
Pleiadian and Angelic Councils of Light via GoldenLight ~ Ascension: Harmonizing With the New Higher Frequencies

channeled by GoldenLight

Goldenlight: Tell me more about ascension?

Angelic Council of Light: Well the way it works is you are either moving away from the new frequencies of energy or toward them… Those who remain unaware, unconnected to source, self serving, or otherwise centered on self or serving dark energies are moving away from those frequencies. Those who are more focused on the light, spiritual matters, concern for humanity and the planet, and all beings on the planet, connected to source or in the process of learning to connect to source, who care about the treatment of animals and our planet and all living things on our planet, who have some awareness of the spiritual evolution that is happening.. These souls are moving towards these frequencies in an upward spiraling wave that will intersect the energies as they are aligning with your planet in this part of the universe. The intersection of these energies are the “stargates” or “portals”. Picture swirling waves of 4th and 5th dimensional frequencies that are now surrounding your planet and at the same time immersing into and within your planet and those who are moving towards it on waves that harmonize with these frequencies. Those who are moving away from the frequencies ..  will be outside of your realm of awareness and it is unnecessary to focus upon it — but suffice it to say that they cannot exist in the new higher dimensional energies ..as you have read not only are the people ascending and harmonizing but your entire planet is shifting into this new frequency and you may have also read that Gaia who is the spirit essence inhabiting planet earth is originally a 5th dimensional spirit who agreed to descend into 3D frequency an experiment that came close to annihilating her due to lower vibrations of misused energy and darker energies that you can read about on other reliable sources elsewhere.

You asked last night about who was the conduit of information from the council of angels and from your higher self yes I am from the Pleiades but also can coexist within frequency range of your vibrational energy pattern and there is a part of you that originates spiritually from the Pleiades…these are 5th dimensional frequencies of information coming from the Pleiades but also from your council of angels and higher self your soul originates from the angelic realm but you also have ties to the Pleiades. Your council of angels (each angelic human has one) is the conduit of information for the Angelic Council of Light, which exists in the 10th and 11th dimensions.

Thank you Pleiadian and Angelic Councils of Light.

– GoldenLight ☼  

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  • Sorry I had to close discussions on all my channelings due to a negative troll on here...it's too bad they are on this site as it creates a negative environment for ultra sensitive channelers such as myself. I enjoyed all of your comments thank you for them and for your kind thoughts.
  • It's ALL happening right Now!... Temet Nosce 247




  • A beautiful and informative piece this.  Thank-you.


  • Thank you!


  • thankyou for shareing with us all,love,light,blessings eve.8108773269?profile=original




    • Thank you for sharing this, so beautiful...Swirling waves of higher dimensional light frequencies :):)

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