Polar Shift Update
Scientist David Sereda discussed pole shifts and a recent FAA advisory regarding magnetic anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle. Sereda said he believes the FAA advisory, which indicates GPS will be unreliable in the area due to Department of Defense testing, is merely a cover story. According to Sereda, a ham radio operator has discovered the magnetic field anomalies in that region are not manmade, thus could not be military-related. Recent events, including an evenly-distributed vibration that struck the whole planet and the massive bird die-offs, may indicate Earth is getting ready to find its new magnetic north and south positions, he explained. Such a polar shift would cause devestating earth changes, Sereda warned.
When people function on a positive level there is no limit to their potential.
(GAZA) - The body of this film was produced by Atif Wahab and final post production was completed by Ken O'Keefe. This powerful video will bring you to your knees a a human being.
Never before has such an epic message been produced this way; but then a Revolution wasn't raging in Egypt and in other nations where the power of the people has the power to deliver permanent change.