The Rainbow Warriors....old Native American Prophecy
Human kind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread in it.
When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who BY THEIR ACTIONS AND DEEDS SHALL MAKE EARTH GREEN AGAIN. They will be known as the WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW.....are you one of them as their time is well due...
Please watch the powerful video's below about THE RAINBOW WARRIORS.
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'Under the symbol of the rainbow, all of the races and all of the religions of the world would band together to spread the great wisdom of living in harmony with each other and with all the creations of the Earth. Those who taught this way would come to be known as "the rainbow warriors". Although they would be warriors, they would carry with them the spirits of the ancestors, they would carry the light of knowledge in their heads and love in their hearts, and they would do no harm to any other living thing. The legend said that after a great struggle, using only the force of peace, these rainbow warriors would finally bring an end to the destruction and desecration of Mother Earth and that peace and plenty would then reign through a long, joyous and peaceful Golden Age here on Mother Earth.'
This is what Ascension is all about and we can all play our part.
All glories to the Rainbow Warriors
it might of been good in their time but this is another time...move on.
You can read the Vedas online at
This site also has some great Spiritual Books on various religions available free to download online
The sky is clouding, the grass is fading,
People in anguish, the dark is rising.
The Earth She writhes beneath the claws
of the minds that are poisoned
Her children tossed on the waves
of cruel desire and corruption
It could be you, don't shrink away
from the need of the hour
Don't turn away from the hand
stretched in pain of your Mother.
Her name means freedom, Her body earthgreen,
Her blood clear water, her voice is birdsong.
The Earth cries out, can't you hear,
take your courage in hand now.m
Our deeds must speak of the love for all beings
waxing strong now
We can't allow the heartless ones
to destroy this great wonder
Slaughtering wales, felling trees,
with no thought for the future.
Here rule the demons, they love no creature,
Their words are poison, they weave dark futures.
Gather all ye who love the world
from distant lands beneath the tall sky
In visions past I have seen you awake the spirit moving
Gather all ye who love the world
from distant lands beneath the tall sky
In visions past I have seen you awake the spirit moving
And now the wind is shifting, the tide is turning,
The mist is rising, a rainbow forming
Rainbow warriors, the stars are calling
Rainbow warriors, the trees are falling
Rainbow warriors, the spirit dying,
Rainbow warriors, the world is crying out in pain.
And I shall never rest in peace till this cruel reign is ended
And all the children of the Earth shall be free,
Her wounds all mended.
Your time has come, make the Earth green again,
don't delay now.
Victory has been foreseen for the people who do.
Rainbow warriors, create new Eden,
Clear rain a'falling, blue sky unending,
Unfearful faces, starlight revealing,
Small creatures dancing, glad voices singing,
Free children playing with chains that are broken,
Rainbow warriors, the future lies within your hands.
The prophecy has a powerful resonant effect upon all of us awakening human beings. We see clearly the very signs for the fulfilment of its message.
The prophecy is very clear that it is not talking about a coming generation of American Indian people alone. People from all the distant lands beneath the tall sky are welcomed to pitch in. Every colour in the human rainbow family is fully invited to lend a hand.
Ininiwok/Cree: There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again.
Ininiwok/Cree: The Rainbow Warriors would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the "Earth or Elohi" beautiful again.
The ancestors said that... there would come a time when the Earth would become very sick. Because of this unrelenting greed of the new culture, the Earth would be filled with deadly liquids and metals, the air would be rendered foul with smoke and ash, and even the rains, which were intended to cleanse the Earth, would plummet in poison drops. Birds would fall from the sky, fish and would turn belly up in the waters and whole forests would begin to die.
Under the symbol of the rainbow, all of the races and all of the religions of the world would band together to spread the great wisdom of living in harmony with each other and with all the creations of the Earth. Those who taught this way would come to be known as "the rainbow warriors". Although they would be warriors, they would carry with them the spirits of the ancestors, they would carry the light of knowledge in their heads and love in their hearts, and they would do no harm to any other living thing. The legend said that after a great struggle, using only the force of peace, these rainbow warriors would finally bring an end to the destruction and desecration of Mother Earth and that peace and plenty would then reign through a long, joyous and peaceful golden age here on Mother Earth.'
Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council: Among the few who possess inner strength to resist the mass unconsciousness will rise a new neo-indigenous people. Prophecies foretell of a people who will rise from earth's ashes like the thunderbird, symbolizing rebirth. They will bring balance and harmony back to Mother Earth. The first of these beings will come as teachers and storytellers to remind us of ancient truths of the star people and beyond. They will be pathfinders leading the way to a new universe, a new reality.
Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council: Great leaders, Warriors and Shamans of many nations will be born and they will cleanse the earth for rebirth. Next will come the Planters sowing seeds of truth, justice and freedom. The Storytellers, Warriors and Planters will live in the way of the Great Spirit and teach ways to keep Mother of the Ground sacred forevermore. They will be called Rainbow Warriors for they will gather the four sacred directions, all distinctly separate but forever connected in the Circle of Life.
In this time of social and environmental degradation the Rainbow Warriors represent the forces destined to turn back the tide. With no central church or set of beliefs and no fixed religion or dogma it is prophecy open to all.
In fact few Rainbow Warriors even refer to themselves as such in conversation. Being a Rainbow Warrior is a truth best kept alive inside the heart. Amongst the Rainbow Warriors are people who may seem more correctly Buddhists, Hindus, Spiritualists, Christians, Alchemists, Pagans and myriad other spiritual seekers of every path imaginable. Though some spiritual beliefs may differ the cause at hand is one with them all.
So become a Rainbow Warrior and get more people to join in and then we are on our way to creating Heaven on Earth.
Those who live in the Mode of Goodness go to good places as their consiousness at the time of leaving the body will be good and they have a good chance to go to the Spiritual World while those in the mode of passion and ignorance will either reincarnate here having a body suited to their deeds or reincarnate in the hellish Planets.
The Rainbow Warriors have choosen to reincarnate here to help with ascension and we in turn should join them for creating Heaven on Earth.
And what of where your consciousness is situated throughout your whole life? Does a life of love not affect your future existence more than perhaps a moment of fear at death?
Ravinder Singh: Those who live in the Mode of Goodness go to good places as their consiousness at the time of leaving the body will be good and they have a good chance to go to the Spiritual World while those in the mode of passion and ignorance will either reincarnate here having a body suited to their deeds or reincarnate in the hellish Planets.
You make it seem as if people only live one of two ways...
Like one great Spititual Master said what is the problem why can't you get in the Mode of Goodness?...
Your real aim in life should be to go Back to Godhead and if you fail then you have really failed your life purpose and you are back into the rebirth cycle.
We have a great opportunity now by Divine Grace to Ascend so we would be foolish not to take this opportunity.
Become a Rainbow Warrior and help others to join in for Ascension 2012 and beyond.