Written by Steve Beckow

I caution people from being taken in by cabal attempts to confuse and raise doubt in us through the propagation of false channeled information.

Just as the cabal causes mass shootings to derail Disclosure and works the media to debunk genuine sightings, so also the national-security state probably employs many people to churn out false communications from non-existent ascended masters and galactics.

One such channel, whom I discussed earlier, (1) styles himself “Micah the Guardian.” On July 27, 2012, he said that the Plieadians had now decided to intervene fully in the Earth’s Ascension because “Sophia-Gaia’s sickness has reached a critical stage and must be cleaned up at once. The light quotient on Earth is not high enough at this stage to [effect] a mass global Ascension, let alone help move an entire planet to the next dimension.” (2)

Let’s stop here for a moment and look at what’s amiss with this initial passage in his message. First, “Sophia” is not an epithet of Gaia or Mother Earth, but an epithet of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit, whom Solomon and others called “Wisdom.” “Wisdom” in Greek is “Sophia.” I personally have never heard Gaia referred to as Sophia. So, Micah shows himself to be unaware of divine entities, which I would not expect from a spokesperson for the Pleiadians.

Second, Gaia is not “sick” and, if she were, being “cleaned up” would probably not be the answer. The last time Gaia was “sick” she was surrounded in a cocoon of pink light. Here is Gaia being interviewed by Geoff West in April 2012:

“So yes, there have been many, many layers of assistance from your star brothers and sisters, from my star brothers and sisters. For many, many, many decades, they held me, they created, what you would think of as, a pink cocoon, so that I would not continue to wobble. There have been, in my journey, throughout my existence, there have been several pole shifts, you know. Yes, your history does not capture everything. But that does not matter, really. But it was not a timely occurrence, to have such a shift.

“And so what they did was they held me in a cocoon to steady me, while we waited to see if the human collective would also awaken and begin to cooperate with my healing, and with my Ascension as well. As I have said, about a decade ago—about 12, 13 years ago in your time—the archangels have also renewed my grid. And that has been kept spotless by the star beings as well.”  (3)

Light is usually the higher-dimensional form of healing.  Far from being “sick,” Gaia is in the final stages of preparing for her own Ascension.

Third, a statement like “the light quotient on Earth is not high enough at this stage to [effect] a mass global Ascension” should suggest in whose service Micah probably is.  Who benefits from establishing in the public consciousness that the light quotient is not high enough for Ascension?

Fourth, we’re not moving “to the next dimension,” which is simply the Astral Plane or Fourth Dimension, although we’ll pass through it, but ultimately to the Fifth.  Having made that error, Micah then contradicts himself by saying that we’re to transition “into the Fifth Dimension on 12-21-2012.” This kind of confusion in the development of an argument is not characteristic of higher-dimensional galactics, who seem to work hard to be clear and uncontradictory.

He then adds that “due to the imminent upcoming galactic cycle and the amount of work and healing that needs to be done for Gaia [it] cannot be done by Earth beings on schedule.” Well, we all know what a hue and cry would accompany hearing that something like Ascension is not proceeding on schedule. How many times has Micah introduced an alarming note in his message so far?

What does it mean to say “due to the upcoming galactic cycle”? Does the phrase make sense? What is an “upcoming galactic cycle”? To me it’s an empty phrase and the galactics, as Ashtar said to me in 2009, don’t engage in what he called “blathering.” Their words carry substance and Micah’s do not. (4)

We have to ask ourselves: who benefits from introducing the notion that we won’t be able to achieve Ascension on schedule?  SaLuSa and others have said that our Ascension is assured.

SaLuSa: “All of the major changes needed will forge ahead, and the last vestiges of the Illuminati’s control will disappear. So once again we will reiterate that all is well, because your victory is assured.” (5)

Atmos: “We can confidently assure you that it will not be delayed. Why otherwise would we of the Galactic Federation be encircling your Earth, with millions of craft in readiness for First Contact and the restoration of Mother Earth?” (6)

Matthew Ward: “Our beloved Earth is right on target on her ascension pathway, that we can assure you.” (7)

Why would Micah channel to us that it’s anything but assured, save if he were serving a dark agenda?

He tells us that “what happens on Earth now affects the entire universe so this is pretty important!” Perhaps the awkwardness of the language alone might alert people to the probable lack of credibility of the message. I’m not sure a galactic would use an inelegant phrase like “this is pretty important!”

He finishes by saying that “all archontic cabal remains” will be removed. A dash of jargon always piques the interest but this jargon is simply empty words.

Throughout Micah’s message there is a Third-Dimensional tone and a poor word choice that higher-dimensional galactics probably would not be guilty of in their messages.

About “channels” such as Micah, SaLuSa warned us in May 2012 that “at this time when Ascension is so close there are those who would deliberately misinform you. The dark Ones thought to conquer Man and his world for their own agenda, but now grasp at any opportunity to stop each soul’s path of Light that leads to completion. It will be to no avail, but it means you still need to tread carefully and not be fooled by those peddling fear.” (8)

He suggested that we “bear in mind that the dark Ones are well aware of Ascension and the events leading up to it, and they play upon a scenario that largely fits your beliefs. However, they intentionally look to cause confusion in your minds, and once doubt creeps in they have succeeded in their aims.” (9)

Certainly telling us that we have failed to reach the required light quotient introduces doubt and confusion into our minds.

I’d like to think that channeled messages such as Micah’s would only trip up the new and the unwary and only them for a while, but what dismays me is that Micah’s messages are picked up by sincere blogsites and reposted.

This is a time when many people are waking up and keen discernment about what messages are posted becomes more important than ever. Micah is one source that sites could afford not to post and readers not to read.

Note from Wes: While this article is a bit critical, I have to agree with the viewpoint of Micah not being a credible channel. For me, what 'did it' has been seeing him continue to give out bold predictions that I honestly feel our Galactic brethren would not even come close to making, because they know of the ill effects making brazen predictions can have if events change. 


(1) “Is Micah’s ‘Independence Day” Message Credible?” at

(2) “Micah the Guardian, Pleiadian Chncell, Froday, July 27, 2012,) at .

(3) “An Hour with an Angel, April 9, 2012, with Geoffrey West and Gaia,” April 12, 2012, at

(4) Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Aug. 3, 2009.

(5) SaLuSa, Apr. 11, 2011, at

(6) Atmos, Jan. 28, 2009, at

(7) Matthew’s Message, May 19, 2010, at

(8) SaLuSa, May 7, 2012

(9) SaLuSa, April 11, 2012.

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  • I feel (for me anyway) that this posting helps people to be more aware of information that may not feel right. if it doesn't feel right then the information may not be of any help or maybe a clear attempt to be dis-honest. ether way this post ask to reader to look or feel careful when taking in information and for that I feel this post should almost be required read for us all, thank you. it just what I got out of it :)


  • Hi dear ones, I find this a good "workout" on discernment. - Though it quite unpleasant to be confronted with guys like Micah, he brings up a good "school" to us. - So thanks for this because it helps to get clear about the cosmic truth. Blessings. Namaste

  • So wonderfully expressed, and so true. Thank you for this articulate comment dear friend :) :) 

    Much Love, 

    Wes :) 

  •  I agree totally! And am grateful that I too saw the warning signs of that message. :) whew! no judgment on the deliverer just glad I could see it for what it was.

  •    I really do not want to post much.  


      Because whatever you say, there will  always be  people  dis-agreeing, attacking,  throwing "the white glove", so to speak.  Being a  real  pro- peace person, I am trying to avoid being in the situations like that. 

      So,  consider, that I am talking to myself, and nobody is hearing me...  

      I would post this on Mr. Beckow's blog,  but  he made it clear, many many times, that he will not read the negative ones ....   hmmmm   That's too bad, because more often,  we find the truth about this or that, when people go against the odds, and  instead praising us,   they say the truth,  for our own good.  They know it hurts, yet they do it to help us. That's what a true friend does!

      I honor,  and respect  most of the contactees and channelers.  And  it is OBVIOUS,  that all of them have some pieces from the puzzle.  Yet NOBODY has the whole picture.  WE are the ones to find the missing pieces, and put them together.  But it is getting more and more difficult to find them.

     That's why WE are turning  from source to source,  crying  for   HELP.  FOR A GUIDANCE.

      And...    SURPRISE!!!!   WE  find out, that NONE of our  sources should be trusted  or followed by us....   according to this source, and that source ...   But if you take some time and do some research,  you'll find that  the same sources were referred to you by the ones,  who are telling you now not to follow them. 

      Could this  get  more complicated than it is now?  

      I hate to admit, but it looks like it could....







      If I were YOU,  I would stop  posting   my own assumptions, my thoughts about this or that messages,  chanellings and channelers...






    • I applaud you as well Sweet Dreams!! You could not have expressed this truth in a better way, thank you for this comment. :) 

      I'd like to post a quote that is, interestingly enough, from Steve Beckow himself: 

      "Bit by bit, step by step, we will learn tolerance and welcome different viewpoints without feeling we need to demolish them. As (has been) said, we all have a piece of the puzzle. As long as we realize that, we seem to stay on safe ground. As soon as we want to represent ourselves as seeing the whole puzzle, that’s usually where we fall over the edge."

    • Sweet Dreams, I applaud your post. Not often do I reply or even post but your thoughts resonate truth.

      I have been following for over 5 yrs, and in lightwork have had many events that led me to understanding discernment.

      If one digs deep enough, ascension is achieved from within and never handed to one on a silver platter.

      The main thing is : 1: Keep aware of events

                                  2: Interact with family, friends, and your community.

                                  3: Be discerning and only put forth what resonates with yourself.

                                  4: Share with all the simplicity of life

                                  5: Project your concerns vis a vis nutrition health and wellness for everyone.

                                  6: Expand on this and share the positive love for all things.

      There are many stories that are meant to lead one into the wrong timeline, and as said, one must do their own research

      and not depend one everyone else for the truth. Some resonates with you and some, not. Forging ahead in this cycle is a personal responsibility and if there is tangible positive help then it's all for the better.

      Not all the decks are stacked as well not all decks are false.

      Trust in the Prime Creator to show the way and the path becomes clear.


  • i would say none of us know what is going to happen or when all we can do is sit back in our seats and wait.  some channeled info could be good and some could be bunk or it could all be bulll who knows..  i say believing is seeing and so far all i have seen is alot of talk that has not bared any fruits.  i see alot of signs of something coming but nothing life changing yet.  so everybody just keep an open mind and open eyes and relax... who cares what anybody says take the good outta the messages use the energy and smile

  • This reply was deleted.
    • Agreed Kelly.  So do you feel this whole channeling has no merit?

  • ...yummyyy.... ;)

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