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*****message from Jean Michel/Cmdr.Lyur..............

This Jean Michel from the congresses « Dialog mit Universum » (Frankfurt, Munchen) and « Kommunications im Kosmos » (Berlin),from the Golden Light Seminars in Wiesbaden and the Star Knowledge conferences in the US.

After this wonderful time of awakening of many star people of the Command, things went down

in Switzerland and France with a new witch hunt on ambassadors of extraterrestrials. Many of these as well as channels were accused to be « sects » (dangerous cults) after the « organized » killing of the Solar Temple in Canton de Valais, Switzerland.

The French gendarmerie (a military police) stole in my home in the Alps the books I had writen without giving receipt and the chief of brigade told me that « I better should leave France » The name « Golden Light » was writen in the black list of the French Parliament in 1995. This list continues to circulate. Protests from the Parliament of India and the U.S. Congress were ignored, as well as several warnings from the European Parliament over the years.

I had to leave and I did put all my things at a friends who later disposed (gave away) all of it when I was in America !

I decided to move to the USA in 1999 because I tought it was the « land of the free ». Big mistake !

I was called to be a speaker beside many Indian Elders in the Star Knowledge Conferences all around the USA, there I met many tribes and made many friends among Indians. These people are sweet and nice while Americans are rough cowboys... Indians ARE the civilized people

in the USA, the others are NOT. I lived for a while in the mountains of North Carolina, near a Venusian base where I took pictures and videos (all is lost). I was in a trailer in a camping with rednecks because it was the cheapest way. Rednecks are the lowest class in America and totally non educated. A female cat came to me to adopt me and soon gave me a nice cat family.

For over 10 years I did not live with any woman in the US because women there are immensely « large » (obese) and it does fit with me, I am not attracted, I am of a normal size, not a dino.

Rednecks started to be too rough and aggressive, there were moving with guns and drugs in the camping and soon started to kill my cats. When my beloved Lil Panther was ambushed near my trailer and received a 22 bullet that paralized him, it was more than enough. I had to leave again. All animal clinic costs were on me because the owners of the camping were friends with the Sheriff.

In America you have to be friend with the Sheriff and give him money otherwise you are toasted.

And UFO speakers are a special target there, they just kill them, remember the case of Bill Cooper who was ambushed by the men of the Sheriff and shot to kill in 2001 on orders from the illumi—ti.

I then moved to Arkansas in the heart of the Crystal Vortex where I was a spiritual guardian for years. I took again pictures of Starship Light (Captain Awaana) right there, and galactic crystals were offered to me by Mother Earth just 10 meters from my trailer in a trailer park (less lower class than redneck places) I was still speaking in National Conferences in the USA as well as on Internet Radios from many places in America. The events in North Carolina happened beacuse I made public ennemies on the internet and they sent me very dark clouds of energy, which on a public person could turn the same way as for Cooper.

I was also taking care of my Little Panther cat, he decided to live and stay with me, so I was giving him acupuncture in Hot Springs. It is the love of my cats that helped me to survive in the USA, which I did without any help from that country. I took nothing from that country not even a job.

I was helping them to be educated the same way I did in Europe and much more, on health issues and other matters.

I was extremely active on the Internet in English to refocus people on the Ashtar Command and point out the many fake ones. I lost a good lieutenant, Luminosa/Amrhika, who was fighting a lot reptilians on the West Cost and they finally got her with an accelerated « cancer » as it is often the case with many public speakers in our field.

Please no comments on « negativity and stay positive stuff » this is irrelevant in such cases, she was working with a leader of the Ultra Violet Indigos and these two women were top of the line in all levels including protection. I still have some power grids from them to clean dark spots.

When I uncovered a lethal pollution in the water in the trailer park with 50 PPM of chlorine ( the killer gas from WWI) I saved the life of friends and people there, but as a reward I got an 10 days eviction notice from the manager in the heat of summer. I had to move again.

At the time I had meet a spiritual woman focused on space brothers and Cherokee rituals (she claimed to be part Cherokee and presented herself as a Cherokee Grandmother) She wanted to buy a land in mountains, I helped her to find it. I got connections from the ships for that as well as contact with the spiritual guardian of the place a sister from the Star Nations named Seleca. The Cherokee woman got quite jealous of me because of this. I even took a picture of Seleca.

For two years she asked me for be the guardian/intendant of the place, I protected her rights and I was alone for two years in my trailer. The only company were wild, bears, bands of coyotes, wolves, deer, cougars, and even a black panther whitch I met once at night near my car ! There were Bigfoot there as well. And dangerous snakes, rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths which I had to fight with to protect my cats. I lost a cat killed by a copperhead and my mama cat Lee got bitten by a rattlesnake but survived.

It was on front of the mountain where the Blue Crystal of Knowledge for the whole planet is located and I was again spiritual guardian there and still heavily engaged on the Internet and with Radios.

Then the woman owner moved with some of her family to the land and her project of « Indian Sanctuary » evaporated. I noticed also shakings of the head in her, that could be early symptoms of Parkinson's disease. She also had huge problems with her grandson, a juvenile delinquant of which she was legal tutor. That 14 years old boy even trespassed in my home one time, stealing adult pills and getting drunk, and had to be rushed to emergency hospital for overdose. That day I was helping lost animals at the tornado rescue in near city of Mena, half destroyed by a killer tornado.

I was feeling less and less good in that place, compared to the two years before when it was paradise besides the fights with snakes. That family was messing greatly the energies of the place.

Things at the national level were not getting any better. When I did arrive first in the US, I met my friend Iasos (leader of New Age music) who warned me in 1999 that martial law would come soon in the USA. And Iasos is NOT the « negative » type, believe you me !

Then it happened, the false flag operation on September 11. You will find on youtube plenty of proofs, read and listen also to David Ray Griffin, the best on the subject. Not much German translations for him but then search with 911 German you will find stuff.

The people pulling the strings in the US (and worldwide) decided to start officially a facist system in America. They created a « police state » called Homeland Security, it took control of the previous Immigration « Service » and changed it's name into I.C.E. Immigration and Custom Enforcement, with new officers and police/military people recruted God knows where...Today more and more Congressmen in the USA are calling publically ICE : « Gestapo ». And this is really what it is.

I came in the US with a passeport and a 5 years Journalist Visa from the American Embassy in Paris. The officer there told me (1999) that she would give me 5 years instead of 10 because it would be « easier to renew it inside the US ». Then at the port of entry, the officer gave me a « no return date » a special code meaning I could stay in the US as much as I wanted and that « they could not kick you out of the country ». All this was before 911. Nobody knew what was coming, only the « illuminati card game » published in 1995 (search google you will be stuned!)

Before 2001 and with the old « service » it was possible and real easy to renew all kind of visas inside the USA. Not anymore with the « gestapo » Everybody was obliged to go back to their country of origin, wait months on waiting lists and renew all papers. Beside the time, it would also means a lot of expenses.

I had no money for that and like hundreds of thousand of others I had to stay on « overstay visa » (like the aunt of Obama!!!!) Just before being on overstay I got an Arkansas Drivers licence, witch for a long time has been the only ID in the USA. I registered also with a Democrat US Senator, to get help for citizenship, and to be under his protection if necessary.

Sorry I cannot make this report shorter, no one would understand.

Then because I was known now as a public speaker for the Command all over America and bringing the truth out, hell broke loose again.

The owner women turned suddainly from light into dark (was she « light » to start with??? real Cherokee Elders would say no). There are also dark forces at work among Indians, my colleague speaker our beloved Grandmother Windrider (Maya), also in contact with our fleet, was killed in a sweat lodge (I was with her in a sweat lodge just before that).

You start to see that America is a very wild and dangerous place, and you ain't seen anything yet...

In 2009 my father died in France and I received an inheritance that allowed me to buy a better used car 4X4 and a used mobile home that I refurbished completely and got everything inside, plus a car shelter, sewage tank and so on. Again the owner woman was looking a bit jealous because of this, while I had helped to built her nice wood cabin.

She has signed me a paper that said that I could stay as long as I wanted on her land.

By the end of 2009 she started to plan an embush of her own (like for Cooper) with the complicity of the Sheriff and his men. On the 20th of January 2010 the Chief Deputy came to me telling that I should pass by the Sheriff's office next day to sign a 10 days eviction notice. This is highly irregular, the police is supposed to bring that paper to you in your own home.

A week before the owner has broken my door and lock with her boots.

Next day I had to go to the next big city so like always I had Lil Panther with me by my seat.

I did park the car on front of the Sheriff's building and went inside to sign the paper. Everything in there went irregular, I was not given a lawyer, right after signing the 10 days eviction notice they put me the handcuffs. They say we would now go to my home to search the house because I was accused by the delinquant boy to have sold him steroids. (he was stealing at schools, selling various things including adult pills and fitness pills he had stolen from me, and he was kicked out of 3 schools in one single year!). I took Lil Panther with my hands cuffed, very difficult. Of course no question to bring my car back to my home, the men of the Sheriff run a big business with « confiscated cars ». They also got a money bonus for each arrest....

In their car the two deputies were lying to me all the time. Back home there was another police car and soon they were all over my house. My poor cat family, 4 of them, were rubbing against the pants of the deputies, this is the last time I have seen them, left alone at home with the door broken.

Of course they could not find steroids because I never had these, but in America, when you are accused by someone, you become a criminal and you go to jail to feed the « prison business » whitch is very big in that country.

I succeeded to call my vet and have someone from there to come for Lil Panther. I did put him on the passenger seat, he was all curled up on himself like frozen. Cats know everything before us.

It was also the last time I saw him. I learned when back in France that a week later he let himself die from sorrow at the vet.

They took me back to town and then I was put in the County Jail. The Sheriff's jails are awfull in America, Americans say they like much better to be in the penitentiary rather than in these dirty pits of hell. I will not tell long on the following because doing so is bringing back the memory that you try so much to hide behind doors in your brain. Remember hurts a lot. I still suffer today (I am under special medicine even today)from P.T.S.D. The Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder that happens to hostages, P.O.Ws and deportees. To be in prison is hell, and only people who have been there could understand you.

I was put in an isolation cell with no windows, in confinement for 71 days, with a young man with multiple personalities (probably a « Monarch case) who was accused to have raped a little girl. No walk for fresh air, cannot see the sky, nothing. Remember it happened also to contactee Eugenio Siragusa (search). The very same food every day for 71 days, very bad food and not enough. They had put the cell on very cold, even it was in winter, and I got sick real quick of a retrovirus from chemtrails that I got in Oklahoma years before. I have been real sick all the 5 months I was in prisons and deportation camps in America. They do not give medicine for that, they don't care if you die of pneumonia. People die in there, I have seen it, I knew people who died after I was gone.

We were all in the horrible orange suit like in Guantanamo Bay, and to go to see the judge we all were in full chains, around the waist linked to the handuffs and chain with handcuffs for the ankles. You walk like slaves in chains in past centuries. To see how I was, just remember the movie with Harrison Ford « The Fugitive » at the beginning you see him in orange with the full chains, this is how it is.

I never had any visit nor mail in county jail Then when I was about to be released from that jail, that day I was taken by I.C.E. Again in full chains. To see how I.C.E. Is doing :

Search in youtube for «  ICE Raids » and watch video number 2 and number 4. Search with the same in google images.

I was taken by I.C.E. because the owner woman told the Sheirff that I was an illegal immigrant just like the Mexicans. She lied but she succeeded : because the 10 days eviction notice ended when I was in jail – this being totally irregular – according to civil law she became the owner of all my properties and everything inside my home. The Sheriff told her that I would be taken by I.C.E. and deported this way she was sure I would never be able to come back to reclaim my properties in a court of law.

But there is more. The I.C.E. Officer had orders from high on. I told him that my home was only 20mn away by car and that my passeport with my visa was in my room. He responded « we are NOT going to your home to pick-up your passeport ». Then in their offices he charged me to have « entered the USA illegally  with no papers», like Mexicans do. Furthermore he wrote on my deportation case : « has a website, is called Cmdr. Lyur, and is giving galactinc readings ».

The complot is clear enough.

Then it was the horror of the long months in deportation camps which really are like concentration camps : I.C.E. deport 400 000 foreigners every year, and the Obama administration is even deporting more than the Bush administration.

We are tortured in I.C.E. Camps : all night there is light right over your face, difficult to sleep. Several times I was put in full chains with others in a very cold room with only short cement benches and bright light above. The cuffs on the ankles connected by a short chain hurt a lot. The chain from the handcuffs connected to a chain around your waist is so short that it is very difficult

to go to pee on front of the others. It is impossible de defecate. Women are subjected to the same treatment, and for them it is impossible to go to pee, if women understand what I say, you cannot put your pant down.

And I have been kept like this for 10 hours, 12 hours and one time 15 hours. This anytime of the day or night. The guards bark at us like dogs. I.C.E do not call us even by a number, they talk about us with the term « bodies ». I heard them.

Same story you go on front of the immigration judges in full chains.

I have been for months close to the I.C.E. Officers. They have no emotions, you cannot feel their chakras. I am positive that many are « men in black », they wear black anyway. At least once I was close to one that I would describe as a « organic robotoid ».

In summary besides the hell of the camps, knowing that my cats were certainly killed or chased in the forest where they were eaten by the bands of coyotes, I knew I had lost everything I had. Furthermore the little things that a prisoner has on himself when arrested in the USA is supposed to be in a box where nobody can touch it and given back to you at the end. In the county jail deputies went in there to stole my drivers licence, my card keys and papers without asking me and make me sign for it. This way they went to make money on my car and everything that was in it, including my prescription glasses. In the first concentration camp the guards went in that box again to steal a few things. And when I was finally deported that box was supposed to be given back, they say they had no box for me. They even stole my wallet with my credit card, personal papers and a bill of 100 Euros that was in there. I was deported with only a jean with holes and no belt, a skirt and shoes with no laces. They had stolen my jacket, my cap, the protection pendant gold plated, my Star Trek watch, everything. I was brought to the plane in New York in chains, they gave orders to the crew not to give my any wine in international airspace. At the arrival in Paris, I had 10 cents in my pocket and could not even buy a coffee. I had to go for food, belt, laces to the Emaus charity people.

My family had refused to take me in and only a member of the command responded to give me free lodging and take me for months to get used clothes at the Red Cross, and food at the Catholic rescue and other charities.

Still today I have only second hand clothes (including underwear), only one jean getting old, and only one old pair of shoes.

I know this report is too long, thank you if you have read it all. I may talk more later and respond questions. I have news from the fleet.

For the moment I need help in money donations, you can send with PayPal (and credit card, no need to have a Paypal account) to this email : Those who wish to send me stuff by mail, a check, clothes (even army stuff will do) etc... please contact the support group as same email address they will give you a postal address to use.

Thank you very much, blessings to all

Golden Love

Jean Michel/Cmdr.Lyur

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  • If he is a level commander,

    why doesnt the fleet he talks about help him link up with a ground crew member privately who can help him?


    he should have all the skills necessary himself to negotiate this problem himself, thats what commander's do.

    Commanders also have link ups direct to certain ground crew ready to assist.


    but its a sad story

    & i hope he gets his help soon, sounds like the poor guy has been through much!

    sending him blessings! <3

  • it seems a brother's in trouble please help

This reply was deleted.

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