Portals that open at the time of ascension Q & A

Here is a portion of a personal reading recently made on September 3rd by Cosmic Awareness for an individual who has requested that his name be withheld. He has generously given his permission for us to post this message on our website.

Many thanks to Mr Anonymous, Valeri and Raomer for making this transcript possible.
Questioner : Thank you. I will go straight to the first question that was sent in and I will read it out, by Mr Anonymous.

"Do we need to be careful about walking through certain portals that open at the time of ascension due to the possibility that some of these portals may not be in our best interest, such as them leading to a Draco, Orion or Reptilian world ? And aside from those malevolent off-world possibilities, how can we know whether a particular portal goes to Earth A, Earth A/B or Earth B?"

And that is the first part of the question.

CA: The answer to this has nothing to do with stepping through portals, but has everything to do with one's energies and vibrations and the stage those individuals or an individual may have reached.

For example, the portals will not be available for any and all entities that have been working against the common good of humanity. For any and all of those elites, those who have been in charge and in power. For their energies and their vibrations would not allow them to pass through a portal or vortex. It is as if a screening takes place and only those of a certain vibration will be allowed to go through, it will be as if the door is simply closed to them, and they already know this. This is why their plans have never been centered around escaping the chaos by simply passing through a portal or being taken onto a Galactic Federation ship, because they are already aware they cannot do so.

The question regarding portals that lead to Planet B or Draco or any other Orion-Reptilian orientated planet or system is not relevant here. For if they did exist, those who are of the elite would most certainly be first in line, using their own security forces to keep others away. Therefore the likelihood of inadvertently walking through a portal that leads to one of the planets in the Draconian system or in the Orion Belt is rather limited, indeed this Awareness would even say nonexistent.

That those who are ready to ascend will do so because they have reached a place of their own spiritual growth and development that has heightened their vibration, that then becomes a match for the energies of the portals they may be using, and not all will use portals as this Awareness mentioned a moment ago. There will be those entities who will be taken on board the ships of the Galactic Federation and simply removed off-planet during the time of greatest transition. These would be particularly entities who are in regions that will be very strongly affected by the Earth changes.

Therefore, there will not be any possibility, as this Awareness sees it and describes it, for inadvertently going through the wrong portal. That the energies of those who are ready to ascend through the mechanism of going through an inter-dimensional portal will be geared to those portals, and only those who are geared to a portal whose vibrations are of the high enough levels and in resonance with the portals will actually pass through, either ascending completely into fifth dimensionality and occupying the space that will be Mother Earth, Planet A, or going through the upheavals of the planet and surviving them and finding that they are on the Planet A/B, that is spoken of.

It is not seen that there are portals for Planet A/B or Planet B. Those who will be going into Planet A/B will simply be those whose reality timeline has brought them there through the act of surviving whatever upheavals they have encountered. It is as if they are riding on the back of Mother Earth at the time of her transition and thus they will proceed with the planet into the new planetary form that this Awareness has called the new harmonious Planet A/B.

As for those who will not do the transition in this manner nor are qualified to pass through the portals, they will find themselves on the shell of that planetary form that has been left behind, and they will not emerge into the Planet A/B scenario where they can carry on their wicked ways. They will find themselves on a very harsh planetary shell, the planetary shell of the current Planet A/B, and this is that which will be Planet B. They will be free to carry on their doctrine of oppression and tyranny, of dictatorship and control and enslavement. They will have with them those who have chosen to have this experience, some will be those who have served them well and who are totally subscribers to the current energetics on this planet, the current paradigm.

That those who do not pass through the vortexes, do not go to Planet A/B will find themselves on a harsh planet indeed where struggle and survival are the most pressing matter, and that those who have been in charge here, those who this Awareness has often called the Powers that Be or the elite, may find themselves in charge of very little, for those who have survived may not wish to serve such masters. But again, this would be their unique timeline, for it is seen already by this Awareness there will be timelines on Planet B where those who are in power will continue to be in power and have a few who they have allowed to survive with them to serve as their servants and slaves.

Others may have timelines in the Planet B scenario where they are those who are called "survivalists", surviving by their skills, for they are rabid to have such an experience, to be able to prove to the world that they were right and that they were able to survive the upheaval and chaos that is coming down. But again, this is a timeline for certain individuals, that they wish to experience. Then there are those in Planet B who will survive the transition period and yet find themselves in such stark situations, such a stark environment that their likelihood to survive any length of time is minimal. They will simply die out on the shell of Mother Earth, the former Planet A/B, and that will be the end of their experience.

However, as you can see, there are three distinct ways forward and very little likelihood that those who are not in a vibrational attitude that is great enough to ascend will ascend via portals or vortexes. Therefore this Awareness says there is little to fear on this matter of entering a false portal and being transported to the Draconian or Orion systems, or even to Planet B - this too will be more of that variety as explained already, where they simply will survive the cataclysm, the upheaval and see themselves, find themselves on that which this Awareness would call the Planet B scenario. Is this clear?

Questioner: Thank you. This was very clear and coherent. I will just read out the rest of the question which you have already covered in some ways. But I'll read it out. It goes on to say:

"Also, will malevolent space ships still be present, such that we might need to be cautious about boarding any ships whatsoever, or will this whole transportation process of moving us, humanity, those ready to ascend to our appropriate destinations be so automatic that we need not give it any thought or concern when the time comes?"

CA: In response to this question, the first answer to the first part,is that those that are the malevolent ships will be those that belong to the Orions and Reptilians and the Zetas and a few more of this faction, that they will only beam those whose vibrations are coherent to their own, that are able to be accessed and analyzed to see if they would produce proper slaves or not. Their purpose would not be so much to save those that were beamed up, but rather to capture certain ones who will fit their purpose as slaves to them in the new reality that they are heading towards. Most will not ever be beamed up for a): there is not enough space for most humans and they do not have that compassion where they would try to remove as many humans from the planets upheaval as possible. They will simply let them suffer and die.

As to the Galactic Federational ships, that those who go aboard these ships will be those Star Beings who have come onto this planet in advance, who have been born on this planet, and who have the deep connections due to their backgrounds that will qualify them to be beamed up on the Galactic Federation forces' ships. Again, this is not a concern for those who have not the intent, desire or the vibrational signature of a Galactic Federation star ship being to worry about.

The majority will simply go through their experiences of the chaos and upheaval and either survive and go forward onto the Planet A/B scenario, if their energies and consciousness is of a high enough nature, or go onto the shell, remain in that energy of Planet B that will remain, neither being beamed up but going through the natural chaos, transitional period, surviving this one way or another and winding up on the version of Planet Earth they wind up on. This is the answer to this question. One simply needs not worry about this matter either.

Questioner: Thank you. To clarify one point: he asked if there might be, if there is a need to be cautious about boarding the malevolent ships, and so, does that mean that if one is cautious about boarding any ships and has discernment already, as is presented in this question by the person, then these kind of malevolent ships will simply not even try to pick this person up, and thus there is no worry about these kind of people be picked up because they are being cautious to begin with ?

CA: Discernment and caution are always advised, but in this case, if one has come into this planetary system to have an existence on the planet, they bring with them their background, if you will, of other lifetimes and their involvements with the extraterrestrial beings known as the Reptilians and the Orions, and that they will only pick up those whose signature corresponds to those they have agreements with, soul agreements if you will, from past lives, where they engaged the Orions and the Reptilians as followers and servants. They will be picked up irregardless of caution, for they have already committed themselves to have this soul experience. There is that qualification, that if one understands the background of their soul and has done sufficient work to release the energies around these lifetimes, that they, the Aliens, the Orion-Reptilians no longer have claim on them, that is when caution and discernment would be crucial and critical in this event.

That because of the high levels of technology available to the Orions and the Reptilians and the Greys, that they can quite literally pick one up who has been implanted, who has an energetic signature that shows that they are still in active participation with those types, and that they can be beamed up no matter where they are. That this is why, in some ways, the only real defense is to make certain that you have cleared your past, that you have opened up to the Divine forces, especially the High Self, and ask to be shown what is still needed to be cleared, ask for Divine protection, the protection of the Light. If the efforts of the individual are sufficient enough and he/she has earned this, then protection will be provided and those who are the Alien masters will not be able to beam those individuals aboard.

If this is being cautious then this Awareness fully endorses such caution, such work and movement to clear the past and to go to the highest levels of spiritual attunement possible in order to prevent any malicious transportations of their being up into a malevolent space ship. Is this clear?

Questioner: Yes it is. Thank you, this covers everything about this question. I'll move on to the next question which is a little bit connected to this, but a new topic, and I'll proceed now:

"Can you speak about the Zeta faction that bills itself as "The people/One people" and is represented by a human who calls himself 'ST in BG', which stands for 'Star Traveler in Bowling Green', and that's Bowling Green in Ohio state. Will these self-serving extraterrestrials really be able to harvest people at the time of ascension, particularly those whom they have conned through a seven-year-old Internet thread/forum into believing that they are benevolent actually?"

CA: That this Awareness has just identified the Zeta Reticulans' as one of the groups involved with the Orion-Reptilian faction. They are the leading extraterrestrial group, outside of the Reptilians, who serve the Orions in that which is the Orion-Reptilian faction. There are others, but they in particular have been doing the bidding of their Reptilian-Orion masters all along. It seems rather obvious to this Awareness that any and all rhetoric coming through a source that proclaims itself as the Zeta source is to be mistrusted, not to be taken fully as a truthful and evangelical source of information. It is hardly evangelical, it is hardly truthful. But it has used the truth to ensnare many, and by presenting itself in the manner it has many certainly have fallen prey to this misinformation. It is worse than misinformation, it is misguidance.

So that those who have had desire to move forward in this time and to find the Utopias that they have been seeking, have indeed very much been taken into the web of conspiracy that these ones are weaving. And it is with truth that they indeed create the web and many are drawn to truthful statements, only to find that when they land on the web of the website, the strands of the website, the information provided, they become ensnared and because they are not willing to question deeper, and simply enjoy the fantasies that are presented to them and call them truth does not make it so, nor does it mean that this Awareness would ever recommend that people take this site as God-sent and that it has the high Divine truth in it. It has truth, but as this Awareness has so often directed and pointed out, that one must be careful of this truth, one must always question it and see where it leads, also see who is served to have followers to this site. One can easily go to the site with this level of discernment and see through the plot, but most do not have discernment nor do they have common sense, and they are seeking the fantasy Utopia that is promised and they are not questioning, they are not reviewing the information, they are not diligent in their caution in this matter and jump with both feet straight into the snare.

In the end, from that which is the higher Divine perspective, this Awareness would say that these individuals still have to have such experiences, that it is their soul requirement to be mislead, although they are also given free will and choice to make other choices and to query all that is presented. But if in the end they choose to follow these writings, this information, then there is an experience at the end of it that their soul still needs. Therefore even though this Awareness warns against this site and very strongly says it is a site of misguidance and misinformation, a web to ensnare those who come into its grasp, It still says each and every individual has the right to have this experience. That this completes this answer.

Questioner: Thank you Cosmic Awareness. This covers this very nicely, thank you. I'll move on to the next question:

"At the actual moment of the ascension of Gaia, what process and/or events will occur, and will they be perceptible to us, or will we be in a type of suspended animation for our protection?"

CA: It is not seen that there will be a type of suspended animation. It is seen that there will be very many versions of experiences, some who virtually feel nothing but realize that the world has changed and that which was once so is no longer so, and that those who have changed in this manner will find a relatively easy transition, but this will mark but a very small handful, in a manner of speaking. That most will find that they go through such upheaval events as Earth changes, as the falling of governments, as the collapse of the economic systems, and there will follow for many a period of time of adjustment, where the old which no longer serves is replaced by new models. There are those who will be available, Avatars and Galactic beings, who will help the transition, who will introduce new energy sources, a new economic system, who will be available. Some will experience these as direct interventions.

The majority who go on to the new harmonious Planet A/B may not actually experience the Galactic intervention, for them they may be the ones who, in their reality of that which they are experiencing, simply find that things have changed and there is a new order, things are not what they once were. There is no suspended animation, but there may be that which this Awareness could call selective amnesia to what once was, so that it is very acceptable to these individuals who have gone through these transitions and found themselves on the Planet A/B scenario, to simply think that everything is okay, forgetting what they have gone through.

One could say it would be a type of suspended animation, whereby one awakens and one is in a new place, never realizing that they have arrived in this new place, simply thinking it is continuity to that which was their former experience. They will see that things are different but because of this selective amnesia, this new mindset, they will simply accept it as so, not ask many questions and proceed with their dualistic lives in a new reality that no longer is controlled and manipulated by those of power in the dark, but one where that which is the balanced approach of light and dark becomes the new norm and they will create their lives accordingly.

Therefore it is simply not seen that there will be a form of suspended animation for those going through the natural unfolding of events. They will simply be there as Mother Earth starts her new path and those who are in relative harmony, vibrationally and consciously, at a level of consciousness that can take part of this, will continue their lives as such. They will have gone through whatever experiences to get there, but they will be forgotten, and they will simply pick up the threads. For them they may realize there has been the collapse of the economies, the falling of governments, but a new order will so easily replace it that they will carry on.

It is on Planet A that the Avatars will make themselves known to those who have just gotten across the border, so to speak, where the Galactic Federational types will come forth openly and those who have indeed ascended, even if it is at the lowest level of Planet A, will be much more actively guided and shown the higher realms of consciousness by beings who have reached those levels, even those ascended humans who recently ascended into the higher realms of consciousness at the Planet A levels. But this is a different scenario than those who will simply ride through the upheavals and come out on the other side in that state of amnesia and forgetfulness that this Awareness has described.

For those who will go to Planet B, they will very much remember the cataclysms and the Earth destruction, the wiping out of governments and economies. But as this Awareness has already explained, many of the survivalists are looking forward to this, that is the point of their whole existence and they have yearned for it. For them, they do not wish to replace the old economies and the old governments, for they will create their own, based on the might of the individual and his or her power to take what is needed and to survive. This too is a different scenario than Planet A/B's transition and those who occupy the surface of Planet A/B as it settles into that new paradigm of belief it will present. Is this clear?

Questioner: This is clear. This is understood, thank you. There is one final question that Mr Anonymous was wondering to ask, but then thought this may have been already answered in the past. But I will still, just in case, ask this question which was initially raised by him, and that is:

"Is ascension of Gaia herself and a big part of humanity along with it to the fifth dimension, to Planet A, and also parallel to that, another portion of humanity to Planet A/B and the rest to either Planet B or through the death experience back to spirit, will this moment of ascension for Gaia and humanity, is this scheduled to occur on December 21st, as is seen by this Awareness, or is there still...or can it happen a few days before or after or perhaps even a few weeks after that date ? Or is the date December 21st more so a firm date now than it has been seen in the past by this Awareness ?"

CA: Let this Awareness be very clear yet again. December 21st is the completion of the ascension process, but it does not mean that all is done. That many will find themselves in ascension type scenarios before the 21st, but it is on the 21st that the major energies of Spirit will descend onto this planet. It will be the last push, if you will, to extract Mother Earth, Gaia, from her old form, the last energetic that will be of a nature that will indeed compliment this shift of consciousness that Mother Earth Gaia will be going through. And therefore for many it will be the final day, for there are seen to be events that could happen on that day for those whose timelines intersect on that day, which, again, is the majority, that will be so final and complete that their sojourn on the planet will come to an end at that time. However, again, as this Awareness has often said, it does not mean that the door is so shut that no one else can ascend afterwards or that there is not a period of time where adjustments are taking place.

It is like the sinking of a ship by a torpedo. That in that instant of explosion, those who are closest to where the torpedo hit will probably be most affected instantly, but those who are further away may indeed not experience the trauma of those who were closest to the impact point, yet still go through the trauma of a ship starting to sink. It may take several hours for that ship to sink and those who have survived the initial explosion may well move to other parts of the ship first and then abandon the ship, and it may well take several hours to complete that instantaneous moment of destruction when the torpedo still hit.

In some ways this is an example of how when the initial events occur on the 21st, events that are being built up to, for there will be other Earth events before this major event happens, that many will start to move in other directions, they will start to open up their consciousness. For some it will take that moment of explosion for them to realize something is happening and they can still move forward and access the situation and make appropriate response. Some will still be trapped in the hull of the ship, some will be injured so badly that even though they survived the first impact of the explosion, will still die before the ship sinks, and others will finally make their way off ship, jumping overboard perhaps, lowering life boats. That there are many who will move forward, go through this moment of extreme action, that they will still undergo the event but it will take hours, even days afterwards for them to be clear of it.

Therefore when such an event as the transition of the consciousness of a planet occurs it is most certainly far more extreme than a ship being torpedoed, but the example nonetheless suffices to show that the energies of survival for some and adjustment for others will still carry out after the event occurs and it may be a longer period of time, not even several weeks but several months for things to settle down.

Those who have chosen, because it has been their souls intent to ascend, will ascend finally at that time, those who have remained to experience the final event, and even though they may be in areas of conflict and upheaval, that they will ascend in their own way either through their inner portals, their outer portals, through a rescue of the Galactic Federation types or in other ways not yet described, but this more or less describes all of the means by which individuals will ascend. That finally this Awareness says that in the end one is not to focus on the 21st, for if one does create their reality in a way that is high enough and sufficient to create the timeline where they will not experience it in full force, then even though events around them occur, that they may simply move forward at that time. Is this clear ?

Questioner: Yes, it is clear. Perhaps I may follow this up by phrasing the question more specifically. Perhaps this is what Anonymous wanted to know, and I'm interested to know as well. Will those people who specifically for themselves and their own journeys of personal ascension and growth...if they energize that period of December 21, give or take a day or two, that time frame in particular, if they have energized that as their departure into the fifth dimension with their own personal ascension during that timeframe...will those people experience this ascension, either through inner portals or other means and methods that will be available, but will that time frame be true for them, for those people who have known about this date and who have energized this date, who have prepared themselves to cleanse themselves and be prepared by that time frame for themselves ? Will that be an accurate time frame to ascend for those people?

CA: This Awareness cannot answer that question, for you are asking for a blanket answer, a blanket statement, and each individual will reach that point in their own way and have the experience relevant to their soul, necessary for their continued growth and development. Most certainly many who have such an understanding and a focus, who have been preparing themselves, working for this, knowing that this event will come, will energize it to the degree that they will indeed experience it.

But there will be many who fantasize about this event but have not done the proper soul preparation, have not prepared themselves or their consciousness, nor have they even earned the right to ascend. Simply stating one is going to ascend, "I am going to ascend on the 21st" does not make it so. The soul has a much deeper level of recognition of those who are ready to have this experience of ascension and none will have it who are not ready, who have not done the work, who have not done the preparation. It is simply so. That those who have prepared and know within themselves and have energized this event and have completed it, may indeed experience the events of the 21st in the way that you have outlined them.

But others may think they have done so and yet, in truth, have not done so, and they may indeed expect to ascend on that day and indeed may not ascend on that day and will have a tremendous shock of realization when it has not occurred for them. For so intent on that moment are they, that they have actually foregone their spiritual growth and development, simply thinking it their right to have this experience without putting any effort into it, without working towards it. And this work incidentally does not simply mean the work of this lifetime, but of the many lifetimes one has spent on this planet in many lives of suffering and service and spiritual growth, the many, many thousands of lives to bring one to this point. It is simply not that one can conveniently decide that they will have this experience on the 21st and it will be so. If they have done sufficient work and they are attuned to the energies and these energies have been guiding energies, preparing them for this moment and they are in harmony with this and they are in alignment and resonance with this and in resonance with this, knowing from the depth of their being through their inner portals these energies are coming, these energies are indeed completing, then they will more than likely have that experience in the most positive way. But those who simply have not done the work and simply think they should be able to have this experience because someone told them about it and they thought it would be their right to have it without such work on all levels, will be most disappointed on the day. Is this clear?

Questioner: It is clear. My question was considering that one has done the inner work that is necessary for ascension to occur in the first place, but you have outlined and explained that ... [Awareness interrupting]

CA: But this Awareness will still add, that even if the work has been done, the soul has greater knowledge of what the truth is and even if an individual in their ego thinks they have done tremendous work and are ready, the ego is a very deceiving aspect of the personality, and one may think they have done sufficient work but the High Self and the soul will know whether this is the truth or not, and therefore even those who think they have done sufficient work may still be disappointed on the day when they thought they would ascend and nothing happened, or at least they did not ascend in the way they thought they would.

Bear in mind that Planet A/B of that which is the higher resonance will be a place for rapid growth and development for those who are disappointed on the day. But if those who expect to pass over because it is an ego issue, that they think they have done what is sufficient and there are many, indeed, who think, because the ego so directs them to think in this way, that they are ready, who will be most disappointed on the day. They may think they will not even experience any of the upheaval and find themselves in the middle of it. Thinking that they had created the opportunity to bypass all of the events, not realizing that the soul demands these events for their growth and development, and if in their ego state they stay petulant and upset because it should not be so, they thought they were ready, they were promised they would reach this place, then you can see that they will be issued a hard transit indeed, for their ego will demand that they ascend, but the soul will command that it is not so for they are not ready.

The soul, the High Self always has the greater wisdom on this matter and if the ego is given too much reign it will try to supersede the soul and the High Self, and as such it will create a situation of great disappointment, even of great depression, over this issue. It is an important thing to start to get a handle on at this time. One can energize this day, but one must always release to the Divine Will in the first place, and while one may want this, this is usually the ego speaking, one may energize this event, be cognitive of the significance of this day, and still give to the High Self, the Divine Self the permission, if you will, to be guided by it, to work with it, to be led by it, and to understand in the end it is not the ego that decides this matter but rather the soul.

Questioner: Understood. I initially did mean exactly what you said, that it is the soul that truly knows if the person has cleansed and gotten ready,rather than the ego. I phrased my question, I should have phrased my question in a more detailed way ...so that I meant exactly that ... [Awareness interrupting]

CA: The way that you phrased it was exactly correct, for it gave this Awareness a chance to address an issue that is of great importance, one that will challenge many who are coming from an ego state, thinking that they deserve ascension, never questioning, never looking, never doing the very work that this Awareness has described as absolutely necessary. Indeed this Awareness thanks you for this opportunity to put this information out and it is seen that this is information that is paramount to be released to the Cosmic Awareness Communication members and family and all others and that it will see that this is released. This Awareness asks your permission specifically to release this information.

Questioner: Absolutely. Absolutely, I would love this information also to reach as many of the membership and beyond as possible.

CA: It is of extreme importance to realize the ego is very opinionated in itself and of itself, and at this time, these last months, that the greatest work of all to be done is the examination of the ego of the Low Self, and to bring it into harmony with the Low Self and under the command of the Middle Self and supervision of the High Self.

You yourself most recently did (personal) work of this nature that is extremely beneficial. Indeed this Awareness would say to you the work that you did was a procedure that will help many, was indeed you going forward in a way that many would benefit from and therefore is why, on this occasion with your question the opportunity to address this matter further and to share this with others. It is the most important work indeed at this time, to get the ego under control and to understand as Divine Beings one must give over to the Divine energies of one's own soul and seek its guidance and participation in the journey that lies ahead.


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