    • Thanks Luke. You can make fun of me anytime. But not a freaking lot, okay?

      One theory that was brought up by a UFO follower is that because my cell phone was in my car and that I may be monitored by the A$$H0LE$ in the U.S. and Israeli governments, these entities may have locked in on listening devices in my cell phone  that led back to these A$$H0LE$. This may have been what attracted the extraterrestrials to my car (and eventually to me). Or it could be something else, such as the moldavite crystals I carry or my psychic sensitivity. Either way, I sense that the ET's were very curious about me and seemed to want to meet me, regardless of my nude, sweaty, and drunk condition.

      Thank goodness I couldn't find any needle marks or wounds, and thank goodness I never have had any nightmares pertaining to this event. It was almost like these ETs were "religious" in some way, as opposed to being scientific (but that is my speculation).

      • Malcolm, Im not making fun of you in the slightest, I meant every word I wrote, its a genuine response, because I do believe that you had this experience, so dont misunderstand that, ok, or take it the wrong way, I am being real here. There are precious few in this website who are actually honest, genuine members, who are here to share from their hearts, I consider you one of them otherwise I wouldnt bother engaging with you. I DO consider you to be honest and I respect that, one thing I loath is lies and deliberate misinformation.

        Anyway, I dont know what attracted the ETs to you, but I doubt you attracted any who wanted to perform experiments on you with needles, because your energy is of a high vibration and I bet those ETs were also on a high frequency. Given the fact that you understand Astrology to a high level and that you carry crystals, it would appear to me that you were somehow tuned into their wavelenght and vice versa, remember you do a lot of Astrological chart work and ok, I know nothing about the subject but Im going by intuition here, maybe ETs are attracted to people who are that sensitive to high vibration, to the presence of Extra Terrestrials and cosmic realities.

        I have had some strange but beautiful and incredibly uplifting lucid dreams involving some very loving ETs, and it was at a time when I was going through some pretty heavy turmoil in my life. I will probibly write a seperate blog about it because its too detailed to explain here, surfice to say that those dream experiences changed my life.

        • LUKE: please write about your experiences. It helps out all of us who are trying to figure out our own experiences with this phenomena.

          Thanks for your input and support..

  • Very interesting.  I think I have seen another drawing of the alien that you have pictured (could of been you?)  I KNOW that they can go through physical objects like they're not even there.

    • DARKSTAR: I think I know what drawing you are talking about; it was an entity seen in one of my many astral projection meditations (Pet Rock commented that he thought it was possibly a reptilian hybrid).

      Please note that with my recent trip to New Mexico last week I saw a lot of extraterrestrial entities during my astral projection in my motel room in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was also being followed around by the Albuquerque police for about the first 24-hours when I arrived in Albuquerque, but then I do have Texas license plates on my car. 

      Here are some other drawings for consideration; the first may be the one you are talking about. I do not and did not see any resemblance with the 2012 alien with my astral projected entities drawn below; I'm sorry if my drawing stinks.



      • Yup, I think it was the first one.

  • Hi Malcolm, I will read your article later and check my own Chiron placement. 
    Can you explain why you use Regiomontanus charts?

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