Post Script

It was my intention to leave this site on a positive note.

However, after due consideration I have come to realize that I would not be doing myself , or the members of this site who are truly seeking a path of spiritual enlightenment justice by wimping out.

And so I have decided to stay true to this truth .

Truth is Love.

I AM a big boy.

I have been playing the spirituality game long enough to know what a what is.

II do not require validation for what I say or think from anyone.

I AM happy to field any argument, or criticism against me. And if you can prove your point, I will say thank you very much for helping make my universe a little larger.

Because that is why we choose a spiritual path. To travel the infinite corners of the infinite inner and outer universe so that we may one day hopefully prove to ourselves that we are all one. And the one exists inside of us.

20 years ago, I had an epiphany. That I have no self esteem when it comes to having an opinion that I can confidently present to anyone else. Asking a stranger for the time was, a struggle. As was using the word no.

A few years prior I'd become involved in taoist energetic practices and soon  came to the realization that enlightenment is a real possibility in this lifetime, It is, after all, Our most natural state of being. It is natural and instinctive to search for the creator. thus it must be possible to find Him.

And so I set 2 goals. One to be able to ask strangers for the time without having the words get stuck in my throat. The other to enlighten. Unbeknownst to me at the time was the goal of free speaking and heightened self esteem  would also become the primary driver in this search for God.

I have stayed true to this goal for 25 years. There has seldom been a time when I have not been doing something to further this goal. I wasn't trying to become the most knowlegable exponent of the esoteric world, I wasn't looking to create anything, Or be anyone. I enjoyed playing with energy, And I wanted to connect with my higher self.

There was a discussion on here recently about a man who went from near crippled to running in a year or so. Truly a testament to mans ability create and overcome with the power of will and spirit.

Keeping this in mind, If someone sets a goal and works at it diligently, (obsessively), for 25 years. Then takes a year out of life to make this goal the only priority in their life so that they may be able to take advantage of the light energies that will be arriving on the planet as per prophecy, Energies that are said to facilitate enlightenment. (breath). Do you think its beyond the realms of possibility that that may achieve this goal? A goal that is achievable by someone that rubs two sticks together if they give pure intent to enlighten by rubbing two sticks together?

I have made a serious claim. I have connected with my higher self. I have opened the door to the I AM presence. It is not however magic. Or special. or unique. It is a methodical process.And bearing in mind that is a light worker community, not one person asked the question of me. Not one person challenged the claim. Not one person had the guts to tell me that I AM full of crap. (I accept that I may be delusional. It comes with the territory). 

The most common response was to create trolling discussions. It was like sitting in a playground with the cool kids of the school ganging up  on some poor helpless kid because his family could only afford to give him a pudding bowl hair cut. 

Disappointing is the word that comes to mind.

Hypocrisy is the other word

Infantile is the other, other word.

Status quo is the other, other, other (x2) word.

We complain about organized religion. Yet they are united amongst themselves in their search for God. Even if it does mean that they go to war against each other on the battle field. They are fighting for what they believe in. 

We, the esoteric community, are proud of the fact that we are accepting of all paths.Because we understand that all paths lead to God . And in theory, it is a wonderful concept. It means that we can all walk down our individual paths, sharing ideas and stories that may or may not be applicable to anyone else. And it doesn't matter. because in spite of our differences we find common ground in the fact that we are all, searching for God.

In practice however, everyone has become a religion unto themselves. And the war that goes on between these one man religions is much more insidious than the wars on the battle field. We wage war on each others souls. By abusing. And mockery. And denigration. And unlike the soldiers on the battle field who are prepared to put their lives on the line for what they believe in, the war mongers of the esoteric community wage war like cowards from behind the safety of a computer screen.

And because of the amount of energy the light worker wields, their negative attitudes have a devastating impact on the vibrational frequency of the planet. You may not be the cabal. But your energies help keep them in power. And the earth isolated from its galactic family.

 So take a good look at yourself people. You give light workers a bad name.   Is it anyone wonder that the greater community mocks us as we mock them. And each other. 

Look inside yourselves and face your own fears before you suggest it to anyone else. Put your ego's, and your hypocrisies, in your top pocket and take advantage of the unifying agenda inherent in the new energies that are streaming onto the planet. we may be the ones we've been waiting for, but counts for nothing if we are still waiting for us.

As I said before, I don't need validation from anyone. Nor do school yard bullying bother me. I've heard it all before. It took 12 years of seemingly no results and ridicule before I was finally able to, for the first time in my life, stand up for myself. So I have faith. In the process. And in myself.

And now, a further 8 years down the track I can proclaim that I found the Love of God in me.

I AM that I AM. 

How about you.


To the souls on here that don't need to ask. That just understand, I Love you. God speed you down your paths.You're closer than you think.

pps.  I can also ask strangers for the time now. However I thought I'd get all zen so I bought a watch. 

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  • All I say is not to focus energy on war or fighting anything, that gives the problem energy because it's focussed on. Focus on the light, the good things on the bright side! Don't think of yourself as limitted or little, hiding, but casting your positive energy in a huge halo around you.

  • Big Up to ALL the Angels Jana...

    ( ( ( As Above ) ) )

    ( ( ( So Below ) ) )

  • Hey there Lori.

    I AM speaking about discovering the love of Gd.

    And the desire to share it.

    Bullies included.


  • Thank U for taking the time to share that,,, thankU thankU thankU

    MarQus  : )

    • I look forward to hearing you share your story when the door swings open for you Marquis.


  • Well stated brother Peter... most of what you've written certainly resonates. I would only add that concluding your post with: "I don't need validation from anyone. Nor do school yard bullying bother me"... just doesn't ring as honest as the issues you've chosen to focus on. This Community, like any other, is a reflection of the Energies we put into it. Nothing more, nothing less. Needing validation... or not wanting to be bullied aren't character defects... or signs of Spiritual weakness. They are signs of Spiritual Integrity... of Strength. A validation of what it means to own the process of Co-Creation. The notion that "everyone has become a religion unto themselves" simply represents a fading veil of the Illusion. A shadow of Fear. The borders of the so-called 'esoteric community' go well beyond the limitations of this projection. Widen your viewfinder. It's ALL happening right Now my friend... & I'm glad you've chosen to continue to share your Insight on ACC. ~TemetNosce247


    • Thank you stick.

      Just know that I didn't necessarily write this for my benefit.

      and I have shared this on a number of sites beyond this.

      where the above also applies.

      This site just happened to be the focus.

      Take care my friend.

      We are in a constant state of flux.

      • we are always learning how to do the job better.

        • Amen to that ;-)

  • 1 person/group/community/country/continent at a time a Kat.

    And let the momentum of Love the momentum of Love do the rest.

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