Pleidian Council of Nine


This is exactly what I was talking about in my post about being in unity with the Earth. If our hearts and minds are united and focused on living in the heart, the mind is not focused on worldly things. Its very easy to slip back into the illusion, every time a major event or polarizing issue occurs. It is very important to try and detach from world news and disasters, and instead be in the heart. Do what you love to do, connect with nature. And when a polarizing issue comes up let it flow past you.. 


Dont fall into the illusion of the conspiracy either. While conspiracy certainly does exist within the 3D mindset, its best not to focus on it. Because in doing so, you are in the mind. Do you see how the illusion draws you in? The world is illusion WE are not. It is when we separate our-self from the worldly illusion and live outside of it, that we can think from the heart. It is very important that in these last days we focus on our unified intention. And stay within the heart. No matter what happens..







Pleiadian Council of Nine

We acknowledge and appreciate how difficult it is to be a human BEing alive on the planet earth at this point in time. We also appreciate how steeped in illusion many are across the planet and how many lightworkers have now also fallen to the same illusion. We are here to guide and support at all times and we ask that you all step back and detach from what is unravelling before your eyes, to question it.


Human “death” is a subject that touches fear into the hearts of all humans, such is the training from illusion around “death” that many humans switch off instantly from their hearts and go straight into logic. The mass hysteria that has resulted from the two attacks in Norway and the death of a “famous” singer has many humans arguing who’s death is worst. Stand back from this and see what is going on dear ones. How can one death be any worse than the other deaths? How can anyone one human stand in judgement of another?


Do you see how these deaths have resulted in the lowering of vibration and human attacking human with words? Do you see how the illusion has taken your mind away from creation of your life experience into “world events”? do you see how you are all now focused on events and not focused on your daily life? Who does this serve dear ones? How does arguing over who’s death is the worst serve anyone?


We have already guided about the illusion and how it will seek to lower the vibrations of all human BEings across the planet earth and now it has shown its hand. Many humans have reacted to these events without processing through their hearts and now are held in some kind of lower vibration fighting with other humans about who is right. There can be no right and wrong dear ones for there just IS. We guide you to detach from the heightening feelings of negativity whether it be hate, disbelief, anger etc and we guide you to go within and to weed out the seeds of fear that have just been replanted. FEAR is what the illusion teaches at all times, to hold the memory of those who have transitioned in a moment in time holds the FEAR vibration.


We do not guide for you to forget those who have transitioned, we guide you to allow them to go, to acknowledge they have transitioned and pour love and compassion through the events. Allow the LOVE that IS to transmute everything and once more heighten the vibration of all across the planet earth. Illusion will continue to attempt to lower vibrations and many will fall in vibration due to the increase of negativity that arises when the media shows images and words that are designed to have maximum impact.


We guide that the “old” is to react, to feel negative, to hold distrust for your fellow human BEings. The mind will take you to nightmare scenarios dear ones for many have interacted with the media films and video games that plant the seeds that the illusion and “world events” then activate. Do you understand our analogy dear ones? Do you see how you move as if in a nightmare? Your minds will play along with illusion, you will begin to see fear and disaster everywhere you look for you will have lowered your vibration, stepped out of your heart centred living and gone back to the logical mind. The logical mind will have you believe ALL that your eyes and ears see and hear and will not question for all plays into the seeds of fear scenarios that you have already planted in your minds. Do you see where our guidance takes you dear ones?


YOU are the creators of your life experience, the illusion is not finished with its earth shattering events, more will be unveiled in due course and it is for this reason that we guide you strongly to detach from what you see and hear. Process ALL of it through your hearts dear ones. Take nothing that is reported or represented as truth until you have processed it as such. Do not allow other humans who are asleep to replant the seeds of fear for you. Many humans have layers of seeds of fear and it is this that is activated when the media begin their reports. The amount of images and the words used are the activation of the seeds of fear.

The scenario where young humans are involved in death is the nightmare that almost all adult humans will react to. Many are able to step back from these events and clearly see how illusion designed them for maximum impact but many have reacted and have now switched away from heart centred living to go into mind. Their minds see black and white when there just IS. The black and white is created solely through the human BEing. For at any point in time events just ARE dear ones.


We urge you to look at how you interact with others, do you spread messages of love and support or have you fallen into illusion and are spreading the fear disguised as love? For dear ones the illusion will have you believe that separation of human BEings exists. Already many have taken sides against and for and we urge you to view this as illusions teachings. There are no sides dear one. Many of you have started to hold negative emotion within you and we guide you strongly to allow this to go. Nothing is gained from storing negative emotion within YOUr BEing dear ones. Nothing is furthered by holding the events forever in the spotlight.


Those who chose this time for transition have moved on. They are helped by all realms to move passed the physical and this cannot be changed. The decision on transitioning is always at soul level and nothing can be done once a soul has decided. Human BEings walking the planet earth are asleep and deep in illusion if they believe that the end is heralded by the death of the physical. That is not a truth and we guide strongly to detach from the illusion and its teachings.


Many of you reading our words will be triggered and we guide you to look over our past guidance in relation to grief and all that it does to a human. Please re read our words on grief and process WHY we guided on grief prior to these words of guidance. Humans from the vantage point they have alive on planet earth cannot see the vast picture of the universe. That was never the plan dear ones. For if you could see the bigger picture then the human emotions would mean little to you in this life experience. For that is what you are doing dear ones, having a life experience. This is not the “end” for any of you but in the human form that you take, under the teaching of illusion we can clearly understand why for so many of you this would seem the case.


Many humans have spent time and energy arguing over the words that we guide through our channel and to those humans we guide to go within to the silence. The human ego works in various ways, to say that one is enlightened does not make them immune from the illusion. The “god” delusion is ever present in many who toy with ego and do not process through their hearts. To claim that in a dimension you are a “god” and will not be told what to do is ego dear ones. We use the phrase “dear ones” not to be patronising we use it as a term of endearment. For those humans who are deep in illusion this will not be part of normal language. LOVE is the answer dear ones to ALL. The LOVE that IS flows through the hearts of all who are connected, we are guiding the human race to UNITY, that occurs when ALL are connected through the heart.


For many of you reading our words illusion has taught disbelief, illusion has taught you to be cautious because it is every human for themselves. We guide you to take this teaching into the silence and process with your heart. The “new” is about UNITY. That is ALL coming together to live and BE together. There is no other agenda for “agenda” is a creation of illusion, it implies one not working for the good of the rest. That is separation dear ones and is the teaching of illusion.


UNITY is a difficult concept to process and we accept this, the teaching of illusion is so lengthy and so deep that for a human to process UNITY and all that it entails may take some time. It involves processing ALL information from the heart. With regard to multiple star systems coming through one channel we guide strongly that this is happening to other channels who are struggling with illusion and are not fulfilling the request to share our words. Many channels are now experiencing other energies coming through but such is their fear of not being believed and not being “known” to channel another energy they are working through illusion. The veils of illusion will fall around this in due course. If you channel and have another energy come through we guide you strongly to honour this. UNITY is ALL together.


For many reading this the country of origin will play a part in whether you can digest our words at heart level or stay in mind centred life experience. We have guided previously that certain countries have deeper teachings of illusion that other parts of the world. The word “conspiracy” is the one that we would use to highlight this. Whilst you fall into illusion around this word then you work from mind centred living and creating and not heart centred. We guide once more dear ones YOU create YOUr life experience, it is unique and YOU have control over it. Illusion will seek to pull the reigns from YOU but ultimately it is up to YOU whether you allow this or not. Again we acknowledge that our words will trigger many.


Many of you are deep in the illusion of separation, whilst you are in separation the idea of living from the heart and experiencing heart centred living will seem a strange concept for you. The mind will not make sense of it. The mind dear ones cannot process emotion, that is the job of the heart, to FEEL the new YOU must experience the new through the HEART.


We step back now to allow you to absorb our guidance. Guidance that is here to support and help you ALL at this time of chaos. Do not assume dear ones that chaos is for illusion, chaos is needed for the veils to fall down. Once the veils are no longer there the world will look different. The more that humans hold on to that which has always been before their eyes in fear of chaos and the new the more pain will result. It is down to each individual to process their own truth. Many of you have talked about SHEEP and we smile at the analogy, SHEEP do stick together dear ones for that is the nature of the animal. Humans are unique in their make up and have no inbuilt need to follow each other around each day. However deep in illusion a human will seek out others of the same mind set to “prove” to themselves that they are correct. This is borne out of mind and logic and not heart centre life experience. For the heart needs no proof, the heart KNOWS. YOU are ALL connected via the heart dear ones, only by entering the heart and finding the truth can you elevate your vibration. SEEK to detach from illusion dear ones and allow the veils to fall.


We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine, we come through many different channels. ALL are ONE, process this through your hearts dear ones for there you will find the truth. Illusion will take you to the logical mind, the universe asks that you open your heart. ALL ARE ONE.

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  • ty 4 this message, it touched me =) <3
  • ahh, an "old" truth, remembered, yet strangely feels like a breath of fresh air to have run through my body and mind yet again
  • This Earth doesn't exist as My Favorite 'Hobby,' so I exist with NO 'relevant idea that I can keep on living here, for whatever why & when my labor situation belongs to myself, its big question: Where?, on my other hand, since God can't leave me my f. alone, It can take an f. hike, the sooner, the better, because Its Lawyer Gerry, Utah, still owes me an explanation for, who wants what from me, 'why & when,' still, the sooner, the better, so I can find out & so on, greetings, 'J.A.,' Ifounditt etc., if it was not for my labor idea, I was the 1st one, who gave into no idea, whatsoever that I could even feel honest with anyone.
  • Thanks MasterofLight


    Perfect reminder to keep us in the heart, and not in the illusion.



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