Drake has called a full state of emergency and readiness.
Militia's are all on full alert!!!!
This is NOT...repeat NOT the Green light just yet.
This is the cabal's last gasp effort to try to take over and take our guns...please be prepared to stop that if need be. We will be posting VERY IMPORTANT UPDATES in the coming hours and days....please allow us to post by refraining from unrelated posts on the GV2012 page.
Was posted here on the global voice Radio Facebook page
We should be hearing this more tomorrow on Drakes Interview.
At this moment i would like to remind everyone to stay calm, Collected and observable to the many situations arising.
Interesting Orange C
I wonder if they have more on Breaking News on here?
Thay have to blame the Rushkies for something there plans have been ruined by Putin and china
So why not blame them for all the decrepit run down flooded nuke plants all over the states
I can just see the false flag now
It could be immense