Poverty Affects Everyone

d6f4e6fc-7439-4b3b-a3a5-7a488ea43d6a.jpgWritten by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness, http://wesannac.com/2014/04/26/poverty-affects-everyone/

My friend Lucas runs a spiritual and alternative news blog and a radio show while trying to survive in this harsh, money driven world. He doesn’t ask for anything in return except donations from those who appreciate his work, and he has a great deal of trouble surviving because of it.

My friend Steve helped set up a charitable organization for people who are trying to change the planet for the better but have trouble paying rent, bills, sudden expenses, etc. and while I don’t know a whole lot about it, I’m pretty sure it’s overloaded with requests and the people running it are doing the best they can to help everyone who inquirers.

And they’ve been able to help a lot of people who needed it.

I know people who’ve been fired from great jobs for silly reasons and lost their homes over it. I know plenty of people who are just trying to survive but find themselves struggling at every turn to make ends meet, and seeing all of this makes me wonder where freedom and sovereignty have gone.

I recently wrote about poverty and, particularly, the existence of ghettos, and it goes without saying that financial warfare doesn’t just affect the people who the cabal considers ‘lower class’. Everyone’s trying to stay afloat, and plenty of seekers who don’t resonate with our current rate race are nevertheless forced to work their lives away just so they can have food, utilities, and a place to sleep.

If we want to be free and sovereign, this needs to change. Everyone should be entitled to the basic necessities, and nobody should have to go without so an ‘elite’ class can have more than they’ll ever need.

We’re here to help every person prosper, and to do so, it’s essential that we address poverty and the widespread damage it continues to cause to the mind, body, and spirit. It should go without saying that everyone’s intended to have what they need to survive, and with our efforts, nobody will have to wonder where their next source of money is coming from.

Money isn’t everything, but you wouldn’t know it on our planet.

Money is energy, but an occult force has diverted the flow of this energy to themselves and used it to keep the rest of society dependent on them. No more should we have to fear for our survival because of things like money, and in time, everyone will realize that it isn’t meant to be worshipped like it’s been.

Money is intended to be used in a peaceful, respectful manner, and it’s certainly meant to be shared. Everyone’s meant to have their own piece of the pie, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. It only takes someone who’s willing to think about the safety and wellbeing others instead of thinking solely about themselves.

Greed and selfishness have put us in the position we’re in, and it’s time for all of humanity to see that they have no place in the new world we’re building. The world we’re creating will be rooted in the idea of sharing the abundance every person will be blessed with, and poverty will cease to ravage our society or make the lives of so many well-meaning people so much more difficult.

The widespread poverty plaguing our planet is a clear sign that things are imbalanced, but what we do with this sign is entirely up to us. Most people are complacent to let others suffer without giving it a second thought, and this type of mentality needs to change if we want to build a new world.

Complacency in general will have to be eradicated and replaced with the passionate desire to speak up about issues that are close to our heart, and instead of letting complacency stop us from making the greatest changes we’re destined to make, I think we should actively welcome the challenges that come with making them.

Poverty continues to ravage the lives of far too many people who deserve an easier and more enjoyable existence, and for me, writing about this is the best way to raise awareness and motivate as many of you as possible to start taking action.

With the love of the open heart by our side, we’ll be able to make every bit of change we desire to, but if we don’t strive to make it, nothing will happen. If we don’t recognize and heal our social issues, of which poverty’s only one, and collectively seek a solution, the world will continue to churn on and the rising energy won’t affect us like we want it to.

We’re ready for a complete social transformation, but we still have some work to do to raise awareness and motivate everyone to embrace it. I’m ready to end poverty, and I’m sure a lot of you out there are ready too. The only question that remains, then, is why we continue to be inactive.

We have a job to do, so let’s get out there and do it with our open hearts by our side. Realizing that changes need made is the first step to making them, and as long as we continue to raise awareness of the manner in which the cabal keeps themselves above the rest of society with orchestrated poverty, more people will become aware and our collective force will grow.

We’ll grow to new and unexpected heights when we realize just how messed up this planet still is and commit ourselves to change, and I have a feeling that addressing and fixing things like poverty will bring us together like never before. Addressing poverty will require unity, and subsequently, it’ll bring us even closer. Isn’t that interesting?

Imagine what the world will be like when everyone’s able to get by and the greatest issues that have held us back, namely the rule of the cabal and our collective refusal to come together, have been solved by an awake, aware, and willing populace.

This utopian future starts with our realization that we have a lot of work to do, but by no means will this work have to be unenjoyable.

Quite the opposite – we’ll enjoy it more than we think because we’ll all work together. Everyone will play a role in making the changes that need made, and our strength will grow and grow until we’re in charge of this planet like we’ve always been meant to be.

This planet is in our hands – we simply have to realize it. We can address and fix poverty and everything else holding us back, because in truth, all we’re here to do is bring this reality back into alignment with the heavenly place we’re returning to. It’ll require a lot of effort, but we’re more than up for the task.

It’s time to reclaim our freedom from financial warfare and see that we are and have always been liberated. We’re completely capable of deciding our destiny, and as long as we realize this, we can get to work bringing humanity together and making sure nobody has to go without their essential needs again.

Wes Annac – Envisioning a world of unity and action.

I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.

The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.

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  • Hi folks, Hi wes, fully agree with this article.

    Another aspect of this, is mind control or social engineering, which was and is being used to keep people thinking certain ways and then of course making choices and actions based upon this programming.

    Even as we speak, i'm moving into my parents house with my wife and her consumer hoarding mentality is loading up this house with stuff she or no one will ever need, most of the stuff can't even be soled.

    And look at that, another idea, buy and sell, which is more mind control, instead of sharing freely, they program us to ask, what can you give or do for me, before they help you or give you anything.

    People are confused, they think what they want is what they need and in most cases, it is only conditioning to make them more dependent and easily enslaved.

    This in my opinion, is just one of the reasons, the native american indians were driven off the land they were using into reserves, because they thought a certain way and like a bird traveled light.

    They would never allow themselves to be pinned down to any one place and be controlled like americans have been programmed now.

    You see, poverty or lack of basic needs, needs a mental framework in most peoples minds for any of this to happen in the external world as you are pointing out to one degree or another.

    The core mental program is this, one has to pay in some way (conditional love) to live on the planet.

    And it doesn't really matter what form this conditional love takes, whether it be some form of money, tally stick, iou, promise to pay, gold, silver, beans, rocks or any other representation of this lack of trust, cooperation or love.

    Here is one aspect of this programming i am seeing as we speak, it seems many people believe we need money for our basic needs and i point out that we do not need money, we just need our basic needs and they are so confused and programmed, they look at me as if i'm a total nut, not mormal or from another planet.

    The big lie is so simple, yet so complicated it seems in many minds.

    The big lie has been forcibly fostered by these relative few beings (cabals) and people are blinded by complexity that these same cabals created, when the solution is super simple.

    Share freely your time, energy and stuff with unconditional love and we will all have our basic needs met forever more and then some.

    Though that is why they have created the systems around us and programmed our children from birth, to make them believe any other way is impossible.

    i hear it all the time, in many slightly varied forms and excuses, why sharing freely can't work or is impractical, blah, blah, blah.

    That is mind control talking combined with fear.

    Sharing freely with unconditional love is the only answer to meeting all of humanities basic needs, forever.

    peace love light

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