Army of vets now marching on White House

History: Vets tear down barricades as feds back down
October 13, 2013

The corporate media is avoiding the significance of the latest developments in the “Million Vet March” in Washington, DC.

Vets have torn down “barrycades,” riot police have been dispatched, and snipers deployed, according to reports, as the number of protesters swell outside the White House.

Sarah Palin and Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, arrived to speak with the demonstrators. Police also responded.

“US Park Police have arrived in front of WH. Some in riot gear! Tea party/veteran protesters start booing,” wrote CNN’s Jim Acosta on Twitter.

The latest developments follow the closure of the World War II Monument following the supposed government shut down.

“Veterans this week were unwillingly pitted as pawns in this crisis. We feel that this should never be the case,” the Million Vet March On Memorials website states. “This is why we will go to Congress after the budget crisis and ask for a bill to be introduced that would prevent any member of the government from closing our memorials down to any American, except for maintenance purposes. In the meantime, we will have our March in Washington DC on October 13th! Our veterans deserve that!”




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  • sw1-jedi-vs-sith.jpg

    ~It would be amusing to watch the same 'fear-porn' addicts here on ACC try to morph this relatively small protest through their own narrow beliefs, if it wasn't so pathetic. First & foremost, I work closely with Veterans on a regular basis & have several Vets in my family... including a member on full disability due to injuries incurred in war. I've spent a huge amount of time in the small city that is the VA here in Los Angeles & can assure everyone that Veterans make up an incredibly wide range of beliefs, political affiliations, race & ethnicity, gender & sexuality etc. Watching Malcolm trying to get traction off quotes like "next we'll hear Vets are racist" is just off the wall bizarre. Again, like the rest of the population, Veterans make up a myriad of perspectives... including full support of Obama. Despite the fear that Malcolm is trying to spin into his ultra conservative viewfinder... there are countless Vets who are not in line with how the 'Million Vet March' (only low thousands actually attended) was effectively co-opted by special interests. & for what it's worth... everything about the protest falls under the heading 'peaceful'... sorry to burst any fantasies. This includes the Police reaction & the way three foot barricades were gently placed in a neat pile. Of course Alex Jones isn't helping the matter by trying to spark small embers into flame... & despite many of his ultimately good works, Alex has spent the last year backflipping to the extreme right, essentially muddying his cause & core audience. By drumming up 'police brutality' (which simply did not occur), he & others are dishonoring incidents where it was actually despicably employed. & guess what ACC?... There are countless Vets that, had they actually been present at this small rally, would have booed & shut down Republican drones like Palin & Cruz. Stand strong Ashtar Massive... more will be revealed! The real Intent of the protest was not in vain! Here's a clearer perspective on how it unfolded... including the position of the organizers. ~InLight555   

    ~The tea party, Sarah Palin, and Ted Cruz tried to hijack the Million Vet March for political and personal gain, and event organizers condemned them for politicizing the march. According to a message on their website the problem began when a local DC organizer turned the march into a tea party rally, “The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle is about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner.” In a post on their Facebook page, organizers went into more detail, It's truly shameful how the tea party want to exploit Vets while thousands of them have lost meals on wheels due to the shutdown and hundreds of thousands bettered themselves through the G.I. bill and depend on Veteran Care, both of which were introduced by Democrats and passed into law. 

    "It is our official position that the purpose of this march and the accompanying rallies is focused on the re-opening of the Veterans memorials and keeping them open. While we understand that a Constitutional republic requires the equilibrium of checks and balances to maintain the democratic process, the memorials, monuments and parks built in honor of Veterans should NEVER be closed, blocked or restricted from use. We take the official position that no government office holder shall have ability to abridge the freedom of access to these hallowed grounds. We have, as a group, been prevented from certain groups that have piggy-backed off our grassroots efforts, to effectively create a comprehensive media message campaign. We made the mistake of trying to partner with some Washington insiders that thwarted many of our genuine concerns for keeping this apolitical and grassroots. While we support many of those groups common causes for Veterans, we do not support the manner in which they go about it. We chose instead to not incite or create panic. We chose to listen to all Americans and all Veterans that have asked us to keep going on despite the disingenuous politicians, political action committees, talking heads on the televisions and press reports attempting to hijack the message. This included many threats of personal and political attacks on our group’s character, businesses, colleagues and our true intentions. While our hearts were heavy by the disheartening acts of a few powerful Washington elite and political extremists jumping on the opportunity to make money, we decided to stay true to our message of a non-partisan effort to assist Veterans."

    earth-on-fire-300x300.jpg( ( ( OneLoveRevolution!!! ) ) ) 

    • The way of the stick:


  • Check out what the vets did with the "barrycades."



  • I can't find out how many 1000's-gov propaganda outlets cbs nbc cnn msnbc abc poo poo the event

    • unfortunately for your claim Pet R. , there was no poo poo( only poo poo was the fact that no million vets not million truckers showed up for this ) kind of event. those news outlets showed protesters shouting shame on you ( police) and "you" ( police ) work for showed metal fences being thrown against the gate to WHouse ....................I have a feeling that you watched the Fox and "assumed" than the rest lied too. Not the case brotha.........things are changing , even in liberal "not so controled news " anymore.

      • and I am watching our local talk show that actually is touching on those sensitive issues , however without any bipartison whatsoever..................these people are discussion topics " what the F..k went wrong with this country.........its happening everywhere..................

        • sure they are assiya

        • Assiya:  Yes, the people are waking up little by little, and this is just speeding it up.

          • this already speed up the process one more 1 Love step on that ladder...............I see hints everywhere, everyday and so are stupyfied americans and they are catching up.......................The Keys of Enock book, written by J.J. Hurtak expains that perfectly ~: America will be the last bastion to fall on its knees "IF" people revolt....................and thats when our galactic family will be here with us, only then..................

          • might be too late-the system is rigged completely by the elite internationalists-the game plan is 10 magapolitans in the US/Canada and the elites plan to basically keep South America for their playground along with the South pacific islands


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