Calming the Predictable Storm
Posted by Steve Beckow on March 30, 2013 / Comments Off
Category: Uncategorized
The Scream 321When Disclosure occurs, it’s quite possible that we’ll see a social response repeated over and over again that I’d like to direct your attention to, if you’ll permit me.
When people see something new, those people with a history of traumatizing events (abductions, sexual assault, military service, torture, imprisonment, etc.) will probably respond on a scale ranging from wariness to panic.
Those people with no such history, who’ve merely been shocked, swindled, cheated, etc., may respond positively for a while but the moment something happens that triggers their wariness, they may shift from positive to oppositional.
I believe we operate more as a herd than we might care to admit. When someone “screams” a headline, alleging criminality or a lack of integrity, we – even lightworkers – often jump on board, get very riled and demand action. We seldom take the time to look into the matter.
That’s what makes stories so successful like the recent spoof that said that Jamie Dimon quit. Many people seem unwilling to take the time to see if a story is accurate and I think the satirists rely on that.
In my opinion, the galactics have gone out of their way to do nothing that would “spook” or rile us. They’ve observed the tenets of freewill rigorously, more rigorously than often fits our understanding or meets our liking. They’ve observed the other natural laws.
If in doubt, they don’t go ahead with a plan. And they seek the counsel of the highest orders of beings before taking any major action. Of course on their planes of life, it doesn’t take time to consult the higher councils. Communication is instantaneous.
They’ve seen to it that everyone we interact with is human by a mammalian line of descent. No strange faces here, although they do exist and even in the Galactic Federation (why would they not?). (2)
They’ve served us selflessly and continuously, drawing radioactive elements out of the air, chemtrail constituents, pollutants, etc. They’ve mitigated earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes, allowing Gaia to release negativity but with the least harm and countering Illuminati attempts to cause severe weather events to panic and harm us.
When was the last time you heard there was an earthquake? It’s no accident that you haven’t.
They’ve even brought gold and other precious materials from other planets to augment our reserves in preparation for the change of economic structure.
They’ve counselled us week after week via the Internet on the need for balance, equanimity, equality, love and the other divine qualities.
They’ve beamed transformative energy to this planet, raising our frequencies and introducing more happiness and joy into our lives than we’ve ever had.
They’re our mentors and it is they who are engineering the planetary shift in consciousness.
But we have very short memories and the first accident, the first event that makes too loud a noise or frightens someone, could wake our latent fears and send the human population into a tailspin.
The antidote to this, in my view, is other humans – like us – who remain sane and calm while the rest of the world is upset. We can state the case for what’s happening and for the essential goodness of our galactic family.
For us to do that, we have to reach the point of trusting the galactics, if we’re not there yet, of knowing the history of their interaction with us, of knowing what they’ve done for us, etc.
We have to settle the matter of trust within ourselves so that we too are not impacted by the first thing that goes wrong. But “settling” the matter of trust is not a case of, ‘Well, I trust them at this moment but I won’t trust them if they screw up.” That isn’t trust. Trust is what sustains us exactly at the times when it looks like people screwed up. Faith is what allows us to bridge the gaps.
Of all the divine qualities, trust and faith are those that are designed to see us through uncertainty, absence, failed efforts, etc. Our trust has to be unshakeable if we’re to anchor the situation for the rest of the world when the galactics show up. I’m not sure if we’re aware of that.
Part of what being an individual is in our 3D world is to suddenly take exception to something. We say, “No, I don’t agree with that” and congratulate ourselves on being an individual, our own man, strong and courageous. But in this instance, it’s humility and commitment that’ll be required. We’ll need to pass by the occasions on which it would be comfortable to be one of the herd. We’ll have to stand out from the herd and say “The galactics aren’t here to harm us. They’re here to help us.” That could be quite challenging for many of us.
Here I am saying these things and yet I’ll have as much trouble as anyone else in living up to them. But I’m determined to do so. I’m determined not to lose my way under any circumstances – not for sex, not for money, not for power, and not for comfort.
As far as I can see, if we’re to serve as lightworkers, we’ll have to make the shift at some point from being merely consumers of the galactics’ beneficence to being representatives of Earth and the galactics’ goodwill ambassadors, willing to speak to the human population from a standpoint of maturity, balance, and love on the subject of our star brothers and sisters.
We have to have let go of the drama in our lives and accustom ourselves to living in the middle, the center, the heart where balance and equanimity exist. That alone makes us useful. If we lapse into drama ourselves, we’ll have to be tended to rather than tending to others.
So far I think we may have been mainly observers. We may be sitting back and watching things develop or unfold. But it’ll fall to us, soon enough, to play an active role.
So we need to know the history of First Contact, of the fall of the cabal, and of Ascension. (All of that can be read in the articles in the righthand column: see the “Library.”)
My dawning awareness (1) (as opposed to yours) is telling me that we need to understand how upsets work so as to stay out of them ourselves, to source (or complete) them when they arise, and to help other people with theirs. Although I write on the subject, that doesn’t mean that I’m not captured by my own upsets too. I have to struggle, along with everyone else.
Let me leave those other topics for another time but just say here that we lightworkers and starseeds will most likely be pivotal in ensuring that the overall population remains calm because people will look to whoever the calm voice is to hear a reasoned and helpful explanation of what in the world (or off it) is going on – and that is you and me.
(1) “Dawning awareness” refers to the insights, promptings and other forms of knowledge that show up in the mind, probably coming from our guides, Higher Self, etc,. and representing either new learnings or else remembrances that prove useful to the subject at hand or what needs to be learned at this moment.
(2) It would be chauvinistic and inaccurate to think that the only good and decent beings in the universe are those humans who look like us. Many, while human, have descended from reptilian, bird, insect, and other lines. They wear the Adam Kadmon body but they have some features that don’t look like us. But they, if they are higher dimensional, will be every bit as good and decent as us, and in many cases more so.