It is true the planet earth is overpopulated now.
You have human beings who are Christ conscious beings and then you have beings that look like humans but are like none benelovent aliens who are causing harm to planet earth, causing harm to other living beings and consciousness near to zombies these beings need to be put in rehabilitation centres where they either shape up or ship out.
Everything should be in moderation ...not to much and not to Little.
Firstly humans should have a balanced population say one boy and one girl each and not breed like rabbits who also need to act sensibly.
We would not be overpopulated now if all humans just had one boy and one girl.
The Georgian Guidestones first commandment is
The Laws Of Manu state that sex on even nights would produce boys and sex on odd nights would produce girls.
Laws of Manu @
Earth is over populated and the solution is firstly allow one girl one boy per couple. Secondly there are beings that look like humans but are harming mother earth, harming other living entities and refusing to evolve by not having a spiritual life...these beings must be put in rehabitalitation centres where they learn to give up their bad addictions ...In other words they either shape up or ship out.
Meat eaters, alcohol consumers, smokers and drug eaters need shape up or ship out of planet earth.